Dawn (My Home Sweet Home), Shannon (Rocks in My Dryer), Jo-Lynne (Musings of a Housewife & one of my RAWKIN’ roomies), Melanie (Big Mama), Annie (Taking a step towards my dream), Sophie (BooMama), me, Valerie (Valarie at Home), Lisa (Simply His) and Sarah (Genesis Moments & my other awesome Philly roomie)
What bloggers do at a writer’s conference when they’re on break…
More soon….
oooh . . . thanks for sharing your awesome photos! how totally kewl! looking forward to more. 😀
Great pictures. Glad y’all had such a wonderful time!
Writers are so much cooler than rock stars anyway. I’ve tried to talk to rock stars, and realized that most of them have very little to say. Writers, on the other hand…priceless.
Your words re. the six-hour solo drive hit home. I’ve always approached by-myself-road-trips with a certain degree of reverence. Part of this is due to my sister’s destroying the family car with me in it when I was a wee child (she was lighting a cig, kinda missed noticing the upcoming sheet of black ice, then freaked when she hit it…bad driver.) I am a very spiritual driver as a result, careful to a fault, acutely aware of the physics involved and absolutely devoid of road ragin’ male testosterone.
So, now that I’ve rambled, when I drive solo, I’m highly mindful of the experience. I enjoy the solitude, the tunes, the environment. I think about who I’ve left behind, and what it’ll be like when I return. I think about the investment/return curve of my being away from my family.
Sounds like you do, too. No surprise there, of course. But I find it neat all the same.
Travel safe, mon ami.
This weekend was so awesome – I’ve got to post.
great pix, robin. can’t wait to read all
I’m so jealous! Can’t wait to read more.
Look how cute you are! It looks like you were having so much fun–stinks about your photos. When we were on family vacay in D.C. a few years ago, our youngest daughter wanted to take some pix and she somehow deleted all the images we had taken so far. Luckily we were only a couple of days into the trip!
Oh, so fun!! Looking forward to hearing more!
that last picture speaks volumes
Love the picture, Robin!
I am loving the photo of your “break”. Funny. Sounds like everyone had such a wonderful time. I just may have to go next year!