Cancer Q&A

It is rare for me to use the word "hate" and mean it, but I HATE cancer and I mean it.

Cancer robbed me of knowing my mom beyond childhood; it deprived my children from knowing their "other" grandmother; it cruelly took my paternal grandmother away just months after taking Mama; and I’m so thankful to say, while my sister had cancer, it didn’t have her*–she’s a 10+ year survivor.

Because May is Melanoma and Skin Cancer Awareness Month, Karen at Simply Amusing Blog has been asked by a group of local oncologists to write about prevention; they’re using a Q & A format, and she’s asking readers for questions for the physicians to answer.  Summer’s almost upon us, the sun will be blazing guns in no time, so her goal is to get readers to think about better choices before any damage is done.

If you have ANY question about melanoma or would like any area discussed, would you please follow the link to Karen and let her know?  You can always leave a comment here, too, and I’ll compile any I receive and pass them along via email.   Thanks!

Kudos to Karen for initiating this conversation…it’s "good" bloggin’, y’all :). 

BTW, I bet she wouldn’t mind a bit if you wanted to pick up the graphic above and ask YOUR readers to submit questions (if you do, be sure to let me know and I’ll come visit and make sure Karen knows!!).

(attributed to my Survivor-friend, Kathy, aka Swampwitch)


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