Rachel: "Daaaa-ad……I need help with polynomials."
Tad: "I can promise you, I’m much better with polynomials at 6 in the morning than I am at 10 at night…"
Rachel: blink blink…indicating MUCH skepticism.
Me? Out loud, a HOOT of laughter, but in my mind it’s fingers in my ears, eyes squinched shut, sing-songing silently, "lalala, I can’t hear you" followed by white noise white noise, thanking God she has total disregard for my math skills…
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I thought about this after I posted earlier this morning: "Dirty Monkeys Smell Bad"
Does anyone know why?
It does NOT have a thing in the world to do with any of these guys :).
We have this conversation at our house too. Husband will be gone for three days next week and I’m dreading the math homework!
I vaguely remember that term…something to do with polynesian math, right?
One of these days I expect I’ll have little rugrats of my own, and being a programmer as I am I expect they’ll figure me to be rich with math knowledge. They’re going to be disappointed…
AWWWWW….you tell Rachel that I’ll help her with her polynomials…or quadratic equations…or differential equations. And I’ll whip us up a batch of waffles, too!
Sorry. I love math almost as much as I love coffee. Speaking of coffee, this was on Min’s post at mamadrama today:
It’s a coffee cup! I knew you would appreciate it 😉
I’m lost!
Chili, I’ll send the Advil, and apparently Susan in Va, too;).
Claudia, n i c e!
James, distract them with your literary prowess…!
Suuusaaaaaaaaan, well…I’m glad to know there’s a least one point we differ on. And THANKS for the cuppa joe–yes, I appreciate, yes, I will use it!
Beccy, welcome to the club.
Never mind polynomials, I could barely help my grade 5 daughter with simple multiplication the other day. She’d learned a different system than I had, and of course she assumed mine was the WRONG way.
Oh dear me and maths a lost cause I’m afraid I’m so glad to be past the helping chn stage, Beccy and Sam will tell you how hopeless I was.
Part of my job as scientist wife is to proof Matthew’s papers prior to submission for publication. I had just enough college calculus to spot errors in syntax of his ginormous equations, but I don’t understand them. At all.
Someday that will be Bethany’s job!
Why is everyone blah-blahing about math when the world’s best band is smiling at them?!?
How much do you want for that Monkees poster?
I had that Monkees album for years, I just checked to see if I still had it but I guess I threw it out when I became cool.
James, I’m a programmer too, and I’m hopeless at maths.
Ok…I had to go look that up and I found this long article blahblahing…the best thing I found regarding Dirty Monkeys??? “Such connections will never form a useful network of ideas or develop into understanding.”hahahaha!
I have a heck of a time with my 2nd grader’s math, LOL. Very different methods than we used. But I think I’m finally learning math, right along with him. Thank God for kids.
Howdy stranger, it is nice to meet you. Thanks for ALL the words of encouragement!! Reason # 979 why I love blogging.(As if I needed one)
so I linked. I got the smooth functions part. I think that was a jazz group back in the sixties.
why do dirty monkeys smell bad????
does it have anything to do with smooth functions?
Heather…stupid “new” math :/.
Chris, it’s their turn now ;).
Poor Bethany, what a lot in life she’s been dealt :/. Don’t we have children so we can have little people at our beck and call???
Erin…..name your price;).
WT…..r i g h t.
Claudia and Pamela, a hint just for y’all–it has to do with fourth grade long division.
M-2-3, why is it they do it differently than WE did it?
JanJan, WELCOME :). The words were difficult to write, but I’m so glad I did–AND that you found them!
fourth grade?? you expect me to remember 4th grade???
We just started polynomials over here, too.
The word does sound familiar to me, but… No clue.