1) For some bizarre reason, this little illustration reminds me of "The Lion and the Mouse". Except I think "David and Goliath" is much more accurate.
2) While I could’ve posted these pics with the pancake tire photos, I wanted these to have their own title.
3) But I wonder if it’s offensive…. It’s (p)funny to me, but when people drop my blog from their readers, I wonder if it’s because I’ve written something that offended them.
4) I’m spicy…I cross lines…but always, ALWAYS, I’m aware that a) my children might read my blog; b) I would NEVER want to disparage the name of Christ as a follower who loves Him dearly (albeit imperfectly). That’s why I reference being a JesusFreak from time to time.
5) Bless his heart, my husband drove home (30 minutes) to change my tire. He let me "help".
A) He remembers to go right to the owners manual to find all the parts he needs (I would’ve looked and looked and looked (not even knowing what I was looking for) and THEN checked out the manual.
B) He laid out all the parts, then let me jack the car up (until I was going so slow he helped finish).
C) Know how I know I’m miserably out of shape??? I got out of breath turning the jack handle :/.
D) Tad then "let" me unscrew the lug nut. Please commence to laughing out loud right now–I could not turn the blasted thing! Even with all my weight against it! P.i.t.i.f.u.l.!
6) That little screw/nail did a really fine job. A "repair" isn’t good enough to fix it; a new tire is.
7) We’re going to "let" our daughter (15) put the new tire back on. I’ll supervise (**snort**).
That’s all, I gotta run…I’m waiting on a return call from membership at AAA :)….
Great way to turn a mishap into a story… just found your blog via http://glenyalla.typepad.com/once_upon_a_blog/ and the fun monday post… Will be lurking! (hey at least I give fair warning…)
(I’m leaving a multiple-post comment here.)
I never knew where “Pensieve” came from! When I first started reading your blog, I looked it up on dictionary.com but couldn’t find it. I just assumed that you were smarter than the dictionary 😀 And after reading the reason behind the name, I KNOW you’re smarter 😉
As far as your flat tire – I still have nightmares about a tire going flat while I’m out with all three kids in the middle of nowhere at 10pm. When I was 19, I was driving back from an amusement park at midnight, still 3 hours from home, and my tire EXPLODED while I was on the interstate. I thought we’d been shot at! All I could see was sparks flying in my rearview mirror. The sparks were from the metal wheel spinning on asphalt at 60mph. I am still terrified that it will happen again…
Good luck with your tire – it’s hard to believe that teeny little screw could cause so much damage!
I vote funny!
I got my book today! Can’t wait to start on it. Thank you so much for giving it to me.
Haha…I laughed out loud at your title…thanks for that one!
Anna, me likey lurkers. Especially when they tell me they’re lurking!
Susan, wow…what a NIGHTMARE! I had visions of Rachel (my 15 year old) driving with that (stupid) screw in the tire :(. WHAT IF SOMETHING HAPPENED, ya know? She doesn’t have the experience yet to know what to do! HECK, I DON’T, EITHER!!! :/
Kim, thanks, you’re welcome, and let me know how you like it!
Senselight, good. So did I ;).
Oh, man!! There’s no way to plug it, is there? If you had to get anew tire, I’d definitely say screwed!! boo. I don’t think I’d know what to do if I got a flat either (I have never had to change one on my own!!) Last time I got one, I walked to the store and got fix-a-flat…then headed to the mechanics and let them plug it!
thank goodness for the husbands. i got a flat 2 weeks ago and i called him before triple A! he called AAA for me! hey i don’t need to be an independent woman all the time! i like having a man help me!!
Ah Robin, I don’t think AAA will let you be a member if you have had a screw in your tire. Sorry to disappoint you. 😀
Not offensive at all…it’s funny! Thans for the chuckle!
Of all the classes I had in high school the one I took that was the most practical (other thant typing)was a shop class for girls in which we learned to changed a tire, change the oil, wire an outlet, do basic carpentry and weld. I still belong to AAA, though.
Oh I feel guilty for laughing at your misfortune….but I have to lay some blame on the narrator 🙂
I’m glad you got your tire fixed though, those things are always so frustrating.
~I found your blog through the blog of a friends friend…does that make sense? Thanks for stopping by :-)~