Before relaying the results of my very impolite and invasive medical Pro-Cedure, I found myself waxing poetic to Laura’s 15-words-or-less photograph.  After missing several weeks, I had forgotten how much I enjoy this brevetic exercise (and yes, that’s a totally made-up word that NEEDS to be real). 

Three very different offerings…does one speak to you more loudly than the others?


Sizzling as a Summer’s sun,
Youth’s passions and indulgence
Sear a blistering impression.

Dive in head-first
Jump in with both feet–

Summer sun,
Havin’ fun~
Hanging out
Just begun.

Time to laze.
Life ablaze.
There’s no doubt–
Crazy days.

Please visit Laura’s blog for details about "15 Words or Less Poems" :).  It’s a fun, EASY exercise in creativity!

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