Yikes! For some reason, TypePad has enabled word verification and spam filters and they’re making it intolerable to comment at times…I have no idea why. I knew I had trouble elsewhere this week, but until I started receiving emails and comments on my blog, I didn’t realize it was happening on PENSIEVE, too :/ (I haven’t been around to respond to comments like I typically do, so I didn’t realize until today it’s blocking ME, too!).
I’ve emailed TypePad about it, and Willowtree is on it, so I’m sure it’ll be resolved soon. A squillion "thanks" to those of you who have persevered and commented, especially after multiple frustrating attempts (it took Mariposa six times to get through…she ROCKS!).
Hmmmm, do you think it’s a Blogger conspiracy after all the backlash to them a few weeks ago? Does anyone else sense a sabotage? Cover up??s
Pork shoulder and ham, hmph…smells like a bunch of turkeys to me >:(.
I got a response from TP, those guys could be White house press secretaries! They gave nothing away (we know there is a stuff up).
What people need to understand though, is sometimes TP is slow to post a comment and to just keep hitting ‘Publish’ does nto make things any better.
I don’t know if you know about the new ‘spam folder’ or not, if you don’t, go to your TP account, and click on ‘List Comments’. At the top of where the list is displayed, you’ll see a clickable item that says ‘Spam (x)’ where x is the number of spam comments it has saved you from (yeah sure). Click on that and you’ll see all the comments that people have been complaining about not being published, from there you can publish them and delete the duplicates.
I just had to do WV!
We were having problems with our spam filter, and submitted a help ticket to TypePad. Their response indicated that they don’t think they’ve really got a problem. But these blogs say otherwise:
Hm. I just submitted a comment, and it was rejected as “spam.” Hmf. Perhaps you could look in your spam folder and publish it?
Hm. I just submitted a comment, and it was rejected. Perhaps you could look in your spam folder and publish it?
I’m unable to leave a comment.
If at first I don’t succeed I mostly just keep trying~!
Good to know it wasn’t just me…..! You’ll have to stop by when you get a second – I did a sorry try at poetry…..
I thought it was just me having issues. I commented on one blog only to try to comment on another entry and be told by TP that they thought I was spam even though I properly entered the string of letters three times. 🙁
C’mon Robin, thats a bit OFF blaming poor old Blogger for the troubles that good old TP has, now I’ll go and enter the fool letters and close down this connection again!!!
I get so tired of those automated robots posting on your blog, what is their problem? 😀
blogger sits on a rock in the sea, playing the lyre, singing, “come back, robin @ pensieve! coooommmmmeeebbbaaaaccckkkk!!!!!”
I, too, just thought it was me. I think it is Blogger, though, a conspiracy! I left comments on a few blogs and they are gone.
OOOHHHH, spooky!
See I told ya – “comment spam” Bwahahhaaha!
I thought it was just Spamela.
Blogger’s OpenID commenting is working great! You should try it. 🙂
(I really am sorry about your problems with Typepad).
It looks like all the blog sites have had their ups and downs.