Well-titled (or captioned) photographs enrich the visual, or at least they add another dimension. These titles came quickly for me, but I’m curious to hear your thoughts…!

Incoming flight
Wordless Wednesday
More wordless at 5 Minutes for Mom
Well-titled (or captioned) photographs enrich the visual, or at least they add another dimension. These titles came quickly for me, but I’m curious to hear your thoughts…!
Incoming flight
Wordless Wednesday
More wordless at 5 Minutes for Mom
Those are great captions.
Great shots, that last picture is WONDERFUL! Happy WW!!
In the spirit of the first two captions perhaps the last shot would be better named “To Soar or Not Too Sore? That is the Question”
Love the captions – almost as good as the photos! I’ve MISSED YOU! 🙂
love the seagull one
Naughty Girl, you are supposed to be having fun relaxing in the sun! No Blogging! Bad Girl!
Not enough morning coffee yet to come up with witty captions, but great post idea 🙂 Happy WW 🙂
Awesome photos and great captions 🙂 I need to desperately learn to work my camera!
I think the captions you have are perfect. And I love the bicycle one – it depicts so many things.
LOVE the dropped bike, I feel like doing that sometimes. 😛
great photos I like the seagull.Happy WW
Beautiful shots and I just LOVE your captions! Very clever!! 😀
I think “Look Out Below!” would fit the last picture, too.
Looks as if y’all are having a fantastic time…
Gorgeous photos and witty captions – I can do no better!
Awe the days of living on the beach and owning a beach cruiser!
Robin, loving your “not really blogging” travel posts! Hate the alligator references, though. They creep me out:>) I was so happy to leave gators and cockroaches behind when we left Florida (where I was born and raised). Have fun!
Girl, you’re good. But then, you know that don’t you? Love the pics, but I really love the captions. You did a great job! So, when do you ever stop blogging. Your hubby is going to “get you.” Or has he just given up?
Robert, Ahhhh! CUTE ONE!!
Karen, Right back atcha, girlieQ :).
Karisma, I AM relaxing…PROMISE!
LisaB, YES YOU DO!!!
Diane, why thank you 🙂
Shalee, Another cute one :).
Laura, Cockroaches I can do without…Gators? Nevah!
Peculiar, Our condo has wi fi this year…My “Not Blogging” is confined to READING others (and barely writing for my own…just tons of picchas 🙂 ).
You are so punny! HA! These are some great shots. I really like the last one and the bicycle just makes me want to go cruisin’!
That bike speaks to me on so many levels. It’s pictures like this that explain why I ride in the first place.
You really ought to take commissions, y’know.
Um, yeah, that’s the position my bike is always in because I keep running into things on it!
Ok, now, see…. My 40-Or-Less is a whole lot less funny after reading this.
(Just now catching up on Google Reader after being too busy to check it while on vacation.)