
Sometimes you’ve just gotta "K.I.S.S."…and friends, that’s what I gotta do today.  Although I composed award-winning poetry in response to this head-in-the-clouds photo–while snail-pacing through traffic, just before falling asleep every night and during my morning shower serenades–I can’t remember a single one….


Soooo, my entry for this week’s 40-or-less Photo Challenge is a photo title and definitely falls in the word/syllable limit:

"Vapored Rorschach Test"

I can’t wait to see what you’ve come up with…be sure check out other participants to see how they interpreted the photo challenge.

WINNERS of last week’s Brother’s-All-Natural Fruit & Potato CrispsKarla, Dillo and Storyteller.  Thanks to Brothers for sending me some to try and samples to give to readers!  No give-away this week, but next week?  OH, MY!  You will DEFINITELY want to join Friday’s 40 for the sweetest of surcies to be given away!!

{And, again…I had no idea I wouldn’t be able to get this posted on time…SOOooo sorry and THANK YOU for those of you who posted an entry–next week I’ll be early to make up for it!}

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