I’ve lost my voice, my allergies are raging, I’m dead-dog tired,my brain is exploding, b u t
my heart is full! No, make that overflowing.
I’m still at Finishing School–it goes from 8 in the morning until past my bedtime. But even though the days are packed, I’m still left wanting more. This is good stuff. It’s Titus 2 (especially beginning at verse 4) being lived out in a way that speaks to the heart–older women investing themselves in the lives of younger women. These girlieQs are amazing. Kay’s and company’s finishing school is exceeding my expectations.
Because the things they’re sharing are based in God’s word, I’ve been convicted of many things related to my role as wife and mother. But the beautiful part is I’ve been totally esteemed as a woman at the same time. Being taught what a Godly wife/mother/woman looks like. I thought I knew, but it’s like once again, I’m seeing in technicolor what was formerly in black and white.
Adding even more fun? It’s my birthday. I’ve been celebrating since Tad & the kids first woke up this morning, and I’ve never stopped. The three “diva’s” sang to me (Kay, Emilie & Donna), the 160 or so women at the conference sang to me, Kay and her staff gave a dreadful serenade, my new friends gave me presents (wow), a not-so-new friend give me a “sisterhood” gift (a part of herself)…and I came home to lots of special snail mail and some fun emails. Not bad for a nondescript 40-something birthday. I most cherish knowing a memory was made today. I’m feelin’ “Youniquely Woman”…!
How on earth did I miss your birthday….hmmmmm….wasn’t i suppose to send you a card???? :)ops! I do luv ya……..mmmmmm….h a p p y b i r t h d a y!
happy happy birthday to you!
happy birthday March 30 last year.
You looked grand.
happy belated 😉
When & where can we find another such conference?
We HAVE to go