Are you the type who enjoys a good come-from-behind victory? If so, click this and remember my name is "R-o-b-i-n".
(If not, applaud the fact I’m getting a nice slice of humble pie and a butt-kickin’ in the process.) (Is "butt-kickin’" a bad word?) (What else could I have said?)
I’ve been blog-busy lately– Pensieve’s Poetic License, Picture Puzzler, and now, this week……..SNACKALICIOUS SUPER DISHES-meets-RECIPE ROUND UP! WAHOOO! I can’t wait to see your favorite crowd-pleasing, appetizing Super Bowl snack recipes! Please make plans to link a recipe on this Friday (the 25th) and you’ll be eligible to win one of 13 cookbooks; it doesn’t have to be an original recipe, it can even be one
you’ve seen on another food blog or recipe web site. Earn additional chances for winning a cookbook by writing a brief post about SSD and including the button in your sidebar (linked back to the FAQs page).
Need an email reminder? Email me or leave a comment here. Want the rest of the details? Visit the Snackalicious FAQs page.
Thank y’all for your enthusiasm and encouragement so far…I’m gettin’ excited folks (and I’m not eating a bite til Friday so I’ll be good and hungry when I read your recipes) (I can’t tell a lie…that was a lie…I’m off to eat some of the Cowboy Cookies I made yesterday…:) )

I knew you would start gaining ground~ especially after begging so prettily!
I am loving the shameless call for votes! YOu are so funny!
If you don’t mind, I would LOVE an e-mail reminder about the SuperDishes on Wednesday or early Thursday.
Boy! I’m aure a high maintenance bluddy!
P.S. Did you get my e-mail the other day?
You could have said “A$$ whooppin'”
I swear I voted a couple of times, I thought it woulda helped. 🙁 Happy 3rd though. 🙂 As you say, at least you placed.