I’ve been surprised by how enjoyable it was to fire off my list of "100 Things"; I divided it into two posts because I figured if you’re like me, shorter posts during the holidays are better for everyone ;).
If you’re interested in the first 50 "things", please click here.
- "Large things" in creation inspire me–the ocean, waterfalls, mountains, thunderstorms–and perhaps more than anything else I can put my hands on, speak to the imagination, creativity, power, grace, beauty and generosity of God.
- "Little things" in creation inspire me, too–ants working in a colony, snowflakes, fireflies; they remind me that God’s interested in the details and little things matter.
- I think dreadlocks are more appealing on black men than white men; braids are equally attractive for any woman who can pull off the look (I don’t think I pulled it off very well, but it was fun).
- If I’m the last one out of the bed, I can’t imagine not making it every morning.
- I have scoliosis, but never had to wear a brace.
- Tiramisu and crème brûlée are my favorite desserts, sharing equal billing.
- In part, because I like their texture…I don’t really chew or bite either, I squish ’em around with my tongue.
- Using my blow torch to caramelize sugar is a cheap thrill.
- I love caramel macchiatos breves (made with half and half) and I’m afraid they’re the #1 reason I’ve gained weight this year :/.
- Plus, my favorite salty snack is cashews, and they’re fattening. I so wanna believe they’re healthy nuts.
- It’s worth it to me to pay a premium for whole cashews, halves and pieces don’t taste as good ;).
- Moderating #s 10 & 11 does not factor into any New Year’s Resolutions I’ve considered.
- Ever since my watch battery died I’ve been using my cell phone to tell time.
- I have sentimental attachment to clothes.
- In the past I have collected carousel horses, angels and elephants.
- I don’t collect anything now.
- My first car was an electric blue Grand Prix, a family hand-me-down.
- I wish I could purr like a cat.
- I cannot roll my R’s.
- I’ll eat just about anything if it’s deep fried.
- I have no musical ability outside of appreciating it in others.
- The only time I recall enjoying singing (and anyone enjoying me singing) was when my children were babies…and lullabies were part of our bedtime ritual.
- I sang a three-song repetroire, "Let Me Call You Sweetheart", "It’s a Happy Day" and "You are My Sunshine".
- Realizing fully well they were stalling to stay up a few minutes later, I still loved my babies begging me to sing.
- Now, they beg me NOT to sing.
- Or "car dance"…that is SO not cool for their mother to do (hehe).
- I don’t just love drinking coffee for the taste or caffeine…it’s for the warmth in my hands, its divine aroma, and an excuse to use fun mugs.
- While I wouldn’t turn down marshmallows in hot chocolate, my preference is whipped cream. MOUNDS of it!
- You can smile with your lips, or you can smile with your lips AND your eyes. The latter is MUCH more beautiful and engaging and I think it’s easy to tell the difference.
- I d.e.t.e.s.t. a victim mentality and blaming others for your circumstances.
- It’s unattractive in children, it’s deplorable in adults.
- The more I read Scripture, the more I want to read Scripture; the less I read Scripture, the less I want to read Scripture. What’s up with that?
- Sometimes the most sincere prayer I can offer is the same prayer as the father who had a demon-possessed son (full account in Mark 9:14-32).
- I’m pretty much cold all the time.
- I love to fill our children’s Christmas stockings, but not until this year, did my children notice and comment that Tad and I don’t have one.
- I’m on the prowl for two new Christmas stockings :).
- I used to be a binge bargain shopper, but that abruptly stopped when I moved to Tennessee 4 1/2 years ago.
- For the most part, I HATE shopping…too many choices for EVERYTHING!
- EVERY time my children ask what’s for dinner, the FIRST thought that enters my mind–which I don’t allow myself to respond–is "Chicken sh!t on a shingle".
- About the above: a) My sweeter-than-sugar mother-in-law, the woman who is basically Jesus with skin on, told me I could say that on my blog, because b) it’s what my my mother used to say to us (to be blogged with affection soon).
- I’m thankful to have siblings of both genders.
- All the knives in our kitchen desperately need to be sharpened or replaced!
- I won a marathon dance contest when I was in high school.
- I’m very competitive when playing games, but it probably doesn’t come across that way.
- I think (hope?) I’m a good sport when I lose…and when I win.
- I don’t have a favorite flower but several favorites–gerbera daisies, gardenias, tulips, lilies of the valley and zinnias.
- I don’t care for carnations at all.
- I stopped wearing perfume because I wear scented lotions.
- Sometimes, I think it’d be nice to give up scented lotion in order to wear perfume again…for my husband.
- Pretty soon, if you’re a consistent reader, you’ll notice a shift in my blog….
Thanks again to Carmi for prompting me to write this, like this.
I am right with you on #13…when my kids ask what is for dinner I usually say “Poop and you can pick your own pile outside!”
I also do #13, and remind me not to ask what is for dinner if I ever come over 🙂
I also enjoyed reading your friend Carmi’s lists.
Oh, and when I am asked what is for dinner by my husband I often really DO say “Sh!t on toast”. But I doubt I got that from my mother.
How fun! I loved reading these… and am curious to know what you mean by a “shift” in your blog. It’s funny — I’m the exact opposite as far as singing goes. I sing anywhere and everywhere and to anyone (even just myself). I don’t have the best voice, but I don’t even care. It’s fun to sing.
Have a happy, healthy, blessed 2008!!!
I’m with you on #30, 34, and 38. And I haven’t worn a watch for at least a decade (#13).
OOOOO, I can’t wait for the shift.
I switch back and forth on the lotion/perfume thing. Shift? Changes? Yep I am like the curios kitty….
I would whore myself out for some good creme brulee. I HEART whipped cream so much I eat bowls of it with a little ice cream on top. Who cares about cholesterol? I LOVE fried, too.
Not sure which of the Tigers squared you rooted for, but it was a great game.
mmm, tiramisu…
A shift in your blog?!?!? Oooooo, the suspense! I love Gerber Daisies.
My auto-pilot prayer? You know, the automatic one when the bottom falls out of your world? “Thy Will”.
The whole whipped cream thing? My very favorite is whipped cream in a bowl with just a little peanut butter stirred in. Yep, explains the hips, all right.
I’m so happy to know that I’m not alone in hating to shop. There are so many choices I end up walking out with nothing because I couldn’t choose.
Change? ugh, I struggle with change, why would want to change anything with your blog?
So – this dance marathon you won – how long did you dance for? Was it ballroom dancing or hip 80’s freestyle?
AFF, the orange and PURPLE ones!
Sandy, now that’s one I haven’t heard of before…
Lisa, weeell…not so much a change as settling down…?
Ah, Karmyn…the marathon…I think it was 18 hours–6-midnight (I need to find the newspaper clipping…it’s somewhere around here….).
Get this, my boyfriend kept the flippin’ trophy! Guess he wasn’t a keeper ;).
Great List! Fun details.
A shift? Is that a hint of things to come?
Fun list!
I have to have whipped cream with hot chocolate too:).
Shift? Did you say there are gonna be changes?
Gulp – hope you’re not pulling a ‘dingo’ on us.
I’m just getting back, and haven’t read the first 50 yet, but these are very interesting!
Remember: cashews have good fat!
Your article is the medicine of the breaking heart.