I’m thinking through the post I wanna write to honor my baby’s 16th celebration of her birth, but these things can’t be rushed; in addition to out of town company, I have a few distractions, namely Rachel’s newest addition.
Meet Nelson.
Nelson is an almost three-month-old orange tabby kitten, and if curiosity killed, he’d already be dead.
When Nelson is awake, he’s moving.
He has no respect for personal space. The guy moves in and crosses all kinds of boundaries–
Aussie and Nelson get along famously…
But when Nelson tried to make nice with Callie, Queen of the Castle?
Callie began channeling Linda Blair, her head spun around three times, and in between viciously hissin’ & spittin’, she regurgitated a flood of green vomit.
Her tonsils are just fine, thank you very much :/.
Anyone wanna venture a guess as to the origin of Nelson’s name? Rachel totally dissed my initial suggestions of Michael Phelps and Barak Obama…something about their features remind me of him. Hmmmm….
GREEN vomit? Wow.
Not so sure Callie’s a big fan of the new fluffball;)
Marie, well…figuratively speaking.
PTT, ya think? Help??
I haven’t a clue where Nelson’s name came from, but my compliments to whoever picked out that sweet kitty! He is adorable — orange creamsicle kitties are the best ones of all!
I sure hope the old cat doesn’t start spraying.
You so should have gone with a Michael Phelps name. Then you could tell people, “Michael Phelps lets me hold him” or “Michael Phelps sleeps in my bedroom”.
That is one scary picture of a green-eyed cat.
Nelson? H-m-m-m. The cat sings “Hello Mary Lou” so she named him in honor of Ricky.
Fresh Girl, that would be me based on my FIL’s description (which was perfect, btw). 🙂
Pamela, ME, TOO! She is NOT happy STILL! :/
Hulagirl, I wanted to throw him in the bathtub to see if he could swim, but my daughter looked horrified at the idea, lol. Other funnies come to mind: Michael Phelps licked my toes, my dog sniffed MP’s tail, MP’s ate Callie’s catfood, MP doesn’t need a litter box, he goes outside, lolol. Loveit, loveit, LOVE! IT!!
Swampy, Close but no see-gar ;).
If cuteness could kill…I’d be dead :0)
What a cute little cat ! Of course Callie shows her tonsils, lol ! When Rosie arrived it was the same here two cats hissing at her only Arthur welcomed the little fur ball !
Nelson is adorable. I hope that Callie calms some with the new kitten in the house, for all of your sake.
What a cute kitten! We just got a gray tabby about 10 days ago. I love her! As for Nelson’s name, 2 things come to mind. Half nelson (wrestling) and Ozzie and Harriet. I doubt it’s either of those. Are you gonna tell us?
the pics are a great addition to the story