Meet some of the guys who’ve moved in with me while my husband’s at work. I manage to get rid of them before he comes home every day.
First there’s Doodle. He’s our carpenter. He’ll "git ‘r done" like no tomorrow, but half the time I can’t understand him. And NOT just because he’s talking in "carpenter-speak"; he has an interesting accent… Doodle likes to ask a whole lot of questions to make sure we’re on the same page. Sometimes we are…and sometimes we aren’t. It’s those times that are the most…(ahem) challenging.
Next, there’s Jimmy. He’s the a r t i s t e in the group–he fauxed my kids’ bathroom in minutes, and he’s got a steady hand, so he gets the crap finesse jobs. He can paint a reeeeal straight line, too. And he plays the guitar in a band, which is really cool, we’ve just gotta go hear him sometime.
This is Steve. I guess more accurately, this is Steve’s shirt. Had I gotten a picture of his head, it would’ve made this picture hysterically ironic more complete. I’m just sayin’….
This is our refrigerator. It’s having a kind of identity crisis. Every time I walk through the kitchen, it’s in a different place. No wonder I broke my big toe getting a midnight snack in the dark…!
Our whole home is covered with a thin layer of dust…well, some are thicker than others. I think it’s fairy dust. Every night I wipe it down…every day it magically reappears.
Even our coffee pot is sad…I have noticed my morning brew is a bit grittier these days:
After looking at my floors and realizing sweeping and vacuuming and mopping ain’t doin’ a bit of good, I think I need to take on Pamela’s blog title as a motto…
…the dust WILL wait…
writing is a heckofa lot more fun than cleaning the house…’specially when it’s a losing proposition!! 😉
Steve’s shirt made me laugh. You poor thing! I can’t wait to see the end result! 🙂
oh, Robin, you have me giggling…fairy dust and ironic tees!! hehe
ohmygosh! (sigh)
Well, just think how lovely it will all be when those guys clear the heck out of there!
(Ask Steve if he sings…One of my bands needs a guitarist with good lead vox.)
This too shall pass.
PS. Steve’s right (and it doesn’t matter how bad he looks).
Despite the mess, I’m envious. I SO want to remodel my home, especially the kitchen. Can’t wait to see the finished look.
…fairy dust, gritty coffee, holy t-shirts…what else could a person wish for?
Dust can always wait. That’s my motto and my only excuse is laziness.
fairy dust. and spider races, etc.
yeah. it’s a way of life around here.
Sorry you’re not enjoying the discomfort. I’ve heard it tell – if a marriage can survive remodeling, it can survive anything.
Debbie, he didn’t even question why I was taking his picture…isn’t that funny in and of itself??
Claudia, 🙂 I love to laugh…to make people laugh…so, this is the! if it accomplishes that.
Carol, Steve doesn’t, but Jimmy does…I’ll tell ’em you’re looking…if he wants to move to Texas…!
WT, you MAN, you!
Sally, I can a l m o s t see the light at the end of the tunnel. Almost….
Swampy, don’t even get me started, girlieQ!
Nikki, simple, to the point, pretty much says it all, huh?
Pamela, the #1 thing I’ve learned from a reno? I could N.E.V.E.R. build a house. NEVAH!
Enjoyed reading this, and that shirt cracks me up. LOVE YOUR COFFEE pot, do you hear me drooling over here =))
So I am thinking that you need to get a shirt that says “life’s too short to hire ugly tradesmen?” I mean really – you could just point out that if your house is a dusty, dirty mess, you should at least have a nice view when you look at the men making the mess – right?
(Now I really am quite a nice person – but Steve, “people in glass houses…”)