Thanks to all of you who voted today! It was neck and neck all day long, and at 8:00 p.m. EST when I checked the poll (pretty much on the dot)……IT WAS TIED! Which is pretty doggone funny, because it still leaves me with a CHOICE and isn’t that what we were trying to avoid in the first place???
The blogging gods are laughing right now…I imagine a few of you are, too.
Anyhoo, since I’m hosting it falls on me to break the tie. The choices were between "What was your favorite childhood book or story? Do you still own it?" and "Post pictures of your favorite shoes…and if you’re brave enough, your FEET!". Obviously, I really liked all the poll categories or I wouldn’t have had a difficult time choosing just one.
But guess what? It’s easy to break the tie after all! After reading THIS POST of Jenny’s, I was pulling for "feet"–if I could have voted again, I would’ve probably thrown in an extra vote (I did vote earlier, and it was NOT for this one…).
So…here are your "official" marching orders for next week’s Fun Monday:
Shoes tell a lot about a person and we wanna delve deeply into your
soulsole. Photograph your favorite pair–or pairs–of shoes and tell us a little about why they’re near and dear to yourtoesheart (I can’t wait to see how Swampy ties this in to Breast Cancer Awareness!). Follow in Jenny’s footsteps and make a foot-family portrait…show us your baby bronzed booties…let us see the shoes YOU HAD TO HAVE (but have never worn)…or all those grotesquely dyed-to-match formerly white satin bridemaid’s shoes that were worn ONCE…the reinforced steel-toe boots that saved your big toe from being hacked off in that industrial "accident"…or, just take pictures of your nekkid feet–gnarly bunions, twin toes, or perfectly OPI-pedicured tootsies.
Let me know in comments or via email if you’d like to participate….and newbies? What better time than the present to step onto the Fun Monday bandwagon?
Fun Monday ~ History & details for joining:
The Origin: In January 2007, Vicki was just being nosy–she wanted to see the view from everyone’s front door; Willowtree suggested everyone post on the same day. From there, Erik
wanted to see childhood photographs, and voila! Fun Monday was born.
It’s been going strong ever since, with just a few breaks for holidays.
Who can participate? ALL bloggers who want
to! This is a loosely-held meme, with the host or hostess volunteering
each week, simply by alerting the current host of their interest. It’s
never too late to join in, hosts are always generous to add you as soon
as they can. Fun Monday has an international following and it’s…well…FUN to meet bluddies (blog + buddies) in "far away places" :).
What do I need to do to participate? Simply
comment to or email the host for the current week. To find out who is
hosting, the burden is on you…you simply follow the previous host’s
posts that will lead you to the current host. On the given Fun Monday,
be sure to identify your post with "Fun Monday" somewhere in the title and invite others to join.
Etiquette: Please be sure and link back to the host/hostess, and when you comment, be sure to include an e-mail address. Some bloggers reply with an email rather than a comment back.
also fine to pick up either one of the Fun Monday logos–the original is at the top of this post; a more recent addition created during "Good Deeds" week at Fun Monday:
I am in sorta, kinda. I have a favorite pair of shoes, but I am not sure about the other historical foot photos. Luckily, I have a pedicure scheduled for tomorrow. Hmmm, what color should I choose for these feet pictures?
Count me in – but know I’ll post on Tuesday as early as possible.
I’ll stomp on it, please count on me.
Hee! I was just coming over to vote “Feet” and I see that I didn’t even need to. 🙂
And man, for the first time ever I’m so early posting my Fun Monday picture that I even beat the topic.
Heck yes!
Count me in! I will show every pair of shoes I have with me here in the hotel. Nothing historic, although some are quite old.
Count me in. I don’t have nothing fancy as far as shoes goes or even feet, but I’m game!
I’m in for sure! This may be scary/easy. Thanks for hosting next week!
I’m a shoe whore. Count me in. (And please note the SHOE before whore thankyouverymuch.)
I LOVE this one so much that if it wasn’t picked I was going to volunteer for next week and run with this topic…with your approval of course!!!
I don’t know why I love it so…I have a thing about feet and not in the good way…but I love me some OPI!!!
Just so we’re clear as a clear coat…I’m in!
I didn’t get here in time to vote. I would have voted for the book.
I don’t have a favorite shoe of my own… sigh.
but I will participate. I’ll figure out some kind of shoe post.
Count me in, please.
I am Sandy’s ( ) daughter and she kept telling me she would suck me into the blogging world, well here I am, you got me with this one. I am a recently created shoe whore, so I am going to cut my teeth, so to speak, with this fun Monday. Look forwrd to seeing everyones entries. Thanks for the great assignment Robin.
Julie (
Thanks for hosting next week.
Count my shoes in.
I am in. This should be fun…maybe embarassing, but fun nonetheless.
Although I voted for the book one I’ll join in- not sure about a picture of my feet though!!
Hmmmm, seems easy enough. I’m in.
That is so funny…Nikki is a horseshoe.
My post is ready. Is it Monday yet?
I’m in!
I think Swampy’s shoes will be pink. 🙂
You would choose this when I just took a bunch of my shoes to storage. I will figure something out. You can count on that!
Please add me to the list, though I’m gonna have to clean my closet to do this!
I’ll do it !!
OH! Can I play? It might be too late for this weeks fun Monday but can I come out to play next week? or
well, I think my blog addy will show in my comments.. I’m still a little stiff from all of my newness in the blogsphere.
Say, I would like to play next week. I was too late for this fun Monday.