We did.
Clue #2. Am I being cryptic or completely obvious (I have no idea).
I think I’ll sweeten the “Reader Referral” prize…. I believe in “paybacks”. The good kind, not the bad kind (“revenge” is not in my vocabulary). In addition to whatever I listed as the prize the other day (I’m still not linking to old posts, go back and read Sunday’s), whoever sends the most new peeps to Pensieve will get some kind of sidebar lovin’. Ooooooooo, and chocolate. Yeah, chocolate! I think we’ll go with a pounder of M&Ms (representing all the colorful readers you send) or maybe Little Debbies or Moon Pies, since those are “grown” in the South. Winner can choose.
You have a day and a half left to go :). Rock on….!
Good Morning Robin. I am so far behind with my glob reading, I’ll never catch up. I have only a few minutes but just wanted to drop by to say hello. Will be back to read your posts that I’ve missed when we finally make it home in the next couple of days.
No time for the contests, but wanted to say I’m hoping you’re having a great time on your trip (Mississippi?)
Oh my. Chocolate is on the line here now?
You mean business. And I have PMS chocolate cravings.
my guess is you went to Sea World in San Diego..Is there a Sea World in San Diego?