"Come on, come on, you know you’ll have a GOOD time,
Come on, come on, you KNOW you’ll have a good time–
Cruuuuise with us!  Hey, cruuuuise with us…"

WHY.in.THE.WORLD this chant is sing-songing in my brain is well beyond my powers of reasoning, but as I sat down to write a post to invite you to join this month’s Poetic License it was begging–YES, in my spirit, BEGGING–to jump onto the page. 

Cheerleading is poetry in motion, no? 

Well, here I am in all my high school glory, circa 1980, hair hot-rolled and shellacked with half a can of Rave hairspray–an avalanche couldn’t undo that do!  These tools were necessary in order to maintain my perfectly-feathered coiffure while doing herkies and toe touches, a skill that hasn’t quite followed me into my 40s (<—click only if you want to laugh AT me, not WITH me!).

But I digress.  We’re supposed to be talking poetry.  I promisepromisePROMISE this is NOT classic "bait-and-switch" and me uploading pictures of me wearing a short skirt is NOT false advertising. 

PensievespoeticlicenselgPensieve’s Poetic License is back, and lest you’ve wondered where it’s been, I’ve moved it to the LAST week of the month rather than the first.  Click the button for complete PPL details; in short, it’s a fun exercise designed to stretch you a bit creatively, even if you haven’t written poetry since, well…high school! 

This month’s theme is……….BACK TO SCHOOL!!  See?  The picture DOES fit the theme!   To make it even wilder and crazier, THERE IS NO REQUIRED POETIC FORM–I’m leaving it up to YOU!  Fancy haiku?  Knock your socks off! Have an affinity for Italian sonnet (not to be confused with an English sonnet)?  Buono fortuna! Want to get my attention?  Limericks do it every time. And if you want me to fall in love with you, move to Utah, convert to Mormonism, become a polygamist and MARRY YOU??  Well, you’re out of luck, but if you write a Pensieve?  I will love, cherish and admire you forEVAH.

Get crackin’ people–invite your readers to join you because I have missed Poetic License so much I want to read a thousand back-to-school poems!  Or a few less.  Write yours anytime between now and Thursday; THEN, my own back-to-school poem will be posted along with Mr. Linky for you to link yours.  Even if you don’t (yet) have a blog, write one and post it in comments.

Can’t wait!  See ya then!!

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