The ever-lovable Swampwitch got to choose this week’s Marvelous Monday Meme (ok, so it’s supposed to be called "Fun Monday" but sue me, I like alliteration)(sometimes), and she’s asking participants to link to memorable archives. Her initial instructions read: "No Thinking. Share the post that IMMEDIATELY comes to your mind when asked, "What is the most significant, powerful post you have ever read?" It can be funny, sad, informative, quirky, a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g. It is the post that comes to your mind FIRST!" Apparently, narcissism was in high gear, because I read that as "the most powerful post you have WRITTEN." If you’ve been reading me for a while, you can guess which posts were the most significant for me to write because they dealt with extremely difficult circumstances (struggling with lack of affection for one of my children and my father’s losing battle with dementia).
THEN, I re-read her instructions and from the illumination of the new lightbulb in my brain, I am thrilled at her invitation to share the love with some posts we’ve enjoyed…other than our own;). Here are the ones that came to mind FIRST, it’s interesting? funny? to me the ones that did (please be sure to read the first post I link to if nothing else).
I fell in love with James’ writing (Visible Wear) in Gooberry Jam. This story was a beautiful telling of make-believe, I thought the characters were real people and James was talking about his own daughter. When I read another post or two, I was crushed to learn Lily and her dad were creatures of his imagination. His writing is diverse, but no doubt, he’s an artist…words come to life when he brushes them on the page.
Another story post that simultaneously popped into my mind is "Freckles and Blue" one of Real Life Preacher’s Foy Davis stories. He linked to "Freckles and Blue" in an extremely moving post about the death of a close friend of his and "had me at ‘Hello’". I thought this was beautiful:
Precious things pass quickly. Life and living
wrap themselves around you and hold you fast to the present. Years fly by, and
you find new friends and new ways of being. But the truth is, new friends are an
infinite possibility, but old friends are fixed in stone. There are only a few
of them, and no more will be added to their ranks. Some will be taken away.
Heather is an up-and-coming novelist, one day A LOT of people will be reading her. Because, obviously, stories were the posts popping like corn all over the caverns of my mind, her Untitled Short Story was right there with James’ and Gordon’s. She is smart, deeply spiritual and often writes right over my head, but that just challenges me to slow down and think about what she’s saying (like here and here). Savor Heather.
Then there’s Pamela. The woman inspires me. She has an eye for beauty in the simple and the extraordinary, and I guess I’ve been drawn to her in part for HER art of story. She has allowed us a glimpse of her family’s history, and although she’s doing that for her children and grands, we receive a treat. She’s also doggone funny and her wit and dry humor can give you just the boost you need. These are the posts that quickly popped in my head, but while I was looking for them, I got bogged down by reading her archives again (and discovered several GREAT stories I missed the first time around). Add her to your list of reads–you won’t be disappointed. "What’s your name?" and "The Runaway".
Can you believe how many posts popped into my head AT EXACTLY THE SAME TIME? I’m a CIRCUS FREAK! What is it if you’re more than ambidextrous?
A fair amount of people who comment here already read Willowtree. Several of you are newer readers of his, and if you haven’t read his Eye Doctor series, you need to. Riveting. The Aussie from the Bush has a thousand stories to tell and does so quite colorfully. I’ve got inside information that the next installment of his mining series is due this week, so read this oldie until then. It’s a non-fiction, near death account.
One last one I wanted to add because, although it’s old for her, it was new for me to read and "right there", popping with the other posts. Carol at She Lives wrote this a while back. Carol is ALWAYS a great read. She’s uber-cool (plays guitar and a member of a rock band) and she has a faith that is accessible and r e a l. She has a self-effacing manner and communicates her points well with both humor and clarity.
Please visit these other Marvelous Monday Maniacs for some additional recommendations for memorable posts (and as always, if you’d like to join the fun, send me your link and I’ll add you–because IT’S NEVER TOO LATE;):
Carra at Around the World in Beautiful Shoes
Tiggerlane the Neophyte Blogger
Erik the Electronic Butterfly aka: (Firefly)
Vicki at Living Life and Catching Light
Marnie Who Says It’s Not Your Fault
Dayna at It’s Just Too Crazy For You
Marlayna at It’s The Little Things
Ah, this was well worth refreshing TypePad over and over until it worked again for 😀
Gooberry Jam is one of my personal favorites too. And, as I recall, you weren’t the only reader who thought it was a true tale 🙂
I completely forgot about Pete’s eye doctor story! Riveting! How could I have forgotten?
thank you for sharing fun monday.wish I was able to link like everyone else but I havent found out how yet.God bless you
Hey! I like this meme. It spreads the linky love around and I’m all for that.
Oh, Robin! You gave me some linky love, too. The infamous 10 minute post. If it’s any consolation, I think the graphics too me 10 hours to do.
Thanks for your encouraging words, Friend!
I’ve read Visible Wear a few times and was very shocked that they weren’t true stories. (I always figure blogging is personal journaling – not story writing).
Susan, I know…his new readers need to see that one, huh?
Leann, welcome! We’ll help you learn how to link…it’s easy with a little help from your friends ;).
Carol, I thought you might like this one :). You were on a roll, girlie-Q, and as insane as some of your suggestions sounded, I’m afraid someone might’ve been taking notes.
Karmyn, ummm, you believe in zombies and giant talking grasshoppers? You been eating some of the same stuff as Buttercup???
Looks like we crossed links today!!! Thanks for your vote of approval.
I’ve read Visible Wear, too.
Now I need to check out your other choices
So much to read, so little time.
You and I picked the same Pamela post! Hee!
And I found out on her list that you and I posted similar things. I shoulda read yours first. I can’t believe I missed it!
Anyhoo, love your list!!
Whoa, with all this reading to do I’ll be stuck here for a week! Lots of new blogs for me to read, thanks for sharing Robin.
Fabulous picks, my friend!
so…the tag is for other people’s sites??? I am confused…
Robin brilliant links- started reading yesterday and came back today to finish. Now I have even more regular reads. This will soon become a fulltime job!!
I just read Pamela’s posts, she is such a wonderful writer. An artist in more ways than one I have told her. :O)
Pamela, 100% in agreement :/.
Mama Dramenians, thanks and right back atcha;).
Um, Claudia, I don’t quite get your question…. We were supposed to link to former memorable posts. Does that answer you (sorry it took me so long to reply).
Chris, I KNOW! That’s why I’m slow in gettin’ around myself!
MaryMert, yep, I agree w/you, too!
who has the next fun monday? Marnie had it last and then I lost track…
wahhhahhahah I’m left out.