Don’t be fooled–a woman’s guile.
Hmmm, I think this poem needs a title, don’t you? I believe I shall call it "Sue, the Most Complete T. Rex Fossil EVAH Wants to Have YOU for Dinner". Fitting…yes?
Visit Laura to get the details on writing your own "15 words or Less" poem. A picture like this one could go in a thousand directions :).
Was I just first? I lurve being first LOL
Great job! You are so freakin’ creative!
Very clever. I have NO idea what I would have written!
Love it.
I call it “Tooth be or Not tooth Be”
Cheeky, hey, you beat me! 😉
Sandy, I don’t know about that, but it made me giggle :).
Lisa, try it, you might like it!
Thanks, Kim.
Hulagirl, hahahahahaha!! Love that! 😀
You know that Sue is from South Dakota, right?
Mark, no…I didn’t read the fine print. You sound kinda territorial ;).
Is that a warning for your sons??? 🙂
Very cute! We went to visit Sue in May, because Craig read a book about her. Fun trip!