Pensieve_button_black_poetic_licensI’ve been foolin’ around with the guidelines for Pensieve’s Poetic License, trying to streamline the page so it flows better.  Often "less" is "more"–something I KNOW but with which I have difficulty;  I’m workin’ on it.

In the process, though, I realized it’s time to announce this month’s poetic form and theme.  After two challenging months (terza rima and English sonnet), we’re going to have FUN!  What better month–March/my birthday month/all things Easter and Spring and Irish–to write LIMERICKS?!

Do I need to explain this form?  Wikipedia has as good an explanation as any, and I will say this–limericks are much more enjoyable if they adhere to the correct metrical feet–three in lines 1, 2 & 5; two in lines 3 & 4.

As far as theme, I’m gonna switch it up a bit this month–instead of a specific theme, use one or more of the following key words:  green, irish, leprechaun, shamrock, Easter, Spring, kite, windy.  Use them all and I’ll think you’re pure genius.  Or certifiable.  Or both.

To prime your limerick pumps, here’s a little something to get you started:  simply give me your best shot at the last line for the two below (leave your line in comments).  Then, come back on THIS FRIDAY to link the limerick(s) you’ve written and to see who else is participating.

Non-bloggers are invited, too!  Just post your poems in comments or email them to me and I’ll post them with mine on Friday.  Be sure to invite your friends, too :).

Fred, a green leprechaun
In Spring, flew a kite until dawn.
On Easter, so windy,
His shamrock kite got all bendy.

See?  I’m almost certifiable a genuis ;).

Here’s another which isn’t quite so over-achieving with the key words (again, be sure to share your last line–I’ll post my favorite on Friday):

"Fly a kite!" you might want to shout.
When Poetic License I’ve asked you to tout.
Or perhaps, you’ll agree
And you’ll write two or three–

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