1) Because Willowtree is a snarky son of a gun celebrating his birthday even the day after it’s over, he doesn’t have time to explain to me how you do a strike-through in typepad comments…Can anyone tell me how? (shhhh, it’s still his birthday in the States, so pop over and tell him happyhappy….just don’t tell him where you came from.)
a) Actually, I meant LINK…how do you LINK to another page in comments? But while I’m at it, I don’t know how to strike through either. So, an answer to both would be ever-so-nice.
2) In keeping with #1, can anyone tell me how to strike through in the post title? I searched Typepad Help, gave up really fast couldn’t find it, and figured this was the easiest, fastest way to find out. Because y’all are reeeallly smart.
Thank you for your help.
p.s. I couldn’t enumerate this with three numbers because then it wouldn’t match the post title, and we can’t have that, can we?
Honestly, robin, I’ve hardly understood anything you’ve been talking about for the past three days! Is this a private personal thing that you’ve got going with Willowtree? If it is, doncha think it’s kinda rude to be “chatting” in the comments?
Get IM!!
Does this work?
Okay. That worked. But how do I explain it?
(*thinking, thinking, thinking*)
Oh, forget it. Just go here
Min…ha…ha. I asked Peter and he told me the same thing Susan did (smart alecs, all of you, I say).
Susan, et tu?
Susan (again), okeydokey…I’ll go “there” (thanks).
This is a test:
Thanks cutie
(but is there not an easier way????)
I guess if you do it enough, you remember the code….:/.
testOkay – I have no trouble putting the links in – but how did you do the strike out….because the
think doesn’t work in Typepad.
Oh Farfenugen….so it does. hahahahahahahaha
shitI am laughing my ass off right now
HELP…………… I’ve hit strike out and I can’t get up.
OMG – I can’t stop laughing. I’m crying. No one is on the joke but me.
Just to let everyone know – don’t put an “s” command in without the reverse or it strikes out EVERYTHING.
Hey Karmyn, I did that to Robin by accident once (mine was boldface), and she did it to me a few months later on purpose. You really had me laughing out loud too!
does strikeout work?it doesn’t in blogger.Well of course there’s an easier way. It’s the way I explained to you in detail the first time you asked me how to do it.
strike one
strike two
strike three
your out.
there. that was easy.On some typepad blogs you can just copy and paste and the link is there.
There must be a magic potion.
I’m still laughing.
Hi Robin! I came over to make fun of Karmyn.
There’s a website I read regularly and a common problem is someone using italics to quote a news source and then forgetting to turn italics off – it makes all the comments tiny and slanted because of the font the website uses.
Hi Karmyn! 🙂
Hi everyone! Is it still striking out?
Karmyn, lol, yeah, me, too. And, hey, you got a funny post (and funny comments) out of your little mistake here!
I think you were just delirious after midnight, though ;).
WT, tryin’ to remember….
Pamela, when I’ve tried to cut and paste the link, then hit preview, it just showed the html code, not as a link :/.
Hey Melissa, glad you’re coming here to
make fun of Karmyntell Karmyn hello. I’m just glad you didn’t pop over to smack me around from “outing” you and Marnie.Beckie, and by “striking out”, you mean….?
Duh? I don’t know how to put a strike through in my comments and don’t have time to read the comments above me, but I know some genius has “plained” it.
Busy with wedding celebration but will come back to read.
Are you talking about a strike through in your post? Isn’t there a little S with a line through it next to the link…just highlight what you want to strikethrough and click on the S? I dunno.
I wanna do it, too! Don’t leave me out!PARC! It didn’t work!
a-HA!I think I did it that time.
Now tryTHIS!Ooh. I’m good.
Susan, you ARE a typepad aficionado!!
Swampy, what are you doin’ near a computer TODAY???
Hi melissa!
Mindy, you and Steve are evil. Just in case you didn’t think I noticed ;).
Oh my word – this is (was) FUNNY!
hi Marnie! It’s confirmed, Robin outed us.
Too funny.
Of course, I have no idea what any of you are on about.
But hilarity is somewhat contagious.