This giveaway will make MUCH more sense if you read what prompted me to give it.

When it comes to keeping organized, pretty accessories make a difference, yes? One lucky commenter will win a dozen colorful file folders, a small zippered bag to begin your own purse organization, and just for kicks–having NOTHING to do with organization–a large, obnoxiously pink and green quilted duffel bag. I’d love to tell you it’s Vera Bradley, but the truth is, it’s a Vera Bradley wannabe…;)
All YOU have to do to be eligible is read my list of 100 Things and tell me something we share in common or how we’re polar opposites (as an FYI, this idea originated from comments :)!).
If you haven’t already, please feel free to enter previous days’ giveaways 🙂 and check out the main Bloggy Giveaways page for THOUSANDS of dollars in prizes just waiting to be won!
Giveaway #1: Starbucks giftcard
Giveaway #2: Amethyst & marcasite silver ring
Giveaway #3: Your choice of a book–THREE winners!!
an all-expenses paid trip to New York City yet?
Be sure to let them know PENSIEVE sentcha :).
omg, no way do you also have a big chicken pox scar between your eyebrows…that’s freakishly strange!! i don’t see mine either, i’ve had it more than half my life….
37. I’m geography impaired and have no sense of direction
honey, i think this means we were separated at birth. i can get lost going down the hall to the bathroom in my own house.
I have Scoliosis too and After 3 kids I don’t have to wear a brace but boy sometimes after picking up my son..ouch!!
What a great Spring time Giveaway, Please enter me!!
Oh look at me, signing up on the third day!
I beg to differ, Robert Redford is not aging very well. Especially after the last few “lifts” he’s gotten.
I am “pretty much cold at all times” too!
I am with you on the dirty fingernails. I also like what you said about the scents of your families I think I could do that too.
Thanks for the giveaway, Kathy
I wish I had paid more attention in History classes too – or took some more in College (as electives). Because there is just so much I don’t know about.
and I use my cell phone to tell time too – because my watch battery died….and after you haven’t worn one for a while, it feels right off.
I too love laughing until I cry – I love that things can just be “that funny” – laughter is so good for the sould – such a gift from God! Thanks for the entry!
I can relate with you on #92! Our knives are in horrible condition and everytime we go to use one they are so dull!!!
Definitely #37 ’cause I get lost in my town all the time. No, seriously. Lost. I blame it on all the trees.
I would LOVE to win this stuff!!!! :o)
oh my gosh..#94….i am the same AND different than you LOL
you said:
“I’m very competitive when playing games, but it probably doesn’t come across that way.”
I am totally competitive when playing games too!!!! LOL although…for definitely comes across that way. I am not a sore loser…but i just get soo competitive and if anyone cheats…i get SO mad! LOL
We’ve both had chicken pox, but I do not have any scars. I also started recylcing this year!
You wrote, “I’m a strong swimmer and, although decades from being current, was a lifeguard.”
Everytime I get in the pool I tell everyone, “I’m not a strong swimmer, so if you’re going down, don’t hang on to me!”
My daughter (who is a strong swimmer thanks to her dad!) would love the duffel bag to take with her to college! Thanks!
For the most part, I HATE shopping…too many choices for EVERYTHING!
I hate shopping to!:) My sister’s both love it and can’t believe I don’t!
I was a lifeguard and a strong swimmer, too.
Thanks for the chance to win.
We are polar opposites because I usually don’t make the bed. It’s only because I know my husband likes to get into a nicely made bed at night that I ever actually make the bed. And when I do it’s usually not until the afternoon.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
I think we both look pretty darn HOTTT in braids :~)
I also LOVE to laugh until I cry…my SIL and I have a knack for bringing that out in each other and everyone just stands around looking at us like they jsut don’t get what is soooo funny! I love it.Enter me please.
Definitely both of these…
15. I’ve found once you begin recycling, you think about environmental stewardship a whole lot more…I get a little twitchy when I see people throwing cans and plastic bottles in trashcans :/.
24. I love how Jesus lived the gospel, showing us how to love God and love others.
We have a few in common!
1. I cannot roll my R’s.
2. It blows my mind to think about the Trinity and eternity.
3. I have no musical ability outside of appreciating it in others.
4. I don’t just love drinking coffee for the taste or caffeine…it’s for the warmth in my hands, its divine aroma, and an excuse to use fun mugs.
5. I’m pretty much cold all the time (maybe that’s the other reason we love coffee so much!).
6. Dirty fingernails gross me out.
I agree with number 25: It is soooo hard to be a good Christian. The wonderful thing is that when we fall, He still picks us up!
I think I could pick my hubby & kids out of a line up by just scent alone as well. Never thought of it, but I am sure I could
#88 I hate shopping…too many choices for everything.
I hear ya. I can spend 10 minutes trying to decide on an air freshner, 5 minutes on the brand, another 5 minutes on the scent.
I only had to read to # 5 (but did read them all) to find something we have in common. I absolutely love the sound of my kids laughing. I almost cry thinking about them getting older and me not getting to hear that everyday. That sound will NEVER get old. I even have it for my ringtone!
I would have to agree with #88 I hate to shop…there are too many choices.
It can take me up to 10 minutes to decide on an air freshener: 5 minutes on the brand, another 5 minutes on the scent.
We have these things in common!
1)You can smile with your lips, or you can smile with your lips AND your eyes. The latter is MUCH more beautiful and engaging and I think it’s easy to tell the difference.
2)I have no musical ability outside of appreciating it in others.
3)I’m very competitive when playing games, but it probably doesn’t come across that way.
4)I used to be a binge bargain shopper, but that abruptly stopped when I moved to Tennessee 4 1/2 years ago. (except I don’t live or ever moved to TN)
5)Dirty, long toenails REALLY gross me out.
6)Good manners are VERY important to me.
7)I don’t have a favorite flower but several favorites–gerbera daisies, gardenias, tulips, lilies of the valley and zinnias.
I can’t roll my R’s either! All of my brothers can, I’m just the odd duck out! Try as I may!
I also can’t stand dirty fingernails…ewwww!
We have number 71 in common…I have no musical ability outside of appreciating it in others. My kids make a point of reminding me of that fact.
I would love to be entered in your giveaway.
I think I will have to go with #60. I do love cashews. But believe it or not, I also have a chicken pox scar by my eyebrown. hmmm. Anyway, I would love to be a winner. Thanks.
You know what *I* think…I think we have too much in common to list!!!!
Reading more books is one of my New Years resolutions too! I think I’ve finished 2-3 books this year, so that’s 2-3 books better than before. :-S
#77 coffee love to drink it but it is also about the smell & mug
#84 I’m cold all the time
#89 Oh my gosh!! I don’t say that, but I feel like saying something like that! I hate that question. I have a 3 boys -14, 11 & 5. I have been hearing that question for so long I want to scream. That made me laugh so hard-one of those belly laughs. Your mom must have been a riot. I will be on your blog evryday now! I agree with the reading the bible, too. BTW never try the braids again:).
Oh! #77! Coffee is not just a beverage… It’s an experience!
I too have dreams that my contacts are so big I can barely lift them let alone put them in my eyes, and I haven’t worn contacts for about 5 years! I am glad I haven’t had the teeth dream for quite a while (knocking on wood)!
#6-love to laugh until i cry, cry until i laugh. this morning my hubby (who has been sick) was giving me a hug goodbye and while doing so made a horrible “im throwing up” sound and i could have killed him b/c it scared me so bad i was laughing and crying all at once. hes dead when he gets home : )
We have a lot in common, I love Caramel Machiatto’s(my fave), fried foods(thats why there is more to love on me) and laughing till I cry, to name a few. Great prize, thanks, and sign me up, plz!!
Forgot to leave email for the above post, duh me,…for the Machiatto post…lol
“I’ve found once you begin recycling, you think about environmental stewardship a whole lot more…I get a little twitchy when I see people throwing cans and plastic bottles in trashcans :/.”
It really bothers me too when people don’t take the time to recycle. *Thanks* for the giveaway!
I 100% agree with you on number 5. I don’t have children of my own yet, but I love the sound of my niece and nephew laughing, when I hear them laughing it makes my heart smile.
We are alike in that we love to laugh until we cry and it doesn’t happen often enough. We are polar opposites in that I have an innate compass in me. I cannot always tell you if it is north or south but I can always find my way around.
Lets see… I love Jesus too, thinking about the trinity makes my brain hurt, The Velveteen Rabbit is one of my all time favourite books ever, blogging has definitely cut down my reading time, I can’t roll my r’s, and the sound of my children’s laughter is the best thing I hear all day!
I am SO with you on #20 – long tonenails are just icky and if they’re dirty. And I’m not a big fan of long fingernails on men.
I relate to 54 the best I love to really examine the small things like have you ever looked really close at someones eyes the color patterns are amazing. In fact I just found someone who takes pictures and uses them for art it is spectacular.
What a fun way to get people to comment thanks.
I should put a list like that on my blog, Great idea
#19 and #70 and similarities for us!! 🙂
cute giveaway and blog!!!
There are a lot of things we have in common- one example “I used to be a binge bargain shopper, but that abruptly stopped when I moved to Tennessee 4 1/2 years ago.” I use to live in Tennessee!
Kinda scary – as I was going down your list, I’m like, ok – I can list that one. Oh,maybe that one. Oh, also that one, too. Yikes, that one too. Ok, this is weird, that one too!. So here’s just a few: I am cold all the time, too…my husband laughs cuz he’s pretty much hot all the time. I detest gross toenails, to the point I really don’t care for feet AT ALL. I love to laugh until I cry. I have often dreamed that I lost my teeth!! Too weird. Ok, now that I’ve probably creeped you out, I’d love to be entered in this giveaway. And although I love Vera Bradley, I’m all about the Vera wannabee!!! Great giveaway! Thanks for offering!
We have 69 and 78 in common.
So the thing we have in common is number 55. I have scoliosis as well but I haven’t (thankfully) had to wear a brace….although if it would have helped with my lop-sided shoulders maybe I should have! I would love to be entered in your giveaway!
owatz (AT) telus (DOT) net
Thanks for having several giveaways. I also signed up for your book giveaway – I just love books. Each year, I try to read more books than I did the year before.
I also have a chicken pox scar on my face, but it still bothers me…
My maternal grandmother had breast cancer when she was in her 50s, but she beat it and lived to the age of 90.
and #82 – I totally agree.
I could seriously use the organization (does it come with an organizer–as in the person?).
In common, among many, we have the following:
I love to laugh until I cry because something is really, REALLY funny.
I’ve found once you begin recycling, you think about environmental stewardship a whole lot more…I get a little twitchy when I see people throwing cans and plastic bottles in trashcans :/.
It blows my mind to think about the Trinity and eternity.
My favorite sound is laughter too, my husband has a wonderful laugh as do my kids I love it!
Wow – we are very similar. I started making a list, but it got too long. However, we, most importantly, share a very important trait (in addition to loving that our faith is not stagnant – totally agree!!!) – WHIPPED CREAM on the hot chocolate. Every one else in my family goes for the marshmallows. Me? The hot chocolate is a reason for the whipped cream – the more, the better.
Great giveaway – thank you!
There’s a few that really stand out as being the same in me…
29. I’ve seen the end-life of dementia face-to-face…and realized there’s a paradoxical mercy in car crashes and sudden heart attacks.
80. I d.e.t.e.s.t. a victim mentality and blaming others for your circumstances.
I’m with you on 60 & 61. Cashews are heavenly, but fattening…and the halves and pieces definitely do not taste as good…lol
i too used to be a lifeguard and a strong swimmer…though neither of those skills are all the “current” today!
I share #24 with you. I too love how Jesus lived the gospel.
I love “I’m a strong swimmer and, although decades from being current, was a lifeguard.”
I was a lifeguard for years, and I’m thankful that I’m still a strong swimmer when we go to the lake.
Oh honey, one of the funnest things for me at Christmas is filling my husband’s stocking and seeing what he puts in mine. The kids help each of us shop for the other (and do a good job of keeping secrets!) This was the year that the Santa myth was busted at our house (kids are 10 and 12) but we will still continue to do stockings…I hope you find some great ones for yourself. Lands’ End has some really pretty ones.
Thanks for the giveaway!
mnatherson at comcast dot net
#38 – I love The Velveteen Rabbit and I always cry when I read it.
Oh that’s easy. #77. COFFEE!!! I love love love my coffee. Taste & aroma (just after I roast it, when it’s ground, brewing, and in my mug). But I don’t have a collection of “fun” mugs. I prefer ol’ blue.
Why I’m entering this. giveaway, I’m not sure. Mostly for the sake of winning something. I’m still hoping for one of the previous two.
Commonalities. 17. 69. 80. 89. (of what’s listed. I happen to know of many others) 🙂
Polar opposites: 54. 84.
I have to say #39…love the part in the Velveteen Rabbit about “becoming real”!
#59. I am unable to resist ordering either when I go out to eat. maybe I should just order both 😉
I don’t have a favorite flower either… and I really dislike carnations! You are a very interesting person! 🙂
How weird I was just tell my girlfriend last night that I have a chicken pox scare on my forehead between my eyebrows…
How weird
I’m sooooooooooooooooooo bad about paper work! I just did a small filing system for our auto, house, medical, bills, etc….
I need to add to it though!!!
Let me just tell you….
Everytime I go in a store and see cute little zipper bags, coin purses I think of you and I think of that post that day!!!!
If not your going to twist my arm to go to Kirklands and buy these:
Well, never mind…it wouldn’t let me share the link so I will email it to you!!! =) I think I really NEED these…they are calling my name!
OK, dirty long toenails really gross me out too. I saw a lady here in San Antonio, who had the longest creepiest ones I have ever seen. Why not cut those things…? I will never figure that out! I love the bag give-away. Count me in!
oh my, I have dreams about my teeth falling out, but I don’t call them dreams. I call them NIGHTMARES! AAAHHHHHH!!!!
I’m geography impaired, love laughing until I cry, hate shopping, but I can roll my r’s! 🙂
I only have a sense of direction when I can see the mountains. But now I live in a place without mountains so I mapquest directions for myself everywhere I go.
My New Year’s resolution is to read more books. Every year I try to read 100 books. I’ve never yet made it. I’m up to 26 this year though so fingers crossed!
Courtneyhunt71 (at) aol (dot) com
my favorite # was the hair comment.
you dont see white girls with braids very often, i LOVE doing my hair that way! not too fond of the beads, normally i use black rubber bands. either island braids like you had, or cornrows back into an updo, or rope braids (which is my favorite look little braids like you had but you sort of twist the hair to make it look curly/like rope…when i was in third grade, my neighbor taught me how to do it, she was a black lady from new orleans, and she loved to do hair, i became really good friends with her daughter, and she would do our hair for us on sundays, we would play barbies and do hair all afternoon after getting back from church. It was so fun and i still do my hair like that every once in a while..i think it looks cute on little kids too…
The number where you said you have no sense of direction… I don’t either! My boyfriend always makes me look at the map on road trips, and it seems like I always get us lost, haha!
well, we dont have tooo much in common, just similarities…so i read until #48 when I read that good manners are very important to you. my third son has been slower than my other two, especially with speech, but he can say, please, thank you mom, thank you dad, your welcome, etc. and he still only speaks 3 word sentences. he may not speak much, but he sure is polite!! (just the other day I sneezed 2x from the other room, and he kept yelling, “bless you mom”, “bless you mom” until I answered him!!) Thanks for a great giveaway
Well, I for one, LOVE to hear laughter! When somebody starts laughing I usually end up laughing with them. Especially if it is a guy laughing (Dad, Cousins, whoever)! And, I totally agree with the finger/toenail thing!
I took tap as a girl and quit because the “oldies” music was too much for me (I was a very old fashioned girl). I love creme brule and lilly-of-the-valley and am so thankful for the grace of Jesus Christ.
I’m sure there was more, but that’s what popped out to me!
5. I too love the laugh of my husband… he is tickled by the silliest of things (the home video shows for one) and watching him watch the show makes me laugh.
15. I have been known to take plastic bottles out of the trash can in the building where I work and put them in the recycling… I’m also the crazy lady who turns off the bathroom light in our building.
56. I love these two desserts as well… I once had coffee creme brulee and thought that must be what heaven is made of.
What a wonderful and generous giveaway!! I LOVE to laugh too….and sometimes when I just really need a good laugh, I will seek out something funny to make me laugh ~ like a really funny movie or tv show…or youtube videos!!! Thank you for the chance to win!
I have no sense of direction either – but I also took more than 10 years of ballet and can’t spot to save my life!
My fav desserts are creme brulee and tiramisu as well. I love crystalizing the sugar. it makes me feel powerful!
SOmething we have in common is that I did a lot of performances as a kid and in high school too and I wish I had videos of any of those as well. And yet I don’t get mine out nearly enough!
I cannot roll my R’s.
I like this giveaway!
#55 for me, too! In fact I didn’t even know I had scoliosis until the anesthesiologist started muttering about it as he was having trouble giving me an epidural. (that was a long sentence, sorry!)
I love this giveaway idea! Thanks for the chance to participate!
One of my fave sounds is the laughter of my hubby and kids, too. I also love to laugh until I cry and wish I could do that a lot more. 🙂 Fun giveaway. 🙂
You could be my sister ;), are you ready for this…we share in common:
79,80,81,83,84,92,94,97 and 98
I feel close to you already and I don’t even know your name!
#45…I work in the nursery of a large church now. So I guess we have that in common, though I’m not the director. I just get a little more than minimum wage. 🙂
#70…I LOVE fried stuff, although on all other accounts I am a health food person. I have eaten deep fried crickets. Yes. I know.
I’m the same way about recycling!! I’ve come SO CLOSE to just sneaking recycleable stuff into my purse when I’m at my friend’s house (who doesn’t recycle) because I cannot STAND putting soda cans, and other obvious, easy recyclables in the regular trash!!!
I have a chickenpox scar beside my nose and I had totally forgotten about it until I saw you had a scar on your face as well.
You don’t know how much I’ve been longing for some little bags to put in my purse ever since I read that post (a while back) about the idea of organizing your purse that way. Thanks for offering a great giveaway!
I absolutely have no sense of direction which really perplexes my husband. We could never go on amazing race because I wouldn’t be able to read a map and he would get frustrated with my driving.
I also twitch when people throw away recyclable
things. Great list.
” Tiramisu and crème brûlée are my favorite desserts, sharing equal billing.
# In part, because I like their texture…I don’t really chew or bite either, I squish ’em around with my tongue.”
We could not be farther apart on this one, I can’t stand either for the exact tongue squishing reason!
I’m thankful I have brothers and sisters too! 🙂
Um, about half your list! The toenails, fingernails, R’s, coffee, chicken pox scar, thrifty shopping, do I need to keep going? lol.
You love whipped cream? I hate whipped cream. I ask for my Starbucks chai frapp with no whip. Ick. 🙂
OK so dirty long toenails really gross me out too, and I’m thankful I have siblings of both genders as well! That was a fun list.
I love laugh until tears roll down my face and my stomach hurts. I just did that today…oh my poor abs 🙂
I’m at audreyoka at
I always use my cell phone to tell time.
I lost a relative to alzheimers and it’s one of the most difficult things for a family to go through.
I am very good at directions, my husband is not. He likes to drive, so my position as head navigator is safe and at the same time prevents my husband from figuring out the directions.
Quite a few of my husband’s family has scoliosis, including my kids. My daughter doesn’t have a backbrace because it is slight. My son has been wearing one for a few years without complaint.
Thanks for the giveaway and the interesting blog.
I have a chicken pox scar just above the bridge of my nose–
ok you kinda just freaked me out. when i have more time i am going to have to read your blog more! i got as far as {i think its 40?} and ended with a “oh my gosh”. we have a lot in common. including weird dreams. and the foot pic at the top of your blog was one of the first things that caught my attention…i love my feet and good feet pics! we do have some things not in common, of course…but a lot that is. i’ll be back…assuming i dont loose the peice of paper i wrote your name down on. ok, now i cant even remember what you were giving away! 🙂
I love your blog!!!!! I have to put it under my links ….Thanks for the great reading.
oh and I also collect carousel horses they are all over my living room….
One of the many things we have in common is the ballet classes, chicken pox scar on our faces, and the most surprising to me, the dreams about losing your teeth. Those dreams are very disturbing, I don’t know what they mean.
I thought we might be siblings as I often cry when I laugh (and that indicates a good laugh to me), am VERY directionally challenged, use my cell phone to tell time, have no musical ability and hate shopping because there are too many choices.
But then when you said you did not care for carnations and that is my favorite flower, I knew we were only cousins.
Pick me to win, cousin!!
Okay, we have a TON in common! I love the sound of my son and hubby laughing. Recently my son does this fake laugh… not as good as the real thing, but still kinda cute. I did the Adkins Diet a few years ago and got hooked on caramel macchiato breves! But I got them sugar free. I haven’t had one in years, but now that you reminded me of them I might have to go get one! 🙂
I found tons of things we have in common on your list (how cool!) Let’s see, there was 5-7, 20-25, 33, 34, 48, 50, 53, 74, 77 and probably a few others I forgot to take note of because I was either a) freaking out that cashews are fattening (why didn’t anyone tell me that before?!?!) or 2) laughing too hard at 89.
But I can honestly say that the portion about recycling seriously has me reconsidering how we do things around here, and for that I thank you very much. 🙂
Wow…we’re strangers, but I feel like I know you know. #35-I don’t remember ANYTHING from history class unless I heard it a million times. #66-no collections here, unless you count unused fabric. #80-I agree 100%!!!. #88, though I like having new things, I HATE shopping (unless it’s to Target). ANd #96…I noticed roses weren’t on your flower list. I love almost all flowers, but I’d totally pick gerbera daisies or tulips over roses any day. Awesome giveaway and fabulous blog. I’ll have to come visit aGAIN! tHANKS
6. I love to laugh until I cry because something is really, REALLY funny. Its one of the best feelings! That doesn’t happen enough. Last time was a couple of weeks ago while watching I Love Lucy. First time in a l.o.n.g. time.
36. I’m geography impaired and have no sense of direction. I get us lost every vacation because I have to read the map while he drives. And, he knows I couldn’t find my way out of a paper bag!
53. I think dreadlocks are more appealing on black men than white men; I’m a black woman, and I agree. But have been called racist when I said it.
60. # Plus, my favorite salty snack is cashews, and they’re fattening. I so wanna believe they’re healthy nuts. My favorite nuts are cashews! Whole, halves, it doesn’t matter! I can’t buy them because I’ll eat them all.
92. All the knives in our kitchen desperately need to be sharpened or replaced! My husband just bought home a knife sharpener for that same reason.
There are others where we were close, but these were the ones I was yelling “OMG OMG, YESSSSSSS” to!
I’m also thankful to have siblings of both genders. And there’s a few others we have in common too! Thanks for the chance to win!
I couldn’t find my way to save my life if someone gave me cardinal directions (NSEW), but you give me a landmark like Target, and I’ll meet you there in 5 minutes!
You mention you have no sense of direction which I’m the same way. My older brother always tells me that I couldn’t find my way out of a paper bag.
Your quote – I wish I had paid better attention in ALL my history classes. I can’t remember much of anything now, but I find it fascinating, and wish I had retained more :/.
I did not grow up in the United States, and am just learning a lot of its history now. I am fascinated by it as well! We just finished watching HBO’s John Adams series (and for those of you who don’t have HBO when it comes out on DVD, it is well worth buying or renting, or borrowing from the library), and I learned so much about how the American Revolution began, how the first government was formed and a lot of other symbols and quotes, that I had no clue originally where it had originated from.
I can’t roll my R’s either. Such a pity – considering my hubby’s first language is Afrikaans (rolled Rs) and we live in a Portuguese speaking country (rolled Rs). Really limits my effectiveness as a communicator – and everyone tells me I’m just not trying hard enough . . .
Yes, I do have a US residence part time.
Love laughing till I cry, love tulips and gerberas and I have the teeth falling out dream but I pull mine out with dental floss – what is that about!!!
I too am “geography impaired and have no sense of direction.” It’s really frustrating at times.
And I love the file folders and bags!
Yes please! I’d be glad to take it, give it a nice loving home….
Oh – I’d love these!
I’ve already said before that we have a lot in common,.. but I’ll particularly focus on the recurring dreams thing..
I’ve dreamt about everything you mentioned but putting contacts in – don’t wear contacts. In junior high and high school I dreamed about running away from someone A LOT… and then if I had to, flying off into the air to get away from them.
I’m right there with you on #88. I really can’t stand shopping!
Good manners are very important to me too!
I love to laugh until I cry because something is really, REALLY funny.
#36 – I’m horrible with geography. Just today there was an emergency situation where I had to think fast and was being asked North/South, East/West questions. I totally drew a blank! Fortunately my daughter was on hand to help me out.
I was in a pageant as a teen!
Hey, don’t forget my giveaways!
Thank you for the great giveaway, I’d love to win! nw_wife(at)hotmail(dot)com I also love to laugh until I cry.
#15, i totally agree. i have been trying very hard to be greener. even fishing out the cans from the trash at the park yesterday. How could they! thnx
Wow there are a lot of thing alike, I love history, and wish I had room to fit more in, I love reading, and wish I could read more, My kids also said Please and thank you right after Dada and Mama…
I also feel the same about 21-25…
I don’t want to write too much… Thanks!
Dirty fingernails gross me out too.
Great giveaway. 🙂 Thanks for the chance.
i loved your 100 things! i’ll pick 3 things that i’m in total agreement with you about. 1) the more i read scripture, the more i want to read. the less i read, the less i want to read it. so crazy! 2) marshmallow are good in hot cocoa, but whipped cream is the best!! and 3) one of my very favorite sounds is the laughter of my daughters and my husband. oh how that laughter can brighten my day no matter what is going on!
Ever since my watch battery died I’ve been using my cell phone to tell time.
Same here. The only watch I own now is one I had as a child 🙂
i look dance lessons for 15 years and am an excellent “spotter” although i always hated ballet! you should post the video of your tap dance hehe!
enter mine as well:
it’s lonely over there.
#6 and #7.
It’s pure bliss when you can, but so rare when it happens.
The first time it happened was when I was 13, and I was reading Judy Blume “Tiger Eyes”. There is a part in there that goes like this.
Mom: What is the first thing you do in the morning?
Son: Go to the bathroom.
Mom: Not at the table.
Son: No, not at the table, in the restroom.
I laughed until I was sobbing!
No idea why, but I did!
i can’t roll my R’s either!
#31 “Even though I have a pretty big chickenpox scar between my eyebrows, it’s been a part of my face so long, I don’t even see it anymore.” I was startled when I read this because I thought “Oh yeah, I have one of those too.” I haven’t even thought about it in a while!!! Thanks for the giveaway!
# Ever since my watch battery died I’ve been using my cell phone to tell time.
I don’t even wear a watch anymore 🙂
You and I are alot alike. I hate dirty fingernails, hate shopping,have no musical abilities, good manners mean a lot, have a chicken pox scar over my left eyebrow, etc. etc. I have to keep going …the bloggy giveaways are not over yet! Reading more books is definitely one of my New Years Resolutions and so far I’m really keeping to it.
Wow. I love thinking of the Trinity, I love how Jesus showed us how to live out the gospel – I have a chicken pox xscar on my cheek, I love hearing my kids and my husbands belly laughs in fact I can just sit there and smile when I hear it. I don’t recycle, but I’ve been moving that direction. OH there’s more, but you don’t want me to list them all. (grin)
LOVE your giveaway! I alsolove how Jesus lived the gospel, showing us how to love God and love others (#24).
# 11. I have also set a resolution to read more.
#28. After I started on my birth control, I kept forgetting things. It got really bad! I started wondering if it was throwing me into Alzheimer’s or if it was just the pills and would go away once I stopped taking them. I’m not on the Nuvaring, thank goodness that forgetting side effect went away!
learningmama at yahoo dot com
I’ve found once you begin recycling, you think about environmental stewardship a whole lot more…I get a little twitchy when I see people throwing cans and plastic bottles in trashcans :/. – this is s o me
#64 is like me. I have a sentimental attachment to some clothing items in my closet. I still have a dress I wore on one of the first dates with my husband because it was the cause of a very funny moment. I also have the dress from my wedding rehearsal and the dress that I wore leaving my wedding reception. Of course, I have kept my wedding gown too. I don’t still have my prom dress, though, no real attachment there. I can almost get rid of the first two dresses, I took a color copy of them for a scrapbook page but I just can’t quite bring myself to toss out the dresses yet.
We are so much alike on #15. I have such a hard time when I see someone throwing away something that can be recycled. We have a .10 deposit on cans here & that drives me even more crazy when I see cans or plastic bottles thrown out. I want to pull them out for the recycling value, but feel silly because they are worth .10 & I don’t want to look cheap, lol. Oh & I don’t have a chicken pox scar between my eyebrow, but I do have one from shingles. Mine you can see though very bad. I almost wish I got it from chicken pox instead of stupid shingles. Those suck!
I cry when I laugh, and sometimes I pee. The later part I dont think you had listed..
Yep…#36. Definitely geographically and directionally challenged.
Thanks for the fun giveaway! It looks great!
Your # 15: I’ve found once you begin recycling, you think about environmental stewardship a whole lot more…I get a little twitchy when I see people throwing cans and plastic bottles in trashcans :/.
This is so like me. My husband has to stop me from digging through the cans to remove their “trash” so I can recycle it.
Thanks for the giveaway!
dburdenbates (at) gmail (dot) com
Your # 15: I’ve found once you begin recycling, you think about environmental stewardship a whole lot more…I get a little twitchy when I see people throwing cans and plastic bottles in trashcans :/.
This is so like me. My husband has to stop me from digging through the cans to remove their “trash” so I can recycle it.
Thanks for the giveaway!
dburdenbates (at) gmail (dot) com
Reading more books through the new year…thats me too, but I am taking it one step further and I want to read outside my normal. 🙂 Thanks for the great giveaway.
We’re opposites on your #10! I’ve actually started reading more — I added a “books I’ve read” widget to my blog, and now I feel obligated to make sure I finish books so I can post them 🙂
fiordpiner [at] yahoo [dot] com
I wish I had paid attention in History class also. I went to Philly last year and I had heard of a lot of the places, but didn’t really know the history. Now I am addicted to the history channel!
I love your #48. Good manners are very important to me, too. I don’t profess to be the queen of etiquette but I do try to be mannerly and instill good manners in my daughter.
I had fun reading your list.
Thanks for the chance to win this darling bag.
Great giveaway! I would have to agree with your number 5.One of my favorite sounds is laughter, especially my husband’s and children’s laughs when it’s a deep-down belly laugh.
Anytime I hear my hubby or little cutie really laugh it puts a smile on my face, that’s if it doesn’t make me laugh too since laughter is so contagious!
I’m geography impaired and have no sense of direction.
Well, this is true for the most part. I can get turned around in the little town where I shop on the way to the store, but for some odd reason, I can leave the little town I live in and drive in metro Atlanta like it was nothing. My friend Sherry’s husband says that I am weird because of this. I say that he is weird because he just is!
Oh yeah, I love the bags!
#80 I d.e.t.e.s.t. a victim mentality and blaming others for your circumstances.
Me too, but come to find out I’m a big blamer too (but not a victim…)
my favorite childhood star was Rainbow Bright!
I used to have a recurring dream of floating in a pool of Kool Aid (/) hmm not sure what that means.
I so agree with #78. Love the whipped cream!
I LOVE freshly showered. What a great smell. Also, I started recycling. I used to swim and was once a lifeguard, too. White man dredlocks are kind of weird, I love creme broulee, my watch battery died, I don’t collect anything, victim mentality grates on my last nerve, I’m so rarely not cold it freaks me out a little if I feel warm, I’m a competitive gameplayer who hopes to be seen as a good sport . . .
We have a lot in common is my point. But I never tapdanced on stairs starting with a headstand. I did take a tap class in college though, and I LOVED it.
Oh, I don’t rememeber anything from history clas either, and I really wish I did.
Reading more books was also one of my New Year’s Resolutions – 35 books to be exact! 🙂
Reading more books is one of my New Year’s resolutions….me too!
Thanks for the contest!
#5. One of my favorite sounds is laughter, especially my husband’s and children’s laughs when it’s a deep-down belly laugh.
So true!!
Please enter me.
homeschooling mom of 6
6, 7, 13, 15, 16(I met a free range egg producer this way) 19 20…and a whole bunch more but I don’t want to be a carbon copy of anyone so we can lave it at that for now. 🙂
Awesome giveaway and thanks for participating. Now I sure hope I win.
The idea of the Trinity is too much for my finite mind too. I guess that’s why it’s called, ‘Faith”. We don’t have to understand it–just accept it! But I can’t think about it too long or my head hurts.
36) I’m geography impaired and have no sense of direction.
I’m the same way!
We have quite a lot in common actually. So much so, that I’ll just list a couple.
Laughter is also one of my favorite sounds, and when it is my kids, all that much more.
The only people that have ever enjoyed my singing were my kids too.
My daughter has scoliosis, which would be something she has in common with you. She does have to wear a brace though and detests it. I wish I could do it for her, but of course, I cannot.
Thanks so much for all the fun giveaways! 🙂
I’m a big fan of obnoxiously pink things, and would love to win. Plus we’ve got a few things in common…
I always had issues spotting too, might have had something to do with being nearsighted.
19&20. Definitely. I’m not even going to type it, those gross me out so much.
I can’t roll my Rs
Whipped cream is the best hot chocolate topping!
Daisies are my favorite flower.
I love scented lotion, and try to limit myself to kinds that complement my favorite perfume.
This was such a fun list.We have some things in common like #s 5,6,7,18,19, and 20. The one that hit home most was the recurring dream of teeth falling out. I have that all the time! I am student and one of my teachers has that same dream. Weird
I took ballet all through school! Couldn’t do it now, though, probably. 🙂
I love laughing, too. I once had a boyfriend with the funniest laugh. Just a really, really odd laugh. And when he would start to laugh, we would all laugh along with (and at) him, until we were just rolling on the floor. I seriously laughed so hard I was sore the next day. I wish I laughed like that more often.
I entered your Target giveaway before this one and did the 100 things there. I hope it’s okay I’m doing it here too.
Okay, something else we have in common (and something happier)….cashews. Oh my gosh, I could eat buckets and buckets of them, and yes, why do they have to be fat?!!! SO not fair! 🙂
This one…I wish I could purr like a cat. I have always found the sound of a purring cat to be my favorite. I wish I could do that!
oh lord, the lost thing i can relate to — and those freaking nav systems do not work perfectly — i loved your
What a great giveaway! I hope i’m the lucky winner 🙂
I haven’t had a watch since college, and I’ve been using my cell phone to tell time since I first got one over 4 years ago. 🙂 Now, every time I think about getting a watch, I think, “Why bother? I have a phone!”
I also am crazy about whipped cream in hot chocolate. LOADS of it. 🙂
Dirty, long toenails totally gross me out too honey!! Yuckarooney!! Love the bags; need the organization; always love your giveaways. See ya soon surely!
I have the same dreams-contacts too big for eyes, and teeth falling out. Except, my teeth are like shark teeth, there are many rows, and when one row falls out another steps right up-then falls out too!
#5 and #10…we are sooo alike! Loved your list too. I really need to do one…some day.
Freshly showered! Yes, I love that smell… very much irregardless the brand of soap, deo, shampoo, etc!
I dream all the time about my teeth crumbling and falling out.
I love to laugh until I cry and do it quite often. I teach high school and some of the kids are nuts.
I have always wanted musical ability but I just can’t have rhythm.
I have lots of favorite flowers too!
I really want to win!
We do have a lot in common, but I loved #70 especially. Have you ever tried deep fried Twinkies? To. Die. For. 🙂
Awwww, man – I already did it on the other post. 🙂
“Although they’re v e r y easy on the eyes, and I think both have aged well, like fine wine :).” – When I was a little girl, I had such a crush on Robert Redford that my teddy bear was named Robbie. 🙂
It blows my mind to think about the Trinity and eternity: I am so with you on this one. Thank goodness we just need to believe it and not totally understand it. 3 separate but 1- it does blow one’s mind but it is true. I’ve really been thinking about eternity since my parents both passed away within the last 5 years.
Gerbera daisies are my favorite flowers…
I also adored the story “The Velveteen Rabbit” growing up!!
Thanks for the nifty prize pack!
Definitely #56, but I have to chew them!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I have a large chicken pock scar under my right eyebrow. Not quite the same, but close! I also cant’ roll my r’s and I’m always cold too!
Thanks for the giveaway! It was fun reading your list!