I’m all about spreading the love.

Honestly, as a W.O.A. girl, I’m with Mark Twain who said, "“I can live for two months on a good compliment.” 

It’s definitely not just about receiving, though.  My natural inclination is to build others up, to find words that will leave them encouraged, buoyed.  Now, gracious!–I am NOT trying to pat myself on the back by sharing that, I’m just explaining that when I "like" something or someone, it’s effortless to express it…in fact, I have a hard time exercising restraint.

(Hence, my sometimes over-use of exclamation points in the written word!!! <—that’s only for effect.)

Recently, I’ve gushed about the Gourmet Goddess, Paula Deen, a time or two three.  Who could blame me?  She’s cuter than the pies she makes…which is a whole lot of "cute" goin’ on if by "cute" you mean some kind of yummaful.

Anyways, through my crush on her, I’ve met a new BBFF, webmaster extraordinaire Phil (even though he doesn’t blog).  Ol’ Phil has promised the moon and stars red carpet treatment if I ever make it to Savannah to meet The Lady (Paula) and her sons (Bobby and Jamie), and in the meantime, he sent a little fun my way–


Good things always come in mailing tubes, yes?  Have you ever gotten a bill in one?


It’s a mini movie poster from the 2005 movie Paula was featured in, Elizabethtown, starring Orlando Bloom and Kirsten Dunst.  The movie’s tagline is  "It’s a heck of a place to find yourself" which sounds about right for Ms. Deen.

But let’s look closer to see what makes this particular poster so special–


Why she wrote a personal note just to me!  Right, Phil?  RIGHT??!

Thanks to my new friend and Miss Paula for making my day.  But, Phil, let’s just keep what she said about me behind my back between me and you though, k?


OOooo, and want some more of Paula’s DELICI-O-SO recipes?  Click her pictures and follow the links…I bet they taste as good (better than?) as they look!


(l-r Mixed Berry Bellinis, Sweet Dessert Paninis and Best Crab Casserole…come here lovies…!)

**  For the record, I meant it’s amazing what a little air up MY skirt does for me in this case, not that I was blowing air up Paula’s or Phil’s skirts in order to score this little surcie.  But you knew that because it was perfectly clear…right?

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