I was just looking for a simple answer to the age-old question "Why does eating asparagus make urine smell so nauseatingly disgusting horrifically repulsive wretchedly rank violently vile bad?
So off to the library internet I go, spending the morning researching this curiously phallic vegetable. Interestingly, I got MUCH more than I bargained for. For a brief window in time, it felt like I was back in school, with the teeniest of tiny exceptions: I was enjoying what I was learning.
For instance, did you know asparagus is a member of the lily family, along with onions, leeks and garlic? While it certainly isn’t the prettiest, it’s probably the most healthy. At less than four calories/spear, a serving provides 60% of the recommended daily allowance for folacin (necessary for blood cell formation, growth, and prevention of
liver disease). High in fiber, it’s also a good source of potassium, thiamin, and vitamin B6.
In order to allow development of a strong, fibrous root system, asparagus is usually not harvested
for the first three years after planting its crowns; a well cared for asparagus planting will generally produce for about 15 years without being replanted. In the U.S., its growing season is late-April to mid-June, and typically, the larger the diameter, the better the quality.
Now, for the ANSWER to my original question, and the point of this stinkin’ post (hey! that’s the first time "stinkin’" is literal!)(and thanks to Claudia for letting me know somehow this explanation was "lost" in my original post :/): According to the Michigan Asparagus Advisory Board, "Most
authorities feel that the compound that causes the odor in urine after
consumption of asparagus is methylmercaptan, which is a
sulfur-containing derivative of the amino acid, methionine. This is
disputed by a few individuals who claim that the odiferous compound is
asparagine-amino-succinic-acid monoamide, which is derived from the
amino acid, asparagine. In either case, the product is formed as a
derivative during the digestion and subsequent breakdown of beneficial
amino acids that occur naturally in asparagus." Apparently this malady affects only about 40% of the general asparagus-consuming population…to say the least, I’m not thrilled to be a part of this minority…!
Now…a few treats for sticking with this (ahem, cough cough) educational post. First, a lovely cooking show, compliments of youtube. It was quite
i n t e r e s t i n g "meeting" Jolene Sugarbaker to say the least. I don’t think Rachael Ray or Paula Deen have any reason to be shakin’ in their shoes just yet…!
And, last, to celebrate my Mama Drama surprise, a few poems to honor this totally tubular vegetable.
(In Cinquain, using simultaneously both the traditional and modern methods)
Green spear
Healthy veggie
Growing, cleansing, healing
Asparagus tips are the best
(In Haiku )
Regal vegetable.
From a crown, green majesty.
Bigger IS better.
(In Limerick)
Asparagus funks up my pee,
Smells like something died inside me.
Only forty percent
Endure this lament
Oh, why does it happen to ME?!
Thank you, I’m done now :).
Everything you wanted to know about asparagus but had no interest in asking were afraid to ask:
ok…but why does it make pee smell so dang bad??? I would love to know that!
I LOVE asparagus! but I never noticed the smell, to be honest. thx for the lesson, though, and for the, eh-hem, cooking lesson, i think.
Claudia, THANKS for letting me know it “disappeared” :/ (grumble, grumble). I had ISP problems this morning, no tellin what else I lost :(. It’s fixed now (at least the explanation).
Heather, hey, that means you’re in the 60%. I could tell you were lucky :).
HEE HEE – Now I know why you really won the Mama Drama prize – because you are the most CREATIVE funny poet EVER.
In college, I worked both Asparagus harvest and pea harvest….both turned my shoes green. I didn’t eat either for years afterwards. Now that I know its so healthy, I don’t mind having the crop in my raised beds anymore. My husband “forced” me to plant them. But I have to wait 3 years for a good crop? holy moley.
you are definitely an enigma. Or maybe just flat messed up!
I’ve learned something new today.
I think.
Karmyn…based on my extensive research, that would be a “positive”. I’m impressed with your agricultural background. 🙂
Anony, I want to have your babies.
Kristy, that’s a good thing…right??? 🙂
What’s going on girl? :~)
yeah, I’m in the 40% too…I love asparagus but I really don’t like my pee smelling like it!! P.U.
Mom and dad have a contest to see who manifests first.
(signed: amanda AND pamela)
E-mom, so now ya know;).
Claud, we’re asparagus “pee sistahs”…ummm, is that a good thing?
Amanda & Pamela, LOLOL–lemme know girls! Too, too funny (Amanda, you aren’t playing???)
Wait a second, I just read your comment a bit differently–they do this EVERY time they eat asparagus??
Well that’s interesting I learned something to day. I don’t eat asparagus often but now I have to buy some to see if I am in the minority or majority.
Amusing little video.
I LOVE asparagus. This post answered so many unasked questions for me! Cool beans.
Oh and I ate WAY too much last time we roasted it and I was about to puke the next morning when I peed. Blurgh!
Wonder what the test results would show if one ate a large amount of
ass-paragus the night before a urine specimen was taken? (Probably that one had eaten a large amount of ass-paragus.)