The first time she babysat for us–before there were cell phones–she called me at my first errand "stop" to tell me my daughter had just blown out her diaper and there was "stuff" all over Rachel, all over the bed…and everywhere in between.

She was just 12 then, but Kayce and I have been connected ever since; remarkably she agreed to sit again.  She loved my babies for years, and part of my heart went with her when she left for college; my children still refer to her as their Favorite Babysitter. 

This morning I noticed a chatbox from her in gmail, with this link…then another.  Her baby sister, Kara, whose wedding is two weeks away, is getting national freaking media attention even while I write! 

The exclusive Charlotte bridal shop where she purchased her dress closed without notice, leaving at least a dozen brides without the dresses they paid for; some, like Kara, just weeks from their wedding day.  Several also lost the bridesmaid’s dresses.

Kara’s one of the lucky ones; she had already picked up her dress, and had returned it for pre-paid alterations.  She’ll have to pay someone again to have it altered, but at least it’s her dress.  Wrong info!  That was a sample dress!  Kara’s is in Canada, unpaid, still with the designer (who is "giving" it to her at cost…AFTER SHE’S ALREADY PAID FOR IT :(!!).

And the icing on this wedding cake?  Local media is eating it up!  Obviously, from the links above, the newspaper and news channels are trolling for ratings.  But GET! OUT!!  GOOD MORNING AMERICA (you know, the one with Diane Sawyer) JUST CALLED! Looks like they want to include her story about people affected by fraud.

Oh…my…good news travels fast, but bad news?  THAT gets you on the national morning news.

What a country…..!

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