My favorite Valentine’s gift evah was given to me in college by my then boyfriend, now husband of 20+ years: a hand-made card.
It’s little surprise that a “words of encouragement” girl would choose a card for her favorite gift, but I’m afraid Hallmark got it wrong when they laid claim to “When you care enough to send the very best” – nothing they have for sale could beat this homemade creation of his.
The only thing it cost him was a little time, but to me, it’s priceless. If our house goes up in flames, after throwing my family out the window, this is going next.
(A college guy voluntarily telling you how he feels?! Jackpot! For the record, Tad would have NEVER given me gin in college; a) I never drank it, and b) he didn’t drink alcohol).
Who knows why he chose Clark Bynum (a Clemson basketball player at the time) as someone I could’ve gone out with…it was as random then as it is to me now. Tad was not a frat boy, but I was a sorority girl and he endured those kinds of functions. I loved South Carolina beaches and mountains then…and miss them terribly now.
For a while, he was a cowboy (as far as the boots and truck went) and I used to joke that if he saw a cow on the side of the road or a girl in a bikini, he’d notice the cow. I doubt it was true but it’s funny to think about now.
He still makes me feel like he only has eyes for me.
He never made another homemade card. I guess like Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, he crafted an enduring masterpiece the first time.
Every once in a blue moon, I suppose perfection doesn’t need practice.
what a beautiful card!! I would treasure it also!!
What a sweetie he was, and still is, I am assuming!
Thanks for sharing this.
Ahhh, how special. I’m so glad you saved that card. No Hallmark could top that!
What a beautiful thing. 🙂
I snagged me a country boy, too. I wouldn’t trade him for anything.
When I saw your post, it reminded me of a letter my Cowboy wrote me ages ago. So I joined in the fun.
That is a gorgeous card!!! How wonderful to have such a thoughtful beau.
That is absolutely adorable:)
The best Valentines definitely don’t always come from Hallmark.
That is so sweet!
How positively adorable 🙂
what a fun and romantic gift! 🙂
This was absolutely great…talk about a creative and sweet college guy…no wonder you married him! 🙂
I thought it was so cute how he put that other guy’s smiling picture in there…heehee
What a wonderful keepsake for all time!
That is sooooooooooooooooooooo sweet! It’s thelittle things like that….that really count! =)
By the way I posted about my win!!! Thank you for my 1st win!!! =) You made a BAD week a GREAT one!!! Once again it’s the LITTLE things that COUNT!!!! =)
Oh. My. Goodness. No wonder you fell in love, and then married this man. Such creativity! Such love! Thanks for doing this Robin. I remember receiving similar cards (and letters) in college. You know, come to think of it, the long-distance *letter writer* was the one who won me over. I wonder why? :~D
Thanks for joining us for Marriage Monday today. Just a friendly reminder to vote for next month’s topic, if you haven’t already.
Did you get my comment? (I think it was eaten.) I loved this Robin. Thanks for joining us.
What a treasure. I think your hubby is a keeper for sure. 🙂
*sniff sniff*
*wipes a tear*
That’s so sweet, Robin:).
That was such a beautiful card. No wonder you married him!
Ok. stop. Just stop right there. I’m melting. Stop it! 🙂
OMG, how sweet! Seriously? No wonder you married him…how could you not have?
How sweet! And you kept it! He’s a keeper, isn’t he?
What a great card and great carnival. 🙂 It’s so neat that you guys have been together so long. 🙂
Aww, that is just precious! All the letters Hubby wrote me back in college were just weird. But then, so is he.
My MM entry is up – a day late.
Hey guys, I gotta chime in to say 1) thanks for sharing YOUR responses to his “card”, and 2) my husband is A LOT of wonderful things, but “sweet” ain’t one of ’em. Those types of comments have GOT to be cracking him up!
Hey Sis,
Just found your site. Having fun finding out all about my sis-n-law. I always knew Tad was sweet, and this card confirms it. Will be checking in to catch up. luv ya.
I would say that is the Best Card EVER !!!!!!!!!! (Except for a couple from my sons when they were in grade school). I would keep that card forever… I would frame it in fireproof materials !!! Pure words of love from an honest and open heart. Can’t get better than that. You both are blessed !!!