No doubt, this is the most disturbing conversation I’ve ever felt compelled to share at Pensieve. In the past I’ve shared funny convos, conversations that caught me off guard, and little ditties that either made you spew coffee or gag or maybe even both simultaneously.
This one has consequences I hoped we’d never have to bear.
(Big breath…)
Stephen: "Mom, can you come outside? Pippin’s doin’ somethin’ he’s never done before…."
Note, in the past, Stephen thought the rabbits were really sick because during the day they slow down–they’re most active morning and late afternoon. I thought Pippin (the much smaller bunny) might’ve been "resting"….
Me, reassuringly, as I’m headed to the door: "Okay, honey, I’m sure he’s okay."
‘Nother note: Most days we let the bunnies out of their hutch so they can hop around; Tad built a large pen for them, but since they have to be supervised in case our pseudo-pet fox visits, Stephen often lets them play in the back of Tad’s truck, where he doesn’t have to keep as close an eye.
Stephen: "Just watch…he’ll do it again in a second…."
Me…with a slowly dawning realization forming in my brain…: "IS HE CLIMBING ON PEPPER???!!!!"
And as I peer over the side of the truck, sweet, cute, innocent little Pippin hops over to his much bigger
b r o t h e r and proceeds to hop up from behind and do a little "dance"….
Me: "Oh $#!+!" said three times before I realized I had said it the first. Me continuing, totally freaking out that our two MALE lionhead rabbits might not be after all! "STEPHEN–I’M SORRY!! I DIDN’T MEAN TO SAY THAT BABY–I’M SORRY DON’T LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER RIGHT NOW!!!!"
Then I asked him what Pepper did when Pippin did "that".
Stephen: "Well, Pepper just sits there but I put my hand on Pippin and he was shaking all over…."
Never did it occur to me that Pepper might be female…if any, it would’ve been the smaller Pippin….
Me: "Honey, I think they’re mating…and by now, it’s too late to stop ’em…we might have baby bunnies in a few weeks…"
S i g h….
Some additional thoughts/comments:
a) So, now I have a literal visual to go with the phrase "screwin’ like rabbits"….:/
b) I’m sparing you the pictures because I don’t believe in the promulgation of rabbitporn.
c) Additional cute-innocence from my son: "If they’re both girls, can they still have babies?" (time for a "chat"???)
d) By my optimistic husband: "Well, they could both be boys…I’ve seen male dogs try that with each other…." (gay rabbits????)
e) Does anyone want a FREE pet lionhead rabbit??? I’ll have some adorable samples in about six weeks….
f) I’m gonna shoot my father-in-law…it was HIS great idea to give Stephen TWO rabbits in the first place (and THUMP on the head to me and Tad for letting him!).
Yes…I hear you laughing AT me…it’s well deserved….
ROFL! Better you than me… 🙂
Jenn And The City
I’m laughing so hard I’m crying here.
yes, you’re right, I’m laughing!! and then wondering…can you neuter rabbits? I haven’t heard of it. and how quickly do they go at it again after having babies? and how many babies will you end up with? Will the bunny get a really big belly and get super-self conscious about having her picture taken before she gives birth? and uh, didn’t the vet CHECK this out?? and did Stephen really not know what was going on ???
HAHAHAHAHA! That reminds me of our neighbors who kept the two “male” cats from their litter and gave away the mother so they wouldn’t have any more kittens. The one named Gilbert had kittens a year later. They were not happy.
Gay rabbits might just be a better option! Don’t they have to be separated for a while after the birth, something about the male killing the young or am I just imagining that!
Oh. My. Lands.
Yet another reason to say no when the kids ask for another pet of any sort!
Ummm, I’ll be praying that it didn’t “take”…
Oh no is right!!
Well.. one could be a she,.. or one he could be asserting dominance or something? Do rabbits have a ‘pecking’ order like dogs, etc? Maybe he’s just trying to be the boss… Maybe…
And yeah, can’t the vet tell you whether or not they are boys or girls?
LOL! When I have kids, I’ll remember to only have one at a time!
I was laughing so hard I didn’t type that right. I meant I’ll only have one pet at a time.
Is there a way to neuter a rabbit to make sure this doesn’t happen again??
They’re probably just gay. I wouldn’t worry about it. Still, better safe than sorry?
Do they make bunny condoms?
My sister and I had pet brother rabbits when we were younger. They enjoyed this same kind of “bond” too.
It was shocking to both of us, but apparently pretty normal for rabbits. The males are just hump-happy I guess.
You know, I always enjoy the comments on here, as much as I enjoy the blog! Too funny.
As always, it’s such a blast to come here and catch up!
Love to ya friend ~
Not to laugh at another’s plight – but BWAHAHAHA!
Of course, no telling what kind of bunny-trauma Pippin experienced when your child PLACED HIS HAND UPON HIS BACK during his “bunny business!” NOT his idea of a three-some, I’m sure!
*sinister snicker*
Oh, that is hilarious! I hope they are male and female…although then you have the expanded rabbit population to deal with. So maybe better if they are gay. Or not. I just don’t know.
HA HA HA! I’m busting up here.
Comment on thought b) You’re sparing us the pictures??? THAT MEANS YOU WENT AND GOT YOUR CAMERA AND TOOK PICTURES??? That to me is the funniest part of all!
Oh, I pray for gay rabbits for you.
Growing up on a cattle property, I will tell you that if testosterone filled bulls can find no cows, they do “practice” – but the practicees do not pretend to enjoy.
Enough – imagery there is a place we don’t want to go.
Darn – pity pet rabbits are illegal over here, eh? But we have some kick-butt diseases man-created to get rid of the varmints.
Man – what a nasty comment – sorry, I don’t mean to be going there.
Sorry for you, and I hope that it doesn’t come to new understanding of the phrase “breeding like rabbits”.
Oh. Yeh.
b, c? LMAO
But, I was in HYSTERICS by ‘d’.
Jenn, SAYS WHO???
Karina, you’re welcome ;).
Claudia, I’m asking the same questions you are! Ha! A little late, huh? I think the whole cliché of {mat]ing like rabbits is because they can gestate so frequently.
And, I t h i n k Stephen suspected it, but he really is **naive** about stuff.
Jana, my husband is already threatening to ship off one of ’em…if we end up with a bunch??? As soon as they’re weaned…:/
Chris, all I know is whatever I read when we got them didn’t “stick”…reading up on this stuff (again) tonight, it’s like I’m hearing it for the first time. Help…?
Shalee, amen, sister!
Amber…we didn’t take ’em to the vet. They came with a “clean bill of health”…now I’m wondering why we didn’t ask more questions. Really…TRULY…I’m smarter than this!!!
Bluestocking…now THAT was funny!
AFF, yes. A lotta good that does me at the moment :/.
Jenny, yeah, but the guys refuse to use ’em.
Erin, I guess we ought to do a thorough “inspection” and get some answers. I mean I “looked”, but I didn’t really see anything. Then again…I was kind of freakin’ and felt like I was invading personal space…. Far be it for me to violate a bunny!
Kristyyyyyyyyy!!! Hey Miss Exciting!!
Tiggerlane, if you could see that little fella, you’d find it funny, too. He’s just so little (in comparison) (hard to tell in the pics…).
Min, yeah…I know….
Erin, it’s a conundrum, yes?
Robert, just wait til Wordless Wednesday ;).
Jeanie, me, too……….:)
TLG, hehe, me, too :D.
ROFLOL…I am dying here while my daughter continually says, “WHAT? WHAT? WHAT?” HA!
I’m only laughing WITH you.
Our cat “Fred” had so many litters of 6 toed kittens that it wasn’t even funny. OK, maybe it was!
For your sake I hope they are just practicing.
Many of our farm animals did that —
I am reminded of the two rabbits who got chased under the haystack by a pack of dogs. The male rabbit was out of breath and trying to come up with an escape plan.
“Emma,” he asked, “Do you want to make a run for it, or hang around a few days and just out number them?”
I think you may have done a miracle and successfully helped Mindy overcome her fear of rabbits.
Bravo, my friend!!! Bravo!!!
We had two male rabbits. They did that all the time. We used to call them the gay incestous rabbits because they were brothers.
omigod, robin, i’m just catching up here….
and i’ll thank you very much to send me a new computer keyboard because i just sprayed mine with diet coke!!!!!
Too hilarious!! Gay rabbits? We had two white rabbits a boy and a girl but the boy has been done, so to speak so there were no bunny hopping!
Goodluck with the baby bunnies!