Okay guys, quick revision of my post from earlier today. Obviously, I threw it up here right after giggling while reading email. I had forgotten history, and some of it, I don’t think I even knew. I’ll get back with ya about it (I’m about to cook dinner, so no time to give this real thought or research, but, if you’re interested, I’ll share some of what I’ve remembered and discovered later).
The original title was "This has nothing to do with Easter…"
…but it was it was in my Inbox this morning and it made me grin.
Easter is such a beautiful season in the Christian faith. Especially when my children were younger, I loved the whole basket and bunnies tradition, but I’ve never liked that being what Easter is "about"…it robs…minimizes…demeans the beautiful hope we have in the story of the cross…of Jesus’ willingness to give His life for mine…for yours. To suffer the indignities of a brutal death on the cross and all its wicked pageantry, only to meet and conquer death, and then offer a gift of kingdom-life that begins here and now…not just "later"…. There is no more amazing, inspiring, hope-filled faith, than this one that offers forgiveness and redemption and grace and mercy and peace and freedom and radical unconvention (is that a word?) and unconditional love.
Opps, this DID end up being about Easter. Interesting, even I didn’t plan on goin’ this direction when I uploaded the chocolate bunnies, lol. Go figure…I’m complicated…bite the bunnies if you don’t like it ;).
Happy Easter, Robin.
Now that Jammin’ is in school I have one more drawback to these holidays – he brings tons of candy home. Yes, he is going to a Christian school and he has learned what the true story is but he also brought home eggs filled with candy and chocolate.
Of course, I had to take it from him
sneaking bites without him looking…my kids are just too little to be eating all that junkApparently surveys here in the UK suggest children are becoming less aware of the religious significance of Easter which I find very sad. However I would not wish to inflict 3 hours in church as I did some years with my granny as a child.
I very nearly chose that logo it’s very amusing.
Thanks, Karmyn :). Oh, that was just a memory rush! All the JUNK that came home with my kids. Get this…I didn’t even notice when it stopped! Wow…
I have to admit, too, when my children were younger, I was ALL ABOUT tying everything cultural/secular about Easter into a “religious” perspective… actually, many of the cultural practices DO have an origin in Christianity, or at least, symbolism tied back to it.
That being said, now that they’re older, I pretty much disassociate the two…they just happen to come at the same time (and they “get” it).
Chris, great minds? 🙂
BUT…sooo, sooo sad that you’ve experienced at least some time in your life, “3 hours in church” that sound more like a sentence than a celebration. People, in our humanity, do everything we can sometimes to rip the heart and soul out of an incomprehensible but beautiful faith…. What a disservice. I’m thankful for places of worship that are following Jesus and His ways rather than staid tradition….
LOVE the bunnies! Cracks me up.
Years ago we got a book, “Easter Bunny, Are You for Real?” by Harold Myra. It’s great because it explains our Easter traditions — colored eggs, bunnies, etc. — and how they are related to the beginning of Spring. And it explains the true meaning of Easter. We always read the book around this time of the year. The kids love to be reminded that they can enjoy their Easter fun AND remember its true meaning also.
(This is a series of books, there is one about Santa, Halloween, Thanksgiving, etc. They’re wonderful Christian resources to help sort out the traditions from the Christian meaning.)
I see, you originally thought you’d post a funny photo. I get that, but what confuses me is “what part of two Easter Bunnies has nothing do do with Easter?”. Just wondering, you know I’m deep like that.
PS, If my comment confuses you, don’t feel bad, I’ve read it three times now and it still doesn’t make any sense.
Hey, Peter, you’re absolutely right and I’m rewriting the title…
And…confound you, you have sent me on one whale of a bunny trail and I’ll be posting an essay (lol) maybe tomorrow.
Rachelle, I think I’ve seen that series (note to self: google amazon to check). I recall a good bit of the symbolism and its origin, but apparently I’ve forgotten more than I remembered.
For kids, I’m sure all the mixed messages can be confusing–especially for children raised in a Christian tradition. We teach them the “real” meaning behind the holiday celebration, but for the most part, buy into the whole cultural phenomena. Books like this help…so do parents who know what the heck they’re talking about! (ummm, I was referring to myself there, lol).
Girl…don’t get me started on this subject (not to mention Christmas). I’ve actually learned to keep my mouth shut about it – even Christians views on the subject reach both ends of the spectrum. I have my opinions, but I’ve learned that each person must come to their own conclusions (or convictions) about the matter.
I’ll just say this and then I’ll shut up; maybe you are feeling this way for a reason.
P.S. The bunnies made me LOL, too!!!
I’ve seen those bunnies before and it still makes me laugh.
Easter is my very favorite holiday 🙂
Happy Easter to you!
P.S. I stopped doing Easter baskets for my kids, since it was such a distraction for them on Easter, a holy day. We still color eggs and hide those for the kids to hunt for. And they get baskets of candy from the grandparents.
12 Step Program for Chocoholics:
Never be more than 12 steps from chocolate.
I have to go with SwampBunny.
Sorry, we don’t do bunnies at our place. (I HOWLED at the photo though!) We go the Passover route. I’m cooking lamb with all the trimmings, with baklava ala mode, and sliced apples for dessert. (My nod to haroset.) Our daughter is bringing potato latkes. “If I were a rich man, la la la…” Shalom!
Dear robin. After a two week binge eating holiday back in Australia, I decided to buy real eggs with Russian Orthodox icons on them, rather than nibble on the choccy. Aren’t I good. They’re very beautiful.
Susan, WT’s question/comment really got me thinking (he should win an award for that 😉 ). “Easter” has become a generic term that covers a lot of ideas… And yeah, if I can get to my next post, I wonder where I’ll end up. Even I don’t know where I’m headed a lot of the times I begin writing.
Kila, I still do Easter baskets, but we sure do have good conversations about this beautiful holiday.
Claudia and SwampBUNNY (love that), you two are cute. REAL cute :).
E-mom, now THAT’S the coolest idea I have heard yet. I wonder if it’s too late to begin a new tradition in our home…… Shalom to you as well :).
Little Miss Moi, PLEASE post photos. They sound WONDERFUL!
I thought I was here yesterday and told you enough of the hollow chocolate.
I want that thick solid stuff.
I had some rasberry flavord the other day and thought it doesn’t get much better than this.
Happy Easter.
Dear robin. Shall do. I am going to boil them up to take on a picnic today so will take some photos when they’re ready (they’re covered in plastic which is like a tattoo, and when they’re boiled, you take the plastic off and the icons have been imprinted on the egg shell. I THINK. Because I can’t read the russian instructions!)