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Surcie IS a word, and if you receive one, it will make your day decidedly better.
“Surcie” is a word introduced to me in college by my then new-found best friend, Cassie Cassie was from the Charleston, S.C. area and I was instantly drawn to her interesting Low Country accent. In spite of what those who live outside the American South may think, all Southernese is NOT the same, not even within the same state. Hollywood usually butchers the endearing Southern drawl, but the ladies at Designing Women got it right (even Jean Smart, the only non-Southern born main character).
Cassie was great about giving me little, inexpensive “thought gifts”. A batch of cookies, a box of Kleenex (when I was a broke college student with a cold using sandpapery dorm toilet paper), a can of “good” hairspray because this was the 80s and big hair was in (Cassie swears I used to roll my hair three times before going out, but I’m sure she was exaggerating….).
Lagniappe is a similar concept – think Baker’s Dozen – but it seems less about the thoughtfulness and more about the thing. Surcies, on the other hand, come with intention, are full of thoughtfulness, and speak love for others. They usually don’t cost much (although they can), and they’re the type gift that can make someone’s day.
So…I hope you’ll take the word, make it your own and set out to become a surcie-giver. I’m pretty sure when you give one, an angel earns its wings.
Thank you for subscribing…you’re my favorite!
Definitely what the world needs more of – unexpected kind gestures. You are on to something!
You are welcome. I have yet to post what I received in the mail.
Surcee – I like the word.
And getting real mail in a real mailbox, not the inbox, instead of bills, is always a good thing!
Karmyn is just the best!!!
Forget about all those nasty things that I said about her, okay? Okay.
I hope it matches your toenail polish as you sip in the sand. these things are very important, I hear.
I agree with everyone here- real mail from REAL people is always such a joy.
Heather, who ever thought a phrase with “snail” in it would be a GOOD thing?
Min, send me the clock and my lips are sealed.
Erin, it DOES! I hadn’t even noticed :).
Here in Arkansas, Surcee is the name of a town, but it’s spelled Searcy. Just FYI!
Wow, thirteen links in one post, now that’s what I call…?…hmmm not sure what I’d call that.
that was a wonderful card.
I’m going to have to “set a spell” and “cogitate” this “sursey” business.
Hmmm, Tiggerlane, one MORE way to spell it, as if there weren’t enough already!!
Willowtree, but who’s counting, eh?
Pamela, why, you’re sounding Southern, dollbaby! 😉
Oh yeah, Swampy’s challenged you to do a full frontal nudity shot…or something. Check her out.
I’m not sure choc would have been around long enough for a photo call in this house!!
I always pronounced it “sussey.” I’m going to research this for you!
A good friend introduced me to “searcies” (which is how I’ve always spelled it) in the low country of SC, so, like the Shag (beach music dance), it must be a SC thing. Those South Carolinians! Such clever people : )
(BTW, that was >35 years ago that I first heard the term so it’s been around a while!)
I introduced KT to “searcies” while at the College of Charleston in 1970 (a gazillion yrs ago). My youth director at church introduced me to the term in high school. What a great little word. Enjoy and pass it along! Becky D.
Bless your darlin’ heart.
I was born in Charleston,SC and haven’t heard anyone say the word Sercie since I moved to NYC in my teens. I still use the word and custom. Have to explain every time. That’s a lotta times. Just started collecting Social Security!
Geechie lives and it spreads like Kudzu vine.
Well, you just blessed my heart, indeed! I'm curious how you found my post, and very glad you not only found it but COMMENTED to it! I totally understand introducing people to the word and custom; I even took it with me to GERMANY! I've bought a few American things to take back to friends and will make sure they fully understand the concept.
Hmmm, your comment is its on brand of sercie :). xo
My family is from NC and searcy has always been part of our vocabulary. I’m introducing the term to several friends here in Florida.
I LOVE that, Stacy. And also that you spell it your own way :).