…I decided to save a life.  Maybe three.

It's about time, too.  Twenty-plus years ago I didn't weigh enough; that excuse has been invalid for decades (shame on me!).

As I was pulling out of the school parking lot, a funky custom bus parked in front of the office captured my attention; it slowly dawned on me what it was.

A blood drive to celebrate Valentine's Day (their slogan?  Have a heart!).

Sooo…I circled around to a parking place, walked inside to register, was subjected to the Grand Inquisition answered a few standard questions (no, I don't have Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease aka "Mad Cow", I haven't shared needles with anyone lately,  I have never paid for nor received payment for "services", nor do I have malaria, and I haven't had a kidney transplant OR a tattoo in the past year), and I was good to go.

The only problem?  Wait, there were two:  1)  My camera wasn't with me, and 2)  my face was au natural–I'm sure I brushed my teeth, I think I brushed my hair, but I hadn't yet put on make up.  That, in and of itself, isn't that unusual…being photographed and posting pictures on the interweb without make up is.  I'm vain that way (except for the time I intentionally posted my naked face). 

In the name of all things "public service announcement", I'm takin' this one for ya, though.  Saved by my cell phone camera and and smiling big enough so you wouldn't notice the dark circles and uneven skin tones, I'm thinking there's no better way to celebrate Valentine's Day.  This might become a new annual tradition, even if it's not as fun as my other.


See?  Don't they make you nice and comfy?  My feet are elevated, I'm drinkin' a Sprite (I was already maxed out on caffeine :/) and they gave me a cute little sticker to wear that says, "Kiss me, I gave blood today."




I couldn't watch when they pricked my arm; they kept it covered during the Draining of the Blood, but uncovered it to photograph it.  Anything for the blog, yes?



The Blood Assurance staff, professional and donor savvy, found a way to keep my mind occupied–"Just squeeze this ball every 5-10 seconds."  Heeey, after ten minutes of that, I've got my exercise in for the day!


From start to finish, it took m a y b e half an hour tops.  The needle prick hurt less than a paper cut, they gave me cookies and crackers and soft drinks and juice, and they sent me home with a lovely new tee shirt and their sincere appreciation. 

And my donation might've saved three lives, or at minimum helped someone else.

What's your excuse for not donating blood?  Unless you have a medical reason not to, would you please reconsider and look up your local agency today?


{OOooo, and be a love–please visit all the Pensieve Poet-teers below
who wrote Sonnets of Love to celebrate today and this month's Poetic License!}

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