Outside of Fun Monday and a post here or there, I’ve been absent from the blogosphere…I haven’t even been able to respond to comments here at Pensieve, let alone comment elsewhere :/. Y’all have your "stuff", wanna know mine?
If ya do…………
Reason #1 is our kitchen is in phase 312 of our renovation–this time, the kitchen cabinets are going from oak to black- destresseddistressed (I’m so shaken up I can’t even SPELL!) painting (meaning, I’m de one stressed). I’m too discombobu- lated to post those pictures at the moment (they’re on my lappy, I’m on our PC), but last night while I was cleaning and peeling layer after layer of black paint dust off every surface in our kitchen, this mutha had the nerve to scare the ever-livin’ snot outta me.
I don’t know what his official name is, but I call him a "brown porcupine-butt mean mutha of a spider". I’m pretty sure this picture was its actual size.
Anyhoo….more later…and thanks for all your advice and continued visits. One day I’ll be back to "normal" :/.
WHAT THE HEEBIE-flippin-GEEBIES?! Everyone who has commented so far tonight informed me that pine-cone behind on this monster arachnid is not a behind at all but TEN SQUILLION BABY SPIDERS! S.K.I.N. C.R.A.W.L.I.N.G…!!! My hand was three inches from him–wait…make that HER!! And because I wanted my youngest to see it (I knew he’d appreciate it since he was in bed at midnight when I found him her), I put a jar over it, slid a sheet of paper under it and CAPTURED IT! And if that wasn’t bad enough, I LET IT GO this morning.
I am so NOT gonna sleep tonight :/.
um… the spider’s “porcupine-butt” might actually be babies… I’m sure you wanted to know that.
Is that spider wearing clothing? And is the picture of you in the sidebar in response to the thought that it is backpacking some babies?
I was going to say the same thing Mark did. I hope you’ve smashed that thing by now.
Yep, thems is babies.
Hope you murdered the entire family.
I used to be the type who would gently escort spiders outside to a new home. Then, I encountered a rather nasty variety that left a n extremely nasty bite. Two bites, and all spiders inside are now toast.
Hey try having RATS in your garage, and in your front yard, and your back yard! We are not a messy family WTF did these come from!
AWGEEZ! Now I’ve got the heebie jeebiesskincrawlies….ACH!
blech – spiders in my house = DEAD
Thanks for making my skin crawl with the baby spiders bit.
I had a big spider crawl across my floor the other night. It was SO big it freaked me out.
I thumped it with a cushion. I’m sorry. I couldn’t contain myself. It was too big. And had no business in my house.
Note to self: stop chewing on morning breakfast sausage link when visiting Pensieve…….gag. Spider. Big butt with babies…….gag.
I’m no longer hungry………
You did kill it didn’t you?
I’d take rats, racoons…anything over that spider!
I have seen this same thing about 3 years ago. I freaked!! A mother spider with all her babies….eeeeekkk!!!!!
I’m not big into spiders but it’s sort of fascinating well seeing it over the computer anyway!
YIKES IS RITE… i live iowa and we have those spiders…and they like the taste of my son..they bite is arm and it swells up like a golf ball…i am creepin’ out just looking at that picture…i must leave now and gag!!!
Oh man my skin is crawling. I have those and worse around here. I just can’t bring myself to appreciate a spider. I must say I once step on one of those and it exploded into the gazillion little ones taking off in every direction. DEEEEE-SGUSTING!
Ohhh thanks for the heads up Robin. I may hurl. I would definitely have splattered the bobbly bottomed spider. Bleurghhhh. All those legs, bleughh, bleurghh. Miss M would have not had the chance to name that monster.