I just looked at Bloglines for the first time this week, and oh, my WORD people have been writing a whole lot of something! I HAD to clear it–4,000+ blog posts I haven’t read??? Where the heck would you start? Where the heck would someone begin who can’t choose among chocolate, strawberry and vanilla (metaphorically speaking, because OF COURSE I always choose chocolate 😉 )?!
I did notice one of my old blogging buds had resumed writing after a months’ long hiatus (figures), but other than that, even skimming was too confusing.
So….help me out here…
You know when you’ve written something you’re really quite fond of, and you wish it would be read by all your blogging buddies and even a few non-commenting readers, but the timing isn’t great (or for whatever other reason), so it doesn’t get read, and then you write some more, and that post falls into obscurity, but doggone it, it was GOOD, and you hate seeing it bumped further and further down your page until it’s no longer on your opening page?
Tell me what I’ve missed of yours :). If you comment here (between now and the weekend), I’m ASKING you to link to your favorite post over the past week (or whenever…!) and it’ll be among the first things I read when I resume blog surfing. Or, if you’re feeling generous, tell me the BEST post YOU’VE read of someone else’s and I’ll check that out, too.
Oh, my email to you bounced back – says you’re not accepting email from me, which I know isn’t true and just totally proves computers are NOT smarter than people.
Since I obviously haven’t posted anything worthwhile of late, you and the rest of the blogosphere missed absolutely nothing at She Lives. So, I’ll check back here to see what I missed from the 4,431 posts I didn’t read either.
I like this post of my daughter getting her braces. It was a life altering event for both of us.
OHHHH, I suppose a link would be helpful. I’m sorry I’m brain damaged.
Uh, and I don’t know how to make it a link, so forgive me.
OFF. Braces off. That’s it, I give up. Don’t worry about reading mine.
Well I totally know what you mean!! But I wanted to tell you I just wrote a post that I would LOVE your thoughts ;)) But only read it when you have a moment because it requires thinking (yeah, I amazed my self, I actually wrote a post that requires thinking) hehe…
My most recent post brought up lots of memories for me. Some good, some difficult. My father has been in my thoughts a lot lately so I was driven to post about him.
And a lighter hearted, fun post about my obsession with coffee!
Enjoy the rest of your vacation.
I haven’t written anything inspirational – except that I learned a valuable lesson when my family came to visit over the weekend.
Don’t feed them chili for lunch on the first day of the visit. Yeah – the aroma was none too pleasant the rest of the weekend.
This was one of my favorites. I think it’s an experience most women can relate to when it comes to trying on clothes. http://hulagirlatheart.blogspot.com/2007/05/dress-distress.html
All my stuff is good, but you didn’t miss anything.
Wow – I thought it was bad missing a week and coming back to wipe 1800 off my bloglines – I am heartened to know that there is someone out there who has as much of an addiction as I.
Wow – none of my posts are stand out brilliant, although you can see a picture of my 8 headed sunflower on my latest post (http://jeanieinparadise.blogspot.com/2007/10/how-i-am-celebrating-stress-less-day.html)
I just read a great post by Julie Pippert (http://theartfulflower.blogspot.com/2007/10/theres-no-on-star-for-olympic-mommy.html) – its a post about sometimes travelling where you were not aiming as a parent.
I also really loved this post (http://zia.blogs.com/wastedbirthcontrol/2007/10/anger.html) – its at ‘and I wasted all that birth control’ – which is currently voting on a new name.
I could go on, but you have things to do, I have things to do… Enjoy your week.
hey, it’s all good.
and i’m probably not even in your bloglines
There have been way too many wonderful posts this week to mention…none of them are mine though. I’ve pretty much just resorted to stealing blogs from other people’s archives and changing the names and locations, so you’ve read them all already.
that said, here’s one you’ll like. on account of it’s about a friend of yours, and all:
I posted wedding pictures and stories!!! too tired to direc tlink….
You’ll love this post. NO reading required!
Hey guys, I can’t wait to read your stuff! Thanks for giving me a head’s up! 🙂
I’ve noticed that when something is updated by blogger or bloglines – it will throw a big stack of old blogs up on the count. I don’t know why. I’m not a techie. BUT, I know I’ve read them before.
Pamela I noticed that as well. I’ve had rather a sad week so won’t bore you with that.
Man, do I ever know what you mean. I cheat a lot and use Bloglines to begin with, but lately I haven’t even done THAT! We must have similar insane schedules. I have had a few posts lately I think you would enjoy:
Snot Stew: http://2passthetorch.com/2007/10/09/snot-stew/
Wisconsin Autumn Walk (photo): http://2passthetorch.com/2007/10/05/wisconsin-autumn-walk/
Family Out of Sync: http://2passthetorch.com/2007/10/02/family-out-of-sync/
Best wishes catching up!