Day three of giveaways is for the bibliophiles stopping by. Simply leave me a GREAT Summer-read recommendation in comments. New releases, favorite classics–what book MUST I read while lounging beach-side in a few weeks? Three names will be drawn from the pile of books pictured below, so be sure to let me know which title you’d like in addition to your book recommendation.
On a related note, if you haven’t yet completed the book meme, it’s a fun post to consider (let me know if you do it).

{Click the pic to embiggen}
Comments are open for all PENSIEVE giveaways until Friday at mid-night. Due to shipping costs, today’s giveaway is restricted to mailing addresses within the U.S. (Sorry internationals!)
If you haven’t already, please feel free to enter previous days’ giveaways :).
Giveaway #1: Starbucks giftcard
Giveaway #2: Amethyst & marcasite silver ring
an all-expenses paid trip to New York City yet?
Be sure to let them know Robin @ PENSIEVE sentcha over :).
Not long ago, I read The Bright Side of Disaster. It’s excellent summer reading material.
My choice would be The Broker.
And, I love “embiggen!”
Oh..i would LOVE to win this! I am such a lover of reading! 🙂 I totally recommend books by Beverly Lewis! They are sooo fantastic! I enjoy all of them at the i have read! 🙂
I want Sushi for Beginners.
I recommend you read all of Dorthea Benton Frank’s books. I love them all.
Also, the Savanah from Savanah series
I LOVE books and I love to read. I honestly would be thrilled with any of the books you have there.
I Love Surprises and Adore Books! Please enter me for any book you choose, I’m a SAHM of 3 if that helps you pick 🙂
I would love to win the Jodi Piccoult book, she is one of my favorite authors, “The Pact” or “Nineteen Minutes” are my favorite books from her.
I’d recommend reading The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton. It’s a classic, but it made for good summer reading for me last year.
I’d want to try Francine Rivers “Unveiled.”
If you like suspense I would recommend anything by JD Robb, Lisa Scottoline, or Tess Gerritson. Absolutely Gerritson’s Mephisto Club!
Oh this one’s a piece of cake. Sign me up again. I’m a sucker for books. I read them all. I suggest anything by Laurie Notaro- “Autobiography of a Fat Bride” will have you in tears from laughing so hard. If you haven’t yet, read the Stephanie Plum series.
I have such eclectic reading tastes…I always hate to recommend books, because I think no one else will like them. 🙂 I just read “Scream Free Parenting” by Hal Edward Runkel and thoroughly enjoyed the advice in it (not that I’m a screaming parent, mind you, but I do have my moments where I’m doing it on the inside!) 🙂
Book Suggestion – Mark of the Lion by Francine Rivers.
Book drooling over – the Broker
I got a copy of California Demon (soccer-mom-as-demon-hunter) from the author a while back, and I think it makes for a fun summer read. The cover’s very summery, too 🙂
I see John Grisham there in your stack; he’s one of my favorite authors!
fiordpiner [at] yahoo [dot] com
I highly recommend Sleeping Beauty by Judy Baer. I couldn’t put it down!
I would love any of Stormie Omartian’s books.
For a fun summer read… I would recommend Jan Karon’s Mitford series. The first one is At Home in Mitford – everyone I know that has read them has really enjoyed them.
From your list above, I would really like to read The Power of a Praying Wife. My sister told me how good it was & I’m getting married in 10 days… May 3!! Thanks!
I don’t want any more books, though you’re offering great ones; but I will give you some recommendations.
How to Talk to a Widower, Jonathan Tropper
No Time for Goodbye, Linwood Barclay
Small Favor, Jim Butcher
One Mississippi, Mark Childress
Then We Came To The End, Joshua Ferris
The Last Lecture, Randy Pausch
Belong to Me, Marisa de los Santos
The Woman Who Wouldn’t, Gene Wilder
You really can’t miss with these. My top rec’s would be One Mississippi and Belong to Me. Have a great summer reading.
I’d like to read “Unveiled” by Francine Rivers. I love everthing she does.
“Flabbergasted” by Ray Blackston is hilarious Christian fiction. It’s perfect reading for the beach and a soothing distractor while flying. His whole series is adorable! I went to a lot of trouble to look him up for you too read! I hope you get a chance to!
By the way, thanks so much for doing a giveaway!
I recommend Blue Smoke by Nora Roberts…100% enjoyed it.
Have you tried any Karen Kingsbury? She’s got a lot of great books. I’d recommend starting with Redemption (first in the Redemption series). You’ll be hooked.
I also love Marian Keyes. Sushi for Beginners is one of my faves by her. Thanks!
I would love Future Grace by John Piper… and my book of recommendation is Family Driven Faith, by Voddie Baucham… it’s amazing! (non-fiction fyi)
I recommend Do Hard Things by Alex & Brett Harris. My pick is Future Grace by John Piper.
Well, you know I’m a bookaholic… So I recommend Water For Elephants. It was that good! And I’m really enjoying ALL the P.D. James books. Clever writer…
Were I to win, I’d pick The 5 People You Meet In Heaven, Lovely Bones and The Broker.
The Patron Saint of Butterflies by Cecilia Galante
The Ultimate Gift by Jim Stovall
The Ultimate Life by Jim Stovall
Change of Heart by Jodi Picoult
If you haven’t read the Interview with a Vampire series, those are great! But, beach side reading should be fun. So, I’d suggest any of Danielle Steele’s books.
I’d like the Michael Card book but I can’t read the title.
I recommend Names my Sisters Call Me by Megan Crane if you like chick lit. It’s a fabulous book that just released this month. She’s my fave chick lit author after Sophie Kinsella.
For a thriller, Randy Singer has a new book out in May called By Reason of Insanity which is also superb.
I love biblical novels, one of my favorites is Esther: A Story of Courage by Trudy Morgan-Cole.
If I win, I’ll choose “The Prayer that Changed Everything”
The Book Thief was surprisingly awesome and has gorgeous descriptions.
For a little lighter reading, I really enjoyed Lisa Kleypas’ Blue Eyed Devil (and the prequel Sugar Daddy).
I would chose the Jodi Picoult book.
I enjoy reading the books by J.D. Robb. If I win I don’t mind winning any of your books, looks like we both like the same authors!
Have fun at the beach!!
Oh, please pick me! I so love books!
I’d love the Five Love Languages (it is on my MUST READ list!), and The Lovely Bones (also on my WANNA READ list), and Future Grace by Piper sounds interesting, as does The Wedding.
Nice selection there! I love Piccoult, and Patterson, but have read those, as well as the O Martien ones. All great reads.
As far as MY reccomendations: Any Piccoult you haven’t already read, I love, love love James Patterson, The Memory Keeper’s Daughter is a good one.
My recommendation is “Twilight”!!!
I would pick “Sushi for Beginners”
Fun giveaway!!
Sweet! I lurvvv me some books. So, my recommendation is Happy Hour of the Damned by Mark Henry. Definitely a daytime on the beach read..scary at night. There is a review on my site if you want to check it out. he he
Thanks for another great drawing!
Right now I am reading The Memory Keepers Daughter and it is a very good book.
I would love to enter for Sushi for Beginners. Since I’m thinking of Marian Keyes, Watermelon is my favorite of her books, and my recommendation for the beach. Thanks so much for the giveaways! 🙂
I gave away Phil’s copy of Point Man. He’d be happy if I won one. LOL
Well, at the moment I’m in a sort of Jane Austen immersion. I’m reading Emma for the second time; just finished Mansfield Park, Sense and Sensibility, and the book on CD of Pride and Prejudice.
I love the Odd Thomas trilogy by Dean Koontz. The first one is the best. If you haven’t read those, I would definitely recommend them.
I would take The Broker. I can’t believe I managed to miss a John Grisham!
I love to read. Any book is great! I especially love John Grisham.
Oh I love books! I could post the longest comment ever with a list of great reads but I shall retrain myself to two. An old holiday favourite Hideous Kinky by Esther Fraud and favourite read of 2008 so far, The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox.
Just finished the Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver-it was very good!!
Sue Monk Kidd, The Secret Life of Bees, but I’ll bet you’ve read it.
And anything by Neil Gaiman
Your green project is awesome!!! I haven’t had much time to dedicate to the project this time… busy week…
Great. I have written down many books from here for my own summer reading. I suggest any of Barbara Kingsolver’s novels. One of my favorites of hers is The Poisonwood Bible.
If I win I would like Sushi for Beginners.
A great beach read is “Just Friends” by Robyn Sisman. It’s a fun romance that actually has substance — about best friends falling in love.
i’d love to own “the real mary” or “5 love languages” if it’s geared towards women or universal.
My choice for summer reading at the moment is some simple romances: The Lost Duke of Wyndham by Julia Quinn and The Rake’s Guide to Seduction by Caroline Linden both come out this summer and look to be very enjoyable.
My favorite book this year is My Best Friends Girl by Dorothy Koomson. I notice you have Sushi for Beginners by Marian Keyes (excellent book & writer) so you would like this book as well. It is an easy read, set in the UK as well. It will make you laugh & cry!!!
As for which book I would want from above…well, I would take any of them!! I LOVE to read and enjoy trying out new genres!!!
Read White Tombs by Christopher Valen.
I would want The Tenth Circle. I hear reviews of this author and I haven’t yet read one of her books.
i would love future grace or the prayer that will change your life…my recommendation…beverly lewis…anything by her. they are fabulous..and addicting. and ted dekker too!
Your top summer read should be Autobiography of a Face by Lucy Grealy. It is heart-wrenching and beautifully written!
I loved Sisters by Danielle Steel
For spring or summer reading, I recommend something old, but funny–Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe by Fannie Flagg. This is the first story about the two women in the book. This book is light, funny, a perfect read for the season. For something heavier, but short, The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence (a classic) is a must have for the Christian’s library. It’s easy to take with you, and because it’s contemplative, it is great, I think, for when you’re sitting alone in peace, able to pray and meditate.
I would like any of the books on the RIGHT side of the stack if you’re looking at them in the picture or facing them.
Another great giveaway woman! And I did not yet know about the Book meme. I’ll let you know when I finish it.
As for my book recommendation, well currently I am suggesting for everyone to read Snowflower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See. Peony in Love is a book following it that is quite good as well.
As for me, everyone I meet seems to really enjoy Jodi Picoult and I have not yet read any of her books so I’d love it if I win. Other than that, I’d let you pick.:)
Happy Wednesday!
First off, if you haven’t yet, please read “Big Trouble” by Dave Barry. It is wonderful bathroom reading, because you will laugh so hard, you will pee. As for me, I don’t believe I have either of those John Grisham books. I’ll trust your recommendation. 🙂
Hmmmm. Well, I’ve recently been reading “Mootch” by Adam Palmer and it’s a light “brain candy” kind of summer read. For something a bit deeper there is “Winter Birds” by James Langston Turner. And of course anything by Randy Alcorn, and there is the new(er) set out by Ted Dekker if you’re into something a bit more out there.
As for which book? Hmm One of the James Patterson, or the Francine Rivers. I love her writing.
Robin, my WW is at this blog…I like all the different color light bulbs! Good catch! 😀
Oh! Books!
Okay, favorite author is Chaim Potok. I highly recommend anything by him, but especially The Chosen or My Name is Asher Lev. However, they’re not really beach fare, as they’re not light reading.
For something more beach-worthy, I recommend Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series. They’re considered teen books, but they’re great for adults, too. Really good, if you like non-evil vampire stories.
Oops. I’m a goober. Ignore this post for the drawing, but I forgot to say that I’d want the Jodi Picoult book.
I just read The Boleyn Inheritance by Philippa Gregory (sp?) and I enjoyed it. I don’t know if that’s the kind of book you’re into, but I think the history stuff is pretty interesting, and it makes me glad I live in modern times!
I would choose the Picoult book. I just read My Sister’s Keeper and I thought it was pretty good, so I would try another of hers.
I loved Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen.
And I would also love to take The Wedding off your hands!
I am an avid reader. Thanks for the chance.
Robert Dugoni is a Great new Author He only has 2 book out but I would recommend them both (the Jury Master and Damage Control). They are full of suspense.
John Piper. It takes me a while to get through some of his writings, but worth the journey.
Not necessarily a light SUMMER read, but Seizing Your Divine Moment by Erwin McManus is a favorite of mine.
A relative newbie to Pensieve, I’ve spent a little more time on your blog today. It’s such a cool place to visit!
I am reading The Choice by Nicholas Sparks right now, judging by your selection, I think you’d love it too. I would love James Patterson books as I don’t think I’ve read his yet!
I am currently reading Maya Angelou’s I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
I have never read any Jodi Picoult, but have heard good things about her books. I would like to win one of those.
A book you should read is Singing in the Shadows by Jerry Lee Oliver. It is a collection of poems and it was written by my Great Grandfather. He was a methodist minister and these were written over his life time
I’d love the read the Nicholas Sparks book at the top. Right now I’m reading a good “suspense”, but it is also pretty humorous…the things this poor girl gets into. And it’s a SERIES!!! How many weird things can she get herself involved in??? I can’t wait to read more. Anyway, it is “Love Me If You Must” by Nicole Young. From the Patricia Amble Mystery series.
Anne Rivers Siddons is one of my beach favorites – and Marian Keyes too. All of your books like good to me!
The Point Man
The Tenth Circle
the sushi one!
I highly recommend Tess Gerritsen books. All of them that I have read have been great thrillers.
Anything by Sophie Kinsella – she’s hilarious!!! I would like to read Sushi book by Marion Keyes. That looks interesting! What a cool giveaway! Thanks so much for offering it!
This is cool! The book that has really caught my eye and I think is a must read is… “Authority In Prayer”, Praying with Power and Purpose: By: Dutch Sheets
Thanks for having this giveaway – books are a wonderful prize! My summer recommendations are: Mark of the Lion trilogy by Francine Rivers, The Street Lawyer by John Grisham, The Testament by John Grisham, Flabbergasted by Ray Blackston, A Delirious Summer by Ray Blackston, and any Jane Austen novel.
I would love to own The Broker by John Grisham.
Fall on Your Knees by Ann-Marie MacDonald.
I would love to win The Tenth Circle by Jodi Picoult.
You absolutely MUST read The Hawk and the Dove by Penelope Wilcock. It is the most fabulous book of all time.
I haven’t read anything by Jodi Piccoult, but if it is already picked, the something by Patterson or Grisham would be fine as well. I haven’t read any of them.
Clearly, you and I are not going to the same beach. The beach we go to has my kids on it, and the only thing I read there is the back of the sunscreen bottle.
But if your beach has reading opportunities, good for you! I like all of the mysteries by Joan Hess. She’s an Arkansas girl (my original home state), and the Claire Malloy series is funny and clever. The Maggody series is a funny, but a more backwoods funny. 🙂
I just read Peculiar Treasures by Robin Gunn Jones. Very good.
I don’t think of read any of the books in your stack. I know I like John Grisham.
I see several books I would like to read.
I Was Once Amelia Earhart. Fabulous read.
Confessions of a Shopaholic – total fluff but really very funny. 🙂
If you haven’t read the Kite Runner, I say it’s a must read. If your looking for something lighter I’d say Time Travelers Wife.
I would love to read the Jodi Piccoult but would take Grisham as well.
loved those Patterson books, I want to read the Tenth circle.
Ok, I did the book meme. How fun!
Anything Nicholas Sparks, Beth Moore, Max Lucado, Charles Stanley…
Thanks for hosting this awesome giveaway.
I recommend the book A Town Called Ruby Praire. It’s the last fiction I’ve read and it was good!
I’d like Unveiled.
I recommend Revolution in World Missions by K.P. Yohannan.
I would love to win The Five Love Languages or The Power of A Praying Wife or Future Grace :).
Evening, Thanks for the email! I appreciate them. I really like “Marley & Me” by john grogan. I would love either John Grisham book.
Thanks very much…..Cindi
Michael Card – The Parable of Joy
I recommend Israel, My Beloved by Kay Author.
Hey, don’t forget my giveaways!
a great summer read would be Summer Sisters by Judy Blume!
Ooooh, you have Marian Keyes! I LOVE her! And Jodi Picoult. I would love to win either one of those.
As for a book recommendation, I just reviewed “The Liar’s Diary” by Patry Francis not long ago and it was sooo good. Very intriguing, lots of twists and turns…I think you’d really like it.
Thanks for another great giveaway!
I am currently reading Acacia by David Anthony Durham, I am not finished it yet, but I have enjoyed it thus far. My choices for the giveaway would be;
The Broker – The Juror – or the majestic Tapestry
thanks for the chance.
The Time Traveler’s Wife was awesome. It really encompased the wide range of emotions and adventures of the main characters that was riveting.
Gosh. A book recommendation, huh? Well since life has changed for me my nose is not really in books. (I love how I can blame Lily for this…ha ha). So my recommendation has to come from what I’m reading lately. It’s gotta be a draw between So Big – (How Big is Baby Elmo?) and The Rainbow Fish. Probably not your genre these days. Oh, how about those Harry Potter books? Have you read any of those? I hear they’re good. 🙂
And should I be one of the lucky 3, I’d have to go with John Piper’s Future Grace. Can’t go wrong with Piper. Keepin my fingers crossed.
I haven’t read any of these. I’m a loser. And “embiggen” always makes me giggle.
I recommend “The Bright Side of Disaster” and not just because it’s written by someone I know.
A great reccomendation I would give is “The Glass Castle: By Jeannette Walls. Everyone I know who has read it thought it was really good and I would pick the Tenth Circle from your pile of books. Thanks for the chance to win!
I’d love to read Future Grace by Piper. 🙂
The Legacy of the King’s Pirates series by M.L. Tyndall is a fun read. The first book is The Redemption. 🙂
As an avid reader of “light” material during the summer, try Janet Evanovich (funny, easy reading with a bit of mystery). I also love Nora Roberts/JD Robb and James Patterson or John Grisham (kinda like you!).
I just finished a trio by David Baldacci, The Camel Club, The Collectors and Stone Cold. All very readable and great beach material.
How exciting! Books!!!
My favorite books are:
The Chronicles of Narnia By CS Lewis
Hinds Feet on High Places By Hannah Hunard
Any book the Beverly Lewis writes about the Amish country!
If you are into romance books, my sister recommends Janet Oke’s books and then there are those little romance books that are Christian, but I don’t know the name/publisher of those…you usually find them with the paperback romance novels.
Oh, I’d love that Jodi Picoult. It is one I haven’t read! Love her. Let’s see, for recommendation, have you read The Red Tent, Poisonwood Bible,or Thousand Splendid Suns? They are not “typical” beach reads but such fabulous books.
If you haven’t read it, you should definitely pick up “Northanger Abbey” by Jane Austen. Follow it up with ITV’s 2007 movie of the same title. They are great. 🙂
I would like to enter to win the Five Love Languages book by Gary Chapman. Thank you!!
I would suggest reading perfect girl by Mary Hogan
I would love to win As The Crow Flies
I’d love to own a copy of John Piper’s _Future Grace_. What a great giveaway! Thanks for hosting. 🙂
As for recommendations, have you read Joel C. Rosenburg’s
The Last Jihad
The Last Days
The Ezekiel Option
The Copper Scrolls
Dead Heat
The last one just came out, and the series is now complete. You have to enjoy a more plot-driven overall idea book to want to read them, but if that suits you than I’d recommend the series.
Twisted by Andrea Kane will definitely capture and keep your attention 🙂 *Thanks* for the giveaway!
Sam’s Letters to Jennifer; the Piper one, as that will be my last name in a couple of months; and the Sushi one, I have always wanted to try it but to big of a chicken.
I would recommend anything by Karen Kingsbury!
Tara @
I would recommend The Guy I’m Not Dating by Trish Perry. If I win would like Unveiled by Franchine Rivers.
I would recommend books by Janette Oke and I would choose The Power of a Praying Wife.
I’d pick ‘Future Grace’ by John Piper. As for a must read, why not check out the Harris brothers new book, ‘Do Hard Things’. Mr. Piper actually just started a series on this over at
I love Jodi Picoult and surprises.
I’d recommend The Awakening by Kate Chopin, Twilight by Stephenie Meyer, and The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale.
if you have already read Gone with the Wind, I would suggest reading anything by Mary Stewart. My favorite is Gabriel Hounds, but her others are wonderful, until her later writings which I dont enjoy so much because they incorporate a lot of mysticism. I wish she was still alive to write more, because she is my favorite!!
I’d like Jodi Picault’s “The Tenth Circle”.
A book I really enjoyed was “The Color of Water” by James McBride.
I’m reading Desiring God right now so Future Grace would be a great followup!
If you are going to the beach, Dorothea Benton Frank (mentioned previously) writes wonderful books on the low country of South Carolina. You can feel the heat. Full of Grace was one of my favorites.
Oh this is wonderful! Thanks for entering my giveaway!
I’m currently reading Momzillas and it is too funny. It is a light easy read, but very entertaining.
I would love The Double Bind by Chris Bohjalian and any James Patterson book.
Well it’s a toss up for me from The Prayer that Changes Everything or the Piper books;0
Ok, I really like The Yada Yada Prayer Group books. Have you read them?
Also Liz Curtis Higgs Scottish series is good.
Joseph Finder – Power Play
I would love to win “The Five People You Meet in Heaven”
I would recommend a book called “Twilight”. It is for young adults but everyone is talking about it.
I recommend Meg Cabot’s Queen of Babble series.
I’d like Sushi for Beginners by Marian Keyes.
Two suggestions: Seabicuit by Laura Hillenbrand (better than the movie, and I liked the movie) and Red Moon Rising by Pete Grieg (This is one of my all time faves for seeing where God is working today)
I would read the Michael Card one in your grouping.
Oops hit post before I mentioned “Library Thing” and online book title storage for your own books or see what others are reading.
my own catalog (which is no where near complete) is here
I’m working on collecting a nice little library to take to Argentina with me. These would look great on my shelves, don’t you think?!
Oh yeah, would love me some books. Hope I win!!!
I just finished a Jodi Picoult book. Would love to read another!
you must read Ken Folletts’ The Pillars of the Earth. best book i have read in ages. I would like JD Robb, James Patterson or Picoult. thnx
Include me, I love books!
Include me, I love books! I recommend the Stephanie Plum series, very funny, great books!
I recommend Atonement, by Ian McEwan!
I just read Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver & family. Really great!
The Tenth Circle: A Novel by Jodi Picoult
I would like to win either “Sam’s Letters to Jennifer” or “The Wedding.”
I would recommend “The Redemption” series by Karen Kingsbury, or any of her other books!
Thank you for this chance!
Any of the books would be great
I’d love the John Piper.
laney_po AT
Right now my favorite book is “Captivating” by John and Stasi Eldridge.
I’d love to read the book by Piper.
My favorite book for anytime reading is In this house of Brede, by Rumer Godden. And I’d pick Piccoult or Sushi for Beginners! Thanks!
Yesterday I just finished Firefly Lane by Kristen Hannah. It was a great book about the realtionship between good friends and I am still thinking about it. I have read most of the books on your stack except for the Jodi Piccoult one.
You can never have too many books can you??? 🙂
What a wonderful giveaway you are doing here.
Have fun with your giveaway. Don’t forget to head on over to my blog and enter mine!
I recommend Joanne Fluke’s mysteries. There is a series of them and each book is a great read. I would love to have Mind Siege.
What a great giveaway! I hope i’m the lucky winner 🙂 i’d choose 5 love languages
a reading suggestion is ‘the seth material’ by jane roberts — really interesting stuff!
I read “Water for Elephants” earlier this week and loved it!
Out of your stack, I’d choose “The Lovely Bones.”
The Majestic Tapestry sounds good.
I recently read The Bright Side of Disaster; funny stuff.
And I am on my 14th-billionth read of Little Women. Classics rule!
The Majestic Tapestry sounds good.
I recently read The Bright Side of Disaster; funny stuff.
And I am on my 14th-billionth read of Little Women. Classics rule!
My suggestion is anything by Dee Henderson. Thanks.
Oh you have to try reading anything by Tom Robbins. He is the master of the metaphor and so freakin’ funny.
I would love to read the Jodi Piccoult book. I hear great things about her but have never had one of her books.