I saw this at Rocks in My Dryer…and was surprised by my disappointing results–


Seems like I forgot Viridian, Heliotrope and Caput Mortuum; and while I remembered Chartreuse, I just couldn’t spell it under pressure.

Right now, I don’t feel smarter than a 5th Grader kindergartner AT.ALL. (and I don’t think Crayola would hire me!)!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

On a completely different note, while I was publishing the above, my phone rang.  I answered it out of pure curiosity–don’t think I’ve ever received a call from "Hicksville, NY" (I didn’t even KNOW there was such a place!).  It was a recorded message that began, "I’m calling to conduct a survey about abortion.  If you don’t care to participate, simply hang up."

Good gracious…I haven’t even eaten breakfast! 

I hung up.

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