With the stroke of a pen, he rocked the world….and the Church has been reeling (and dealing) ever since. In contemplation of Reformation Day…to call it a “holiday” just sounds ridiculous (for the record, I don’t understand more than I do, but I sure wish it was the other way around).
1. When our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, said “Repent”, He called for the entire life of believers to be one of repentance
62. The true treasure of the church is the Holy gospel of the glory and the grace of God.
The remainder of Luther’s 95 Theses.
I can’t believe you typed that whole thing.
just got back –
hope you get a watersview xray or something… to see if you have something messing with your “vertigo”
I say Discombobulated, too.
I’m going to make up a new word
You heard it here first folks.
Pam, I decided it was “too much” so I just included two of my “favorites” and a link to the rest :/. Figured my peeps might zzzzzzz out on me (lol).
I LOVE your new word! Glad you coined it “here”.
Welcome home, Sweets, hope you had a GREAT w/e.
Well that’s a whole bunch of stuff I’m supposed to know, but don’t. Just add it to my list of stuff Kelly needs to learn;)
And I love Pamela’s new WORD!!
I’ve never read these before (just looked briefly but I can tell that my favorite is #13)
My hubby was raised Catholic and he and I have a lot of debates over some of that stuff…there is a lot to be said for Martin Luther!!!
Oh – add to that #27
My husband posted these at his site too… good thinking!
Well, Robin my e-mail to your other address has bounced back! Don’t ever tell me I didn’t try. lol. I’ll give it a whirl to your first address one more time…
good word, Pamela!
I just re-read my student’s responses to Luther’s 95. They read & responded to all 95 (what can I say? They’re over-achievers)
Some very deep comments from teens!
One young man, an ESL student, wanted to know WHY he posted the “Disputation on the Power & Efficacy of Indulgences.” He did gobs of research & now has a fantastic research project (paper & documentary) he’s working on for the H.S. state history program.
Thanks for reminding us.
ok nothing deep here;)
I used to work at a Lutheran daycare.
Teachers were discussing this. And my Lutheran friend said
“So Martin Luther left the Catholic church and became a Lutheran”
😉 lol She didn’t realize Lutherans wern’t a church he left the Catholic church to go to;)
Me thinks she needs to brush up a little on her history eh?:)
Kelly, while your kids are in class, you can play student AND teacher :).
Karmyn, I bet there are some interesting “conversations” in your household…
E-mom, what is your hubby’s site? I’d love to visit! (if you don’t think I’m too insane…:/)
Wow, LCO, I’m impressed. Thanks for making a difference in the lives of kids! I can’t imagine processing Luther’s Theses in HS (let alone now….!).
Oh, Malissa…priceless!