

How fast can you type?

The fastest I’ve ever been timed was 100 wpm, 3 errors; now it’s probably closer to half that.


What is your favorite online game?

I don’t play online games, but in the past when I discovered you could play with "real people", I enjoyed Backgammon and Spades.  What a second…my favorite online "game" is blogging–it’s fun to do and there are definitely "winners" and "losers" ;).


On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 as highest), how intelligent do you think you are?

At the peak of my arrogance (and probably my intelligence), I would’ve said 9; now, I’m doing well to say I register "above average".  Each time I gave birth, I’m pretty sure I lost brain cells.

Main Course

Name three of your best teachers from your school years.

Mrs. Booth, 3rd grade, (she was w o n d e r f u l the year my mom died); Mrs. Callahan , 4th grade (she saw so much potential in me, nurtured and encouraged leadership skills, and instilled a strong sense of self confidence); Mrs. Allen, 8th grade (she was tough as nails, but she LOVED her students and pushed us HARD, but oh, how we rose to her high standard and expectations!)


What are your plans for this upcoming weekend?

Kids’ soccer games tonight and tomorrow, going out with friends tomorrow night, cleaning and getting ready for a baby shower at my house for Sunday afternoon.

Never done a Friday’s Feast before?  This one took ten minutes and it’s an easy post when you need an easy post ;).

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