Even after this post, when I explained my sudden and early departure from the UltiPartymate Blog Party,
Janice wrote the kindest of comments.  I imagine every single one of the 918 party go-ers (yeah, I checked again just now) benefited somehow by finding new bloggers to read and add to their communities of bloggity friends.

Well, get this.  I won a door prize :)!

50 — Autographed Copy of “The Minor Protection Act”
Provided by: Author

I’m a first-time author out on the road in my RV promoting my book: The Minor Protection Act.

*** WINNER — Robin (Pensieve) ***

How cool is THAT?!  Me LIKEY to win…..and a book, no less! 

And in spite of me trying NOT to blog-party-like-it’s-1999, I HAVE made some new acquaintances who are doggone enjoyable bloggers.  And that ding-dang "circle" expands just a little :/ :).

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