1) This will be my last post until Monday’s Pensieve Poetic License’s December theme posting and poetic form explanation (PLEASE plan to join in this month…lemme know in comments and I’ll add you to the email reminder list) AND my Fun Monday post (both will most likely post Sunday night or reeeal early Monday morning). This week I’ll explain December’s PPL–you have until NEXT WEEK to write one (or two or three) and I’ll have Mr. Linky ready to go on Tuesday the 18th.
2) In lieu of posting, I am a) re-working my blog a bit, and more importantly, 2) visiting bloggers who’ve commented on Pensieve this week. You know those comparisons/analogies listed on IQ tests? Blank is to Blank like Blank is to Blank? Well, Comments to Robin are like Blood to a Vampire or Dance to Helio (s i g h) or Honey to a Bee or a Bandaid to a Boo-boo or Gin to a Drunk or Paparazzi to Britney or Flies to Manure…lol, you get the picture (what analogy would YOU make?! Tell me, I’d love to hear more 🙂 ).
I’ve had more than my share of comment-crack this week without much time to reciprocate, so I hope to remedy at least some of that. I can’t say enough how much I appreciate your thoughts and visits to my blog–y’all ROCK!
3) Last, a contest of sorts for those of you who can design blog buttons (kinda like
my PPL one). I’m workin’ on a little something FUN (of course) but I need some button bling to go with it; I don’t have the mad photoshop skills to create one myself :/… It’s Christmas time and I don’t wanna pay for it BUT, a LOT of y’all DO (and some of you have even offered to help me in the past….). Soooo, I decided to have a CONTEST among those who’d like to submit something, and if I choose yours, I’ll give you a design credit in my sidebar, write a glowing & gushing post in honor of you, shower you with blog love and affection…and who knows, maybe send you a prize.
If you’re interested in finding out more, please email me; I’m not going to post the details on my blog, only to those who are serious about submitting a contest entry. I realize it’s a BUSY time of year and this is the last thing you have time for, but for those of you who LOVE this kinda thing, maybe it wouldn’t be a big hassle (see? I don’t know how to do it, so I don’t know if it’s a hassle…).
Ok…all I have time to write for now, for Robin’s PENSIEVE, anyway ;).
Dear robin. Ack I can’t design a stick man. I am to drawing like the spice girls are to singing (and that’s supposed to be bad. But Mel C can sing. Sorry to any Spicey fans 🙂 )
E-mail me with the details about what kind of button you are looking for. I might want to give it a shot!!
I’d defo give the blog button a whirl, but alas I don’t have Corel Draw anymore and since the move can’t figure out which box it’s in…:(.
Anyhoo…….hope you get lots of help!
reindeer are to santa…
red is to purple…
coffee is to morning…
gold is to pirates…
corrupt police are to mafia…
by the way, for a free online program, try gimp. i’m finding it pretty usable.
I won’t comment this time, so you won’t feel obligated to return the visit.
Hugs, e-Mom :~))))
designing blog buttons?
man, it’s all i can do to upload a video.
my hat is off to you!
Dear Little Miss Moi, funny girl you are….
Karmyn, okeydokey (later…)
TLG, umm, it’s the thought that counts, right?
Heather, I cannot believe I didn’t do a coffee one! Spot on, girlieQ!
E-mom…yeah, funny girl you are, too ;).
Laurie, THAT’S WHY I’M BEGGIN’, lol :).
I can use my crayons and mail something to you and you can cut it out and scan it and use that. How’s that work for ya? 🙂
You are going to explain the new PPL, right? I need extra instructions cause looking it up on the net would be too hard. 🙂
Now Im not very computer savvy. But my kids would probably do it for you. They just love to show me up.
it’s definitely the thought that counts…and if i had access to the right software, I’d definitely whip something up for you;).
I’ll give it a shot! You’ve got my email address, so feel free to send me instructions for what you’re looking for. I’ve got 8,364 things I have to do before Christmas, but I’m one of those lame people that love a challenge and will push other things aside (like laundry, work, dishes) in order to do something fun.
Bring it on, sista!
Ooh…another chance to win a prize. Count me in. Say…um…if I win…can I choose my own prize? I want another jar or two of that sand from South Carolina. I’m building a beachside resort here in my borrowed basement and I could use a little more so the big umbrella thingy doesn’t keep falling over.
I’m also gonna need a golf course. And an ocean. And an alligator…
But just some sand would be fine. You have my email. Tell me what I need to do.
Margaret, you have a BARNEY BOX??? 😉
Robinella, YES! That’s what Monday’s post will be about.
Karisma, ah…kids…they’re great, huh? 🙂
Maria, I totally understand what you’re talking about, lol.
Stephen, I said m a y b e a prize. But with your tangled brain, I imagine you could come up with something i n t e r e s t i n g.
I’ll email all y’all soon…and THANKS for offering your considerable, respective talents!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂
Wish I knew how to design!!! Anyone giving free classes and free software? 🙂
I can’t do any of it, which is why I have a pre-made Typepad blog!
Oh, I am SO in!!!! I’m about to e-mail you now!
Hey! I made my poems! I looked it up and everything. I’m quite excited. Can’t wait to post.
i wish i could help you. i think it’s funny that i work for a publication as a designer (yes really) and have NO NO NO photoshop abilities except for little spot corrections on photos. i am beyond pathetic.
I have decided to help you out in my own unselfish way and design something that will bring in more male visitors to your site. This may or may not involve a legal/age disclaimer and depending on where you are located, a liquor license. Don’t worry about rewarding me with an award – I will again assist you in thanking me and give me something with your name on it as a gift. 🙂 I so like blogging…. NLM
caffeine is to writers;)
I want to be on the poetic license list! Be sure to give us plenty of time to think about the poetry before we need to post. Sometimes it takes me a while to get the creative juices flowing!
Please put me on your reminder list for the PPL. I have a poem all ready to go and it’d be just like me to forget to post it!
I clicked the little email ink a few days ago but haven’t heard back. Anywho, I’ll give it a shot if it’s not too late. 🙂
uhhhh… for some reason I was pushing this to the following monday.
gulp.. I’m going to try. New type of poetry which Ive never done.
I’ve found four different definitions of cinquain so far, if you tell us which one we will be using, I’ll sign up.
okay — darn me anyway. I finally read the post and you do say it is the week of the 17th and Mr. Linky will be up on the 18th.
All I had to do was read it. }| (eyes closed)