I did not rig this quiz and I only took it once…o b v i o u s l y it’s 100% accurate!
Hands off, ladies. He’s m i n e. Rrrrrrowr!
Lemme know who yours is…
I did not rig this quiz and I only took it once…o b v i o u s l y it’s 100% accurate!
Hands off, ladies. He’s m i n e. Rrrrrrowr!
Lemme know who yours is…
Kate Beckinsale. (I didn’t cheat either.)
Yep. That’s correct.
Thing is…I couldn’t find her phone number on the page that gave the result. How else will I be able to verify that she’s “the one” unless we have a leisurely chat on the phone and then meet for coffee?
Just posted mine, Robin. We are not as alike as I thought…Patrick Dempsey for me, thank you very much!
I’ve already forgotten the name of the unknown celebrity! I may have to try it again.
Patrick Dempsey. Who is he?
Another Patrick Dempsey here…
Back off princess. Apparently Clooney is mine!
Stephen, 1) I do know you likey those “Kates” (doesn’t matter whether it’s Winslet, Blanchett or Beckinsdale, no?); and 2) I presume you weren’t gunning for Clooney…!
Dawn, tug of war?? 😉
Sandy, if it wasn’t Clooney, I wouldn’t taken McDreamy, no problemo :).
Kim, ha! lasting impression, huh? (ARE YOU KIDDING???)
Karen, it’s in his eyes, yes?
Sister Honey Bunch, hmmmm, you snuck in while I was commenting…just like you’re trying to horn in on mah mahn! Catfight??
Mr. Beckham. which didn’t make me happy. so i tried again and got will smith.
how many times do i have to do it before it tells me the truth and gives me Ciaran hinds???
Will Smith was mine.
I can’t say that I’m disappointed. I’ve always liked him. 🙂
Sorry, but Clooney was mine, too. 🙂
Thanks for the fun!
I got a Will Smith too! I like him well enough, but CLooney might be worth going to bat for…
tried your quiz, mr clooney is my sole mate
as well! hands off, handbags at 5 paces,
OK. So I looked Patrick Dempsey up on IMDB. He’s very handsome but I’ve never seen him in anything–that’s why I don’t remember him.
George Clooney, I’m sorry.
Beyonce for me, baby.
Wow, David Beckham for me!
I’ll keep him.
Kate Beckinsale.
I want a do-over.
Steve so cheated!
He always envisioned a Kate
When it came to finding a mate.
I could fancy his grin
When the test score came in
I guess that it really is fate.
I got Peter Griffin.
I wanted George and got David Beckham (how can that be when my favorite sport is Football? hmmmm…)
I’m allllllllllllllllllllllll about me some “BRAD PITT” lol =)
That was fun!!! I posted it too!!!!
To Min:
Did you really think that I would cheat?
Just to claim Beckinsale as my sweet?
Though on Bibles I’d swear
We don’t have to go there
Winning Kate is a fait accompli
you can keep george, me and patrick dempsey were fated to be together….;-)
Words I don’t want to mince
Just look at the clear evidence.
Scoring with Kate
As your perfect soulmate
Cannot be coincidence!
If only this news could be carried,
Jet-linered or Fed-Exed or ferried
To Kate…but then…wait
My hope must abate
It turns out she’s already married
I’m sorry your love is forsaken
And Kate number one is hence taken
But don’t you despair
There are plenty out there
No need for your heart to be breakin’
Mine was Patrick Dempsey…OOO la la!
Seems while I was peacefully dreaming,
Min and Steve were quietly teaming
Lim’rick writing, so quick–
Those two are just SICK!
(But the smiles they give me, redeeming.)
If one is goot, two is bettah??
Min got Peter, while Steve, he got Kate.
Y’all could go on a blind double date.
Pete’s a nice “Family Guy”
Kate’s a beaut, I can’t lie.
They’re both married, guess y’all are too late.
Third one’s a charm?
These poems we all are a’ writin’–
Poetic License, I’ll soon be invitin’
In March, please write more
Y’all know I adore,
Limerick form, oh yes! I’m delighting!
Anyone else game???
(And for all you Patrick Dempsey peeps…I’m sure he’d have been my #2…so…watch your back!) 🙂
Your soulmates are making me sob
Robin got Clooney, good job!
Some got Doctor Stewart
But I totally blew it
‘Cause all that I got was a slob!
I didn’t like getting Beckham either. I’d like to see who their pool is. Wouldn’t it be funny if they stuck Paul Rubins in there!
Okay, Min, I’ll keep playing.
Your match was (of course) unconventional
And (of course) I presume, unintentional
But look at the perks
Unlike other jerks
Peter Griffin is not one dimensional
I found my reply indiscreet,
To your defense of Ol’ Pete
My response was so lurid
In fact, downright horrid!
I couldn’t help pushing ‘delete’.
So Katie ruined your plan
By tying the knot with her man.
Trying playing again
And maybe you’ll win
A date with the lovely Roseanne.
Girlfriend, I’m laughing because your link within widget brought me back here. Almost 3 years later. 😉