When I was six years old, I made a decision.
There was no way to have predicted its significance or lifelong impact, but this seemingly small declaration followed me to high school, college and marriage; it will eventually follow me to the grave.
My impetuous decision was not predicated on sound judgment or mature reasoning, but prompted by an expression of imagined, inextinguishable love. It also marked the first time I felt the weight of peer pressure.
It was the second week of first grade and for reasons I can’t recall, I transferred to a new school in my hometown. Across the top of each student’s desk was a name plate, perfectly printed with first, middle and last name. Students were eager to reproduce the image just as it was written, all for the sake of pleasing Mrs. Benton.
There was no middle name printed on mine.

“Robin” stood alone. Glancing around the room at all the perfectly printed middle names, I determined this was not only a mistake; it was…unacceptable.
Undaunted, I took it upon myself to complete the task my parents had only started. It wasn’t difficult for me to choose the name–I had to look no farther than Jeremy Bolt.
You might remember him better by his real name: Bobby Sherman.
In 1969, the quirky western “Here Come the Brides” was in its second (and to my dismay, last) season. I was in love with Bobby, my first love, my only love; I was certain we would marry someday. I’d sit by our record player, listen to my “With Love, Bobby” album over and over and OVER, and wonder how could “Julie, Julie, Julie” NOT love him? I lived for each new issue of “Tiger Beat” hoping my beloved Bobby was included.
His love interest on the show was played by actress Bridget Hanley. She was beautiful and smart and funny, and remarkably, I wasn’t jealous of her.
Covetous, yes, but not jealous.
Then, again, I was six.
Hanley’s character’s name was Candy Pruitt. She got to wear hoop skirts AND flirt with my one-day-to-be husband. She had it all–including the funnest name on the planet: “Candy.”
Right then, right there, I took her name as my own, too; tribute not only to the adorable woman with bows in her hair, but also to the man who would one day father my children.
I began writing “Robin Candy…” on my school papers; I doodled it everywhere (sometimes with “Sherman” as my last name, of course). As I got older, it never occurred to me to let it go, though it did occur to me to tweak it a bit. In a bid to make it sound more sophisticated (to match my own growing sophistication), “Candy” evolved into “Candice.” If asked my name, I didn’t bat an eye.
“Robin Candice.”
It WAS my name. I was even offended if someone spelled my fake name wrong–“Candace” sounded hard and edgy and wrong while “Candice” sounded sweet and pure and right.
It’s on my high school diploma.
It’s on my college diploma.
And, not until it appeared on our wedding invitations did my father question me about it.
“You’re STILL using that as your middle name?!”
“Well I guess we should’ve had it changed legally….”
That never occurred to me. By this point, my middle name and I were in a common law marriage.
It wasn’t until I heard from the Social Security Administration questioning “all the aliases” I used that I realized “taking” a name doesn’t necessarily mean it’s legal or recognized–or universally appreciated.
Bobby was prophetic when he sang “Easy Come, Easy Go.” Eventually our love waned and I moved on to Donny Osmond. He was the “sweet” to my “innocent” and for him I was going to convert to Mormonism and move to Utah and bear his nine children.
The evidence of pure, unadulterated first love lives on, if only in name.
My name.
And the familiar adage “don’t take Candy from strangers”? Every once in a while, there might just be an exception to the rule ;).
Seattle Times
Celebrity Nooz
No, no, no!!! Bobby Sherman is on MY post today!!!! **pulls your hair** You can’t have him!!!
Ha! This is just too hilarious….
The dreams that we have when we are young…the thought that we could someday meet and marry (although I never considered that for my crush).
You, my lovely dear, have taken a crush to a level far, far above us all.
*stands applauding*
Bravo, Darling!! BRA-VO!!
I love this story. I really can’t believe it is on your high school & college diploma though, lol. I go by my nickname of Ginny instead of my real name & I am always having problems. Your story caught my attention though because we didn’t give our 2nd daughter a middle name. It drives me crazy & secretly in my head she has a middle name. My husband doesn’t have one though, so it doesn’t seem to bother her. When I told her the name I had in my head she said she didn’t like it & wants it to be Angel, lol. Reminds me of your Candy, wonder if her Angel will evolve (she is 6)
Eat YOUR HEARTS out ladies (Sayre and Robin) I’ve got him!!! HA…. see NL’s post!!!
This will be awkward – Noting that Nekked Lizard Lady posted her fav was also Bob (he’s older now) Sherman. Soooo, you and I suppose Sayre will have to visit our post to see yet another picture of Mr. S.
FYI, she thinks he resembles me in my younger pop years (I can’t sing though). NLM
Oh my goodness, this is one of the best stories I’ve ever read! Thanks for sharing it with us.
Oh that one is just a gem. Love the story. And the title superb.
Thanks of a great story
what a rush!!! I’d forgotten that show — Even I had a crush on him.
And your “candy” … oh my, you NEVER cease to amaze me!
Hee hee, you were creative even as a tiny person. And how weird that you didn’t have a middle name. My dad was the same, and he always hankered for the name Joseph.
It must have been because they could already see as a baby that you were going to be such a big character that one name would do. 😀
Thanks for playing.
Lovely post! I loved every word of it, thanks!
You were a take charge assertive little something, weren’t you! *wild applause*
Way to go Robin Candice, for righting that wrong!
Very cute fun Munday.
What a great post.
i must admit, not a clue who BS is, but that’s a great story!
What delightful post, I vaguely remember Here Come the Brides, but I definitely remember Bobby Sherman. The best part of this story is you claiming and keeping the name of Bobby’s love interest in the show as your middle name. The fact that you have not been hassled by the government by your name choice is even more delightful. Little Robin Candice Sherman put it to the man…so to speak.
I love that story. I have a middle name, but it was always one I never wanted to share. It was a family name, and someone of significance, but still, I didn’t want to tell people my middle name was SILL.
Robin! I love this story of yours 🙂
I do not have a middle name on my birth certificate either. Thankfully I never had an occassion to really miss having one. No name tag in elementary school asking for one. Have a great week…
WEll, now we may just have a cat fight on our hands…Nekked Lizard Lady, Sayre, and you.
Bobby Sherman? Who’d a thunk it?
And all that for a middle name, lol !! I never cared about my middle names I even never used them. They only show up in my passport. Do you want them ? I can sell them to you if you don’t take them I could try ebay !
What a great story. This guy is very popular and I can see why from the photos!
I’ve just been reading someone else who had Donny as her second crush ~ poor guy he will get a complex!!
I give you two thumbs up plus five stars for sticking with it.
My gosh, I remember those days now that you bring them back up. I think my sister had a thing for him back then. But she moved on to John Denver as the 70’s rolled in. Great story. So are you gonna make the name legal? You should go for it!
I LOVE IT. And I love that you made this decision when you were all of 6 years old and it stuck with you. LOVE IT!
So – do you have a “REAL” middle name that you never knew about???
My best friend had no middle name – on purpose. Her mom did that with all her daughters so when they got married, they could use their maiden name as their middle name. I thought think that is sooooo cool.
This is a fantastic story!!! Thanks for sharing it!
Wow, so so great post! You are my idol! I used to practice signing with the last name Brosnan too yah know!
P.S. I was here…I dont know what happened to my comment!
What an interesting experience and fascinating ‘story’ about your past. It’s fun to see what everyone’s doing with this week’s topic.
Hugs and blessings,
You are so much cuter than that Bridget chick.
Oh my goodness, your post is too funny! I can’t believe you actually “took” the name!
Andy Gibb all the way. I had to post his picture. I had completely forgot about him.
You did have as much of an imagination then as you do now.
To tell the truth, I thought we were the same age, but I can barely remember the show.
But I can see WHY, you’d have a crush on Bobby, he’s a real dream!!
Have a great Monday, Robin!
This is a complete crack-up Robin. You were in your own world. And the way this little story was written…you’re good. You’re a gifted writer. Your title is right on target, but evidently, as a good writer, you knew that!
This is totally unreal !! My first celebrity crush was also Bobby Sherman (but I was a bit older than you, I believe!!)
Thanks for the memory!Bobby would have been a lucky guy!
This post is delicious Robin! I couldn’t imagine where “Don’t Take Candy from Strangers” was going. If you decide you want to try out another middle name, I have one you can have for free. It wouldn’t go well with Mrs. Robin Sherman though. . .
this story is hilarious!! I love it…
I remember “here come the brides”. I loved that show but I had a crush on the older brother, whose name now totally escapes me….lol.
oh how adorable are you!!!!!!
love this.
Huh, I never knew this about you. 🙂 How interesting you are. 🙂
Dude.. you win. I cannot possibly top adopting as your middle name the name of the love-interest… Heck. I didn’t even know he was on TV – it must have been during that odd period of years when we didn’t have one. Even when we HAD one, we weren’t allowed to watch it much. My crush was strictly on the strength of his looks and his music – that same music I can’t seem to remember (though who could forget “Julie, Julie, Julie”????). So you win. I bow to your amazing devotion!
I’m sorry, but I find this hilarious considering my 5 year old’s recent obsession with changing her name to Casey. I have no idea where Casey came from or why. It even progressed to the point where we were watching a show with a character named Casey and my daughter exclaimed: “Her name’s Casey just like mine!”
Ummm. NO it isn’t. My 5 year old is having an identity crisis.
Finally I told her that if she would like, we could pick a nickname for her REAL name and we could try it out for a while. Good grief!
That’s awesome!!! Sure beats my bending to peer pressure in the second grade, when all my friends had NO bangs, and I had long ones, so I used that little black comb to make a part in my bangs RIGHT. BEFORE. they took my school picture! lol! Thanks for sharing this!
Hilarious! I loved Bobby Sherman too.
This is just too funny. When I got to the part that it’s actually on your diplomas, I couldn’t believe it. This deserves a stumble! 😉
One question – are you going to change it legally?
Stuff we wish we’d written
By Jenny and Mindy It’s that time again. Time to bail out Mindy from her wild Saturday night and sew the legs back on the dog. Also to spotlight some of the best stuff that we (and our luscious readers)…
I went back and forth between Candace and Candie until by middle school I insisted once and for all on Candace.
Love my name but it is constantly misspelled!
Another story…in kindergarten, we had a sub and I always liked the name Holly…so I wrote “Holly” as my name on my work (a fingerpainting).
The next day, the teacher is asking “Who is Holly?” I tearfully confessed (which probably amused her) my crime.
BTW–In NY at least you can use any name consistently without an intent to defraud and it becomes your legal name. Of course, it is easier if you do the paperwork. I’ve been married 7 years and my SS card still has my maiden name. Yeah, I procrastinate.
Oh my word Robin! That has got to be the funniest thing you’ve ever written! On your diplomas?? Then on your wedding invitation?? ROFL!!!!!
You crack me up.