aka So what if I’m stalking Paula Deen?
Concluding my Top Ten Highlights from the Metropolitan Cooking and Entertaining Show
[3] Rubbin’ shoulders with Paula Deen.
When you spend even a few minutes with Paula, these are the things you discover:
She likes to talk…a lot…
She likes to laugh…a lot…
She loves her baby boys–who aren’t as much "baby" as they are "boy"–a lot…
She loves her husband, Michael…a lot…
And she makes me look like Miss Congeniality to her Miss America.
a) I need a personal stylist, and b) HOW COME NO ONE AT MY TABLE TOLD ME I NEEDED LIPSTICK???
Paula is b e a u t i f u l up close, her eyes are even more bluefully amazing in person and her teeth? So perfect she makes dentists weep.
[2] Thank the Lord, Phil-the-webmaster is a) NOT my imaginary friend, b) NOT an axe murderer, c) actually employed by Paula Deen, d) as delightful in person as he has been on the blog.
In just an hour’s time, we covered all things Paula Deen, how badly he wanted one of our pet baby bunnies ’cause for goodness sakes he had a PET SEAL as a child (!) (and a barnyard full of animals now), his parents’ cattle ranching operation, our religious affiliations, and secret insider information about Paula Deen like she’s beginning her own talk show in September ’09 but you didn’t hear it from me!!
I really need to thank Paula for giving reason for mine and Phil’s paths to cross; he’s one of the "good guys"–smart, generous, and insightful regarding blogging. Meeting him would’ve been THE highlight of the ME&CS e x c e p t for…
[1] A Girl’s Day and Night Out with my big sister.
Five kids, two husbands, jobs and miles may separate us, but nothing can sever the tie that binds–sisterhood.
We’ve lived difficult times together–our mother’s death when we were practically babies, her own cancer scare ten years ago, and an excruciating 14-month watch of my father’s mental ravaging by Lewy Bodies Disease–yet, somewhat miraculously, good memories outweigh the bad. In addition to not-to-be-taken-for-granted God’s grace in our lives, I think that’s due in large part because I had a sister with whom to share life; maybe that WAS a manifestation of His grace.
Lora didn’t "understand" my blogging until fairly recently; one of the most precious things to me now is her advocacy. Case in point–the Metropolitan Cooking and Entertaining Show. She pushed me to the front row of Paula’s and the boys’ cooking show, she treated me to the book signing and lunch with Paula and Michael, she never grew weary from all the ridiculous pictures I took, and she was quick to grab the camera and capture shots of me when she could.
We were silly (and for the record, she’s pointing at P-A-U-L-A, not my she-parts)…
We were indulged…
There’s nothing else like a princess bed with mountains of pillows, turndown service with orchids and chocolates, and 800-thread count Egyptian cotton sheets. Mmmmm…!
We were gluttons…
It was my distinct pleasure to introduce my sister to Huey’s beignets (hellloooo luv-ahs!). When breakfast starts with those, how can it get better? Omelettes and strawberry pain perdue, that’s how!
But mostly, we were just sisters…
In a season when it requires intention for us to spend time together, I realized it’s worth whatever the cost. Not without our ebb and flow, our relationship is one I appreciate more with age, not less.
And I don’t hold it against her AT ALL that she used to sit on top of me, hold me down, and threaten to spit in my face. As evidenced by my NOT publishing the OTHER pictures of her in bed!
I love ya, Loretta! From your eternally YOUNGER sister, Roberta :).
Metro Cooking and Entertaining Show Highlights 10-8
MC&ES Highlights 7-6
MC&ES Highlights 5-4
Looks like you had an awesome time. Makes me kind of wish I had a sister!
I was totally going to comment on how she was comparing boobs…
Looks like you had a fantastic time all around! And Phil looks as sweet as he’s sounded this entire time. Whew.
Awesome! Looks like a great time… and how cool – you got to meet Paula AND Phil! Hey – you actually met someone who commented on your blog.
WHat a GREAT, GREAT, GREAT, GREAT post!!!! Wow that was soooooooooooooooooo SWEET what you wrote about your sister and your family!!!! =) I’m sorry for the loss of your mom at such an early age!!! =(
Girlie…Holy-Moly! Those are GREAT pics with you and Paula!!! I was thinking the same thing about her eyes and teeth when I saw that pic then you put in words my thoughts!!! She is such a stunning woman!!! I love it when she talk and I love how much she laughs!!! The world around us needs that!!!! =)
I’m so glad you had a WONDERFUL time you deserve it!!!!
Also you saved the BEST for last…huh? =) Great blog title: Fireworks Finale…it says it all!!!!!!!
Hey! Am I the only one here that noticed that last sentence there? Here I was thinking what a sweetie you are raving on about your big sister, then you throw that in! My “eternally younger” little sister would have gotten my boot up her hiney for that one!
Oh and by the way, you look perfectly fine without lipstick! You have far too much character, cheek oh and eternal youth to need it!
Now go suck on your red lollypop!
Sister stuff is grand. We do that too, but we’re older and not so pretty.
geee.. Paula Deen is gorgeous. I hate her. ha ha ha ha ha ha aha
Looks like you had a wonderful time. Wish i had a sister like yours!
And Paula Deen wow her eyes are blue!
Wow! That is SO exciting!
You looked beautiful..no lipstick needed!
Well pinch me and call me….ok just call me Joy but I can’t believe it. There were perhaps some who didn’t believe, but I knew he was real. And there he is. In all his handsomeness. Phil! I’m glad you managed to get a picture of the two of you together. I can now sleep at night knowing Phil is really real and just as nice as we all suspected him to be. I know I’m weird, but this just made my day :o)