It’s always a rush picking up my kids from school…literally, figuratively, a r u s h.
They bound into the car with enough pent-up energy to illuminate New York, and it would be enormously helpful if I could sprout an additional pair (or two) of ears to listen to each of their respective days. Some people multi-task…moms learn to multi-hear.
Today, Thomas had a gem. This is what I’m greeted with:
Thomas, very excitedly (he’s prone to that): "Mom, we saw an angel today!!!!"
Me (sure there’s a story behind this): "You did???"
T: "Yeah, you know we went to the mall to eat lunch, right?"
I never had that kind of perk when I was in school……
Me: "Um, hummm, continue…".
T: "Well, Michael forgot money because his dad usually chaperones. None of us had extra [read between the lines that I KNOW if I give ’em more, he’ll just go to the candy store and blow it all on Sour Punch Straws and Rock Candy, because for some reason, he didn’t inherit my chocolate gene], so we felt really bad for him when we realized he didn’t have any."
Me: "Okaaaaaaay…." I’m thinking everyone should give him some of whatever they got, right?
T, by this point hyper-animated and I’m sure if the eyes in the back of my head were working, I would’ve seen wide-eyed-incredulosity: "Well, this lady walked over to him, dropped $5 on the table and told him to get some lunch! SHE WAS AN ANGEL OR SOMETHING!!!"
Me, smiling, "Cool."
T, still excited, continues: "We followed her when she got up. She had red hair and freckles. But when we went around the corner…………SHE WAS GONE!"
His entire little sixth-grade band of brothers agreed. They had witnessed a modern-day miracle at the mall.
Sweet, how something like that builds a child’s faith. Hmmm, reminds me of something I’ve heard before ;).
Oh, that’s the most precious story I’ve ever heard! You’ll be so glad you wrote this down – this is one for the grandkids! Not that I’m tryin’ to rush your life or anything 😉
How sweet! I Love it when kids get excited like that. 😀
That is the sweetest story–and think what it did for your children’s faith!
That’s nice to read. I’m talking about the cherity, not the red hair and freckles– not that there’s anything wrong with that. Umm… I’m gonna stop now.
Love it, love it! Something he’ll not ever forget, I bet!
That is just precious!!
Oh Robin I love this…..
That is a very sweet story – (she probably heard the boy whining about starving so gave him the $5….hee hee)
What a sweet story.
That’s a great story! I’ll keep my eyes open for one of those red haired freckled angels.
Great story…great memory. Just checking in on you…off and flying on my broom again.
Have a Wonderful Green Weekend.
Nice to know there are still angels around–and little boys to see them!
I was trying to remember how I found your site, but it was one of those “Alice down the rabbit hole” days. 🙂
You’re on my google reader now, so consider me a regular.
I hope this isn’t his last encounter with an angel. There are so many of them…we just rarely see them.
THAT is cool. Very cool.
Bonjour mes amies! Thanks for your thoughts, which are pretty much universal with few exception–
MikeY, hmmmm, WHERE were you going with that??? 😉
Karmyn, I wonder what in the world she heard, with that group, there’s no telling!
Swampy, you’re like a bumble bee, rarely lighting on a bloom to sit a spell :).
AMD, cool, no matter how you did :).
Min, Me, too, and I agree!
Kelly, so cool I’ve got SHIVERS!!!
I knew freckle were angels kisses… I didnt know that also had them.
Sweet sweet story.
Oh that is SO sweet 🙂
Pamela, me either ;).
TOB, I wish you could’ve heard him, there’s simply no way to convey his enthusiasm :).