Do you know which is the truth: Granddaddy Long Legs have such tiny mouths, they can’t sink their blood sucking fangs bite you well enough to inject their venomous poison, or they aren’t poisonous to begin with? Either? Neither?
We live on a wooded lot and I’ve been dyin’ to photograph the swarms herds flocks gaggles dozens of Daddy Long Legs who seem to think they live here. Supposedly, they’re "friendly spiders", I guess the same way Casper’s a friendly ghost. Regardless, they creep me out when I pinch one by the leg (to fling it to Mars) while the other seven legs forge a freak-tickle attack on the rest of my hand.
This fella was napping outside my kitchen yesterday so I seized the photo op. It wasn’t until I uploaded pictures that I realized he was missing a leg. Have you ever noticed how COOL their legs joint to their bodies?? It looks like you can just pop in a broom straw and he’ll be on his way. My son thought they looked like Lego fittings.
{This is one of those times you really, REALLY need to click to embiggen the picture. Put down your beverage of choice first….}
Friday’s 40-or-less Photo Challenge
is back–and what BETTER way to provoke encourage y’all to respond than with pictures of creepy-crawlin’ SPIDERS?!!
Don’t know what F40PC is? Click the link or button for compete details, but basically it’s an easy post for Friday, no more than 40 words for you to post in response to the week’s picture–a caption, title, poem, shortshortshort story, whatEVAH, the choice is yours. Mr. Linky will be posted early Friday morning for you to link your own post and visit others. If you’d like to help spread the word, grab a button and invite your readers to join in the fun.
p.s. I’m still lovin’ First Kiss stories…tell me yours?? 🙂
YIKES! Spiders FREAK me out! I’ve never seen one so close up!
Thanks to our house centipedes, the spider population has been much better at our house. Now if only those suckers did not freak me out!
He’s got some microscopic fangs,that’s for sure – love the closeup. But granddaddy longlegs just don’t scare me as much as garden spiders. 🙂
I see a lot of those daddies too but I never had the urge to see one so close up. He’s u-g-l-y!
“Because I like to freak out my tweethearts ” – mission accomplished.
I’ve been fairly unafraid of granddaddy long legs my whole life… UNTIL I clicked on that picture and enlarged it. GOOD GRACIOUS. NOW I’m scared.
Those are what we called Daddy long legs, too.
I have never seen one of those! Not that I want to. EEK!
…..totally creeped out now…….
Got mine up already! Woo Hoo! Trying to stay on top of things lately. Wish I could say as much for the laundry around here. I’m trying to put it off…can you tell? Writing a poem about spiders instead.
You TOUCH it???? *thud* That was me fainting!
I am not afraid of spiders, but Daddy longlegs do creep me out. One less leg does not help matters at all for me.
I HATE spiders. I am itching all over just looking at the picture. But I must admit, it was kinda cool to see his little eyes… But I’m still itching and did I mention I HATE spiders? LOL
GREAT photos!
go see the spider on my site today!
I read an article years ago about these guys and this story by a repair guy who’d had to crawl into this tiny under-the-deck space to get to some utility connections. WHen he got under there there was this horrible smell and the boards looked to be moving. He shined a flashlight around and realized the walls were COVERED with millions of DDLs huddling togetehr to stay warm and they were all kind of swaying. Apparently they all smell but you can’t tell until you have so many like that together.
Anyway, the guy crawled out pretty darn quick and the story gave me the huge heebie jeebies.