When you're tagged with a meme, do you feel obligated to complete it?

For me, it hangs over my head until it's d.o.n.e.  I figure, if someone thought of me (cough cough) and was interested in how I might respond to the tag, the least I can do is play along.  Sometimes I post my version right away, other times it takes me FOREVAH, but usually, eventually, I'll do it; if not, I let the "tagger" know I'm not going to and the reason why (which reminds me–Stephanie, I guess I blew the "real moms" meme…:/…it was a timing thing…plus, it seemed like over and over I read the type things I woulda said, but only better than I could've done myself…). 

Occasionally, a tag comes along that's pure e.v.i.l.  Such is the one I offer you this morning.  It's from Rachelle at Seek First His KingdomSure, her blog title (blitle?) seems "Christian"; of course, if you read her for five minutes she sounds "nice".  She's one of those who I've recently stumbled across who I thought could be a kindred–my age, evolving faith, an instant blognnection.

Apparently she's trying to sabotage that now with her recent tag to me. 

It started with Lisa Samson over at Author Intrusion who asked Rachelle and others "to show [their] morning faces! Yes, she
wants to see that no-makeup, just-got-up, haven't-had-coffee-yet face.
Are you up for it???"
Rachelle, in her post, went on to explain, "Lisa slyly asks us… if we don't want to do it…
why not?"

This was Rachelle's response:  "I have to admit this is definitely a challenge for me. Can you say v-a-n-i-t-y?
I'm embarrassed about the "real me." So, for that very reason, I'm
doing it. Here's my morning face at 43 years old. I didn't even brush
my hair."

Once again, Rachelle has pretty much said what I would have, only better.  Substitute above the words "self conscious" for embarrassed and "44" for 43, and that sums up me in a nutshell. 

The thing is, WHY do I even CARE what "you"–for the most part, people I will NEVER know IRL–think about me?  My husband thinks I'm s.c.o.r.c.h.i.n.', my children think I'm pretty, isn't that ENOUGH???? 

The answer is found in Scripture…"Man looks at the outward appearance…", we all intuitively know that.   People make judgments about what they see; if they're seeing me, I want them to see the best "me" possible.  Simple as that.   I don't want you to see my f l a w s, I'm well acquainted with each and every one of them.  A little make up covers and conceals and corrects the imperfections. 

What I honestly w i s h I was more concerned about is the second half of that verse found in I Samuel 16:7–"…but the LORD looks at the heart." 

The thing is, if you've read me over the long haul; if you've seen bits and pieces of "me" since I began my blog what feels like forever ago, you have seen my heart.   You've seen a fair amount of laughs … a little snark … my family and a few of my friends … a little spice … but more than anything, I hope you've seen a glimpse–even if it's tinier than a split atom–of someone who has been loved by the Greatest Love evah, and who, in response loves back with encouragement and compassion and forgiveness.  Do you know how bad I want to backspace over that???  Because I know I blow it more than I get it right???

Anyway, I'm stalling.  I figured if I kept writing long enough, you'd lose interest and NOT look at what I'm about to show you.  This is definitely vintage Pensieve, beginning a post with a general direction in mind (posting a simple picture, for goodness sake!) and ending up somewhere entirely different.  C'est la vie…that's me…

And so is this…first thing in the morning, no coffee (grrrrr) and teeth filmy.  I'm smiling ONLY because "you're never fully dressed without one" and frowning causes more wrinkles (and frankly, it's much more unattractive).  Especially at 6:30 in the morning with no coffee and zoo breath. 


I'm warning you in advance, super-size the picture at your own risk; I've given a like warning in the past.  This picture enlarged might just be worse than the the Queen of Crack.

Gosh, who to tag?  Let's go "Switzerland"… all the ladies who commented to my Fun Monday post yesterday (guys don't factor into this, I'm afraid–you look the same when you roll outta bed as you do when you're freshly showered and shaved…unless you've had a "rough" night):  Heather, Kila, Chris, Karmyn, Gina, Vicki, Beccy, Tracey, Tiggerlane, Jill, Kristy, Pamela, Little Miss Moi, Nadine and Nikki…and the Drama Mamas because they dissed me.  Lemme know if you post…

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