Wanna avoid the flakey white stuff that accumulates on your clothes when you use spray starch? Let it soak in just a few seconds before ironing and it won’t be a problem. Seconds DO matter in this case.- Iron on the "wrong" side of the ironing board–the larger square end. You’ll cover more surface area in a shorter amount of time and be done in a jiffy.
…not that I know the above from personal experience or anything ;).
I’ve always used the “wrong” end. My mom used to scold me for it in high school, but I still do it. (Shh… Don’t tell her.) 😉
I have to iron every week! I have never even considered using the “wrong” end of the board, but I will try it tomorrow! Thanks =)
My aunt (who is full of wisdom) said that flakes are more likely to form when the iron is a little too hot. Since she told me that, I keep my iron a smidge cooler than I used to, and I don’t have nearly the flake problem.
I don’t like ironing…at least, I don’t think I do…and yet, isn’t there a deep satisfaction in that crisp look and clean smell??
I always use the “wrong” end. I just don’t get using the small end. It just doesn’t make sense!
But the flaking? I do have a problem with that. I can’t wait to try this tip. Thanks for sharing it with us!
This is the one household task I HAPPILY pay someone else to do.
When she goes on holiday, I wear everything else in my cupboard but I refuse to do ironing 🙂
LOL – just being honest 🙂
Thank you for the ironing tips! 😀
Yeah, that’s a good idea to use the “wrong” side. I’ll have to try that as I have to iron this afternoon… 🙁
I know I’m weird, but I love to iron! Before I was married I always used the skinny end too. My husband is the one who introduced me to the smart way! 😉 I just got a new iron for our 9th anniversary.
I really hate ironing. Might be my least favorite chore. Thanks for the tip, though.
I used to hate ironing and then I bought a good iron…cost me $50 but I love to iron now…fancy that! Thanks for the starch tip!
Ewh… I hate to iron. I try to avoid it whenever it is humanly possible. My mother, on the other hand, ENJOYS it – I think it’s one reason why I am allergic 🙂 It must skip a generation or somethin’….