{PPL participants, please be sure and read my note
at the bottom of this post, right above Mr. Linky.}

It’s the one time of the month world’s collide, at least in the Universe of Pensieve:

Poetic License and Friday’s 40-or-less Photo Challenge

Rather than repeating what has already been explained, I encourage you to click the above links if you have no idea what I’m talking about:). 

I have to interject, though, THANK YOU for legitimizing the "pensieve"; when I crafted the poetic form, I had reason to shake in my shoes–the few who posted early have jazzed my poetic soul!  Y’all amaze me :).

For your convenience (and mine), I’m including both entries in one post, and for goodness sakes, while you’re busy clicking your co-conspirator’s links, be sure to let me know what you think of mine–good, bad or ugly!  If you’ve ever hosted a Mr. Linky, you already know it’s not uncommon for readers to "forget" the host :).  Be sure to identify your permalinks with "PPL" or "F40" or "Both" depending on your posting.

My offering for Poetic License ~ A pensieve complete with a photo for my muse this morning:


Mountains of whipped cream and chocolate and cake
Celestial layers silently awaiting their fate
Slight hint of coffee, aromatic surprise
Squishy delight on my tongue, it just smiled!
Meal’s punctuation–a taste of perfection.

Friday’s 40-or-less Photo Challege:


Pure and clear,
Quenches and satisfies,
Refreshing and life-giving–
No wonder Jesus compared Himself to it.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A note of sympathy ~ I have no idea what "blog protocol" is on things like this, but I thought participants of Pensieve’s Poetic License would want to know that Inheritor’s wife suffered a fatal heart attack week before last (he wrote to let me know because a post of his is scheduled for publication on Blog Nosh Magazine, and he asked for that to be postponed).  Inheritor has been a regular contributer to PPL since its beginning, and my heart and prayers go out to him and his family.  I was touched by the poetic tribute he pays to his wife this month, a pensieve that will surely reach you as well.

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