I guess because I am neck-deep in all things "birthday" for Tad, partyin’ is on my mind. Parties IRL…and parties IFL or IPL or IBL (hehe, you DO get that, don’t you?? If anyone guesses all three, you shall win a prize of some sort). Although I read about this a month ago (how could you NOT know about it, with all the bling on sidebars of late?), I couldn’t/wouldn’t commit to it. Now….I HATE the thought of missin’ out on meetin’ some newbies, some newbies meetin’ me, and WINNING PRIZES!
This is a brilliantly fun idea contrived by Janice and Susan at "5 Minutes for Mom". Janice is one of the most thoughtful commentors I know, who reads your post (and between the lines) and writes much more than a one-liner in reply.
Ding-dang-doggone it, in typical manner, I didn’t read the instructions then, and barely have now. It’s not complicated, but I was SUPPOSED to write a "get-to-know-me" post and invite y’all to join, too… This blog-party is designed to, in my vernacular, PIMP YOUR BLOG LIKE THERE’S NO TOMORROW! (Hope that doesn’t offend, but I call ’em like I see ’em.)
It is NOT restricted to mothers, parents OR women! Everyone can par-tay–the event is so spectacular, it’s lasting for a week. And there are PRIZES! Tons and tons of prizes!
So, what are you waiting for? Chopchop, click the link to "5 Minutes" and you’ll get "the rest of the story".
Happiest of Fridays to you. I’ll write my "get-to-know-me" post later…today, tomorrow, the next day……:/. If any newbies are checkin’ in, click my "Original Pensieve" button in the sidebar or HERE to really get to know me;).
Pump away, pump away!
Hello, I am here for the party, lol. So nice to meet you and share your world. Stop by mine when you get a moment.
Oh you totally offended me. Just kidding girl, love ya!!! Have fun partying with birthday boy.
I’m here for the party! and leaving an invite to mine.
Hope you can come by for a minute or two.
I’m partying today, too!
Hey guys, thanks for stoppin’ in early. Doesn’t look like I’ll drop by til early next week…but I’ll be there, I promise! I RSVPed and EVERYTHING;).
LaurelWreath, well, if you wouldn’t wear those flip-flops, I wouldn’t step on your toes!
Hi, like your blog…I will come back when I have more time. I am having a party over at my place…come visit and tell me three things about yourself!!
Stopping by for the party. Love your photo in the “about” section. Have fun!
okay seriously loved that you wrote “pimp your blog like there’s no tomorrow” – it made me laugh and being a new mom who is trying to get ready for her in-laws to visit (which I do love them dearly – but this place is a pit and obviously I am spending way too much time partying and not enough cleaning!!!) ….what was I saying – ugh! mommy brain!!! ha ha ha I think I was saying you seem fun and thanks for making me laugh!
just party hopping and thought I’d say hello! cute blog by the way 🙂
I thought about doing this – but, well, it was going to involve energy and I didn’t have any this week.
Pimp away girlie!!!
Not too sure about IFL but I’ll take a stab at ‘in family life’ and I’ll guess the others are ‘in real life’, ‘in blog life'(or possibly in blog land) and ‘in Pensieve life’.
I’d love to come to the party but I absolutely nothing to wear, plus I’m agoraphobic.
Welcome to the party. It is nice to meet you! I love the music!!
Stopping by to say Hi!
I can’t pimp my blog because I have no recent naked pictures! Darnit.
I took your advice and did the old.. “mark all as read” in Bloglines.. it was the only way to deal with 400+ unread posts. It was making me crazy. So, thanks.. I hope I haven’t missed anything earth shattering…???
Will you do it for my blog please Robin. I’m particularly worn out this week and I just want someone else to do all the work while I nap throught the weekend.
I’m thinking fmily, personal, and blog. But WT might be right about Pens. life.
And Marnie, you better not have deleted my lights.
so, you have a new chocolate quote at the top! I like-y
I there! I really enjoyed your page. I am sorry to hear your name isn’t one in a million-but your blog certainly is! I am adding you to my blogroll, and I will definately be back to look at your site more often. 🙂
WELCOME ONE, WELCOME ALL! Thank you for stopping in (since I’m sure NONE of you will track these comments, I’m not replying individually to most of your general greetings “hello”; instead, I’ll drop by to visit YOU this week 🙂 ).
Tracy, do you have dyslexia?
Thanks, Jill, me, too ;).
Cafegirl, my pleasure :)–hope you got everything done! (I can feel your pain!)
Thanks, Tonya :).
Karmyn, lol, totally obvious I decided to at the last minute–AFTER I did the Friday Feast!
You might win the prize because you’re the only one trying; “In real life” and “In blog life” are correct.
April, WHAT MUSIC? Were you smokin’ pencil shavings?
Marnie, I had to do that this week, too; I was up to 1,000! The only great posts you missed were mine for the week; everyone else had an “off” week (ha!). Hang in there sweets! You’re the teacher’s pet, remember?
Pamela, My adrenaline was surging from running at 1,000 miles an hour; blogging was my “coffee break” while cleaning/cooking. It sounds like your week was a doozie. BTW, family and personal were wrong; they’re more along the same lines as “blog life”.
LCO, you should win a prize for noticing my tag line…I’ll come up with something!
Thanks, Mrs. Lady, your comment made my morning! 🙂
I’m terrible at parties, so I’m going to stand over here in the corner and watch you guys have fun. That’s okay, right?
Just popping over to see your blog! Fun, fun! My blog is not exactly pimped out, but I DO have exploding bubbles up for the Party–does that count? LOL
Coming through with the Ultimate Blog Party, thanks for sharing your site with us! Love the layout!
Hope you are having a great time!
Pimp my blog? Lovin’ that idea. And I had a grand time “really” getting to know ye.
Happy partying!
Swinging in for the Ultimate Blog Party…Nice to meet ya.
Have a great party week
My First contest has begun.
Just stopping by on the party train! Woo Hoo! It’s nice to meet you and read your blog. If you get a chance, please stop by for a cup of virtual coffee and some chocolate lava cake! Party On!
Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder which primarily consists of the fear of experiencing a difficult or embarrassing situation from which the sufferer cannot escape.
Agoraphobics may experience severe panic attacks in situations where they feel trapped, insecure, out of control, or too far from their personal comfort zone. In severe cases, an agoraphobic may be confined not only to their home, but to one or two rooms, and they may even become bed-bound, or a recluse.
You might recall that in the ‘About me’ in Once upon a Blog I described myself as a recluse.
I think you may be confusing it with Arachnophobia, but then it’s more likely that you are making a joke, no?
YES, YOU IDIOT! IT WAS A JOKE! Did you fall? Cause with that detailed explanation, it sure looked like you fell. Pure bait, my friend, pure bait.
But I meant it about the prize, email me your double-naught secret address and I have just the “right thing” in mind ;).
love ya, mean it…in a bloggity kinda way…and I am in NO way mocking agoraphobia (just YOU).
I just came by to pimp my blog like there’s no tomorrow. Please come by my blog and do the same! 🙂
Speaking of PURE BAIT, it was just a cut and paste from Wiki. But it was worth it to be called an idiot.
Dang it!! Late for the party, and I’m sure Willowtree got all the answers right!!
Slowly catching up!! Sorry I’ve been gone so long!!
Hi nice to meet you
WT, I thought you’d appreciate the snark.
Stephanie, I’VE MISSED YOU! But you still have time to guess…”IFL” and “IPL” haven’t been guess correctly, although I like the suggestions better than what I was thinkin’.
hysterical blog! i’m adding you to my googlereader just cause you made me snort.
Girl – if you hadn’t shown up at MY party, I would have come over here and dragged you by your pretty little toenails! The thought of it – not showing up at MY party. Girl – you were close to trouble – don’t think about going there again! Rule – I party, you come. And if you throw a party – and you DON’T invite ME. Well, I might have to send you some spiders (or maybe some rodents) in the mail! Don’t test me (just ask my son – you don’t want to test me! – okay fine – don’t ask my son. He will tell you that I am full of it and really quite a wimp. The most you will get is a short time out and maybe a toy taken away for a day or two. But I SOUND scary!)
okay – now the dangerous part is that your readers might think I am a rodent-mailing psychopath. but you will assure them I am just a smart-a– blogger right?!?
Laurel, I ** heart ** you, you snorted :D.
Janice, oh, Janice…1) prayin’ for you… 2) spiders AND rodents??? I will do whatever you ask, just PLEASE…NO!MORE!MICE!!! 🙁
I will tell anyone who reads me I think you’re brilliant. Freaking brilliant! I wish I had thought of your (and Susan’s) blog….:).
And if you’re a smarta$$, you’re the sweetest one I know!