Is it an oddity that I e n j o y writing poetry?
Sometimes it takes the form of an absurd Ode to Laundry; other moments, I might write to express the pain of circumstance; and sometimes I’m ranting about and cursing the blogger gods–and at the brink of implosion, ask readers to join in (for which y’all wonderfully comply!).
It’s that last post that got me thinking over a year ago how FUN it’d be to have a monthly sing "poem-a-long" carnival. Well, that, and your always generous comments to me when I post a poem. THEN, I discovered Laura’s "15 Words or Less" and Poetry Friday (which I’m having a hard time tracking down some weeks), and I was spurred on to complete my thought. Revka had already designed a button for me a while back, it was just a matter of clarifying the details.
So…….my big announcement? The one for which y’all have been blindly supportive and encouraging without knowing what I was going to say next? Well, friends, you’re ALL invited to join:

I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve heard, "I like to write poetry, I’m just not very good at it…"? I’ve even said it myself.
My friend, Kim, a thoughtful blogger who has been in on my little poetry secret for a while now commented via email:
"[writing poetry is] a great
discipline to get the juices flowing. For me, it’s been an exercise in
observation as well as creativity. Not to mention the “going out on a
limb” factor that I find exciting. I’m not a great poet, but I AM
a poet."
Her last line expressed how I feel, exactly…and, I’m thinking there may be a few more like "us" who want to write, but don’t feel like they’re "good enough". Here’s your opportunity, and you will have a ready audience (me and everyone else who joins in), cheering you on, not just from the sidelines, but from the field of play!
I’m still writing the "official guidelines" and hope to post those tomorrow. In the meantime, you simply need to know this is NOT a contest, it’s not a share-and-compare…it’s a
celebration of words and poetry and expression and (this last one is so me!) rule-less-ness! And, daggum it, it’s a kick in the behind for you to release your "inner poet" because I KNOW it’s there! I’ve seen glimpses!! You just need someone to give you permission to let it OUT!
In general:
1) Pensieve’s Poetic License is a monthly carnival.
2) The second week of each month, I’ll post the theme and poetic form we’ll be using, with a brief explanation of the latter.
3) The following week participants can post their submissions any day (I’ll be using Mr. Linky to make it REALLY easy on you and you can add your post any time that week).
4) Eventually I’ll have a link in my sidebar with a link to more detailed guidelines, including a calendar and what to expect in the future.
When does it start? This month, of course! Next Monday I’ll explain the first month’s theme and we’ll post our poems the week of the 19th. Long-time readers of Pensieve can probably guess the first poetic form…it’s my favorite! 😉
How cool. 🙂 YOU are so creative.
I can’t write poetry at all, but I do LOVE to read it. 🙂
How exciting. 😀
Courage abounds! Just not in me….bwak, bwak, bwak, bwak, bwak! (really bad chicken imitation!)
Awww, that is SO cool Robin. I’m not a poet but I love reading yours. Rock on, girl.
I will enjoy reading everyone else’s efforts but I never have been able to write poetry so I really don’t think I can join in on this one.
Well, I’m excited!
C’mon, ladies! Give it a go! You’ll never know unless you try. There may be a poet in there just waiting to find expression.
Really. Try it.
Permission to play with words…that’s what the license grants, right? Well then sign me up. I don’t care how good-bad-or-ugly my poems are. I just want to have some fun.
And I’ll start practicing my…ahem…limerick skills right away so I’m ready for the first poetic form.
Poeming is one of my favorite things to do.
Kim, Stephen, Min, I ** heart ** you. You are my new bbff :).
Hey, cool idea!!
I’ve been writing poetry for most of my life. But I’m pretty shy about sharing it…
Can a newbie reader join in? I’d definitely like to give it a try.
Oh, I definitely would like to try this. Count me in….
Oh, goodie!!! Three MORE new bbff!! Thanks THB, Emma and Junebug (and teahouseblossom, believe it or not, I’m even shy about sharing my stuff…)! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Sweet! I’m in. This gives me an excuse to write some really crappy poetry — something I love to do.
I was reading a post of yours back in April about books that changed your life or something like that and the first three you mentioned I loved. Dick & Jane, my very first school readers that I loved. My God, I loved to read! To Kill a Mockingbird, so great and the movie too. Calvin & Hobbes, my all time favorite cartoon. I have had a cat named Calvin and I have one right now named Hobbes. I have about five or six Donald Miller books, my oldest daughter got me interested in him. Good stuff!!
you are scaring me now!
That is really cool.
Poetry writing in school was always torture for me! You’re lucky to have such a talent.
I’m so in…I love to write poetry, and any excuse to try new forms I’m in!
Hey, I’m glad you’ve announced this! 🙂 Count me in.
This sounds cool. I may try it. Oh, I use both white and dark choc on the dipping candies & pretzels.
Well, kids…….WHEW! I thought I might be on an island on this one. Soooo glad y’all are playing along! How many new BBFF am I up to?! THANKS! Y’all have made my day!!
(I’ll post the “how-to’s” soon…on the run today 🙂 ).
Well I have no problem making up silly rhyming poems but not to sure about the serious types. But Im willing to give it a go. Count me in.
I’ll try to get into the swing for this – I’ll be back to read more.
Robin, you are so cool. You creative little stinker you! This will be fun to follow… Nope, if someone writes it, I can sing it…..but that’s about it!
I love this. Can I play too??
This is very cool! I’ll see if I can get my poetic juices flowing!
Dear Robin,
I have been hemming and hawing about this since I saw the announcement. I am one of those folks who do not feel adequate in the writing department.
Today, I received a sign. I sent off for this brand new home schooling rag and there was an article in it written by a child and this child gave a lesson on “How to write a limerick”. It was at this point that I decided to head your way – had to get my nablopomo fix anyway – and write you this letter.
So count me in. I’m going to need support in this “coming out”.
Your Truly,