Has it ever occurred to you that you have the power to change the world for good? That through your generosity and compassion, you can alter a child’s future, bringing hope and help to one who has true need. Not want, but very real economic, social physical and spiritual needs.
This is Isaura, my baby-girl I sponsor through Compassion International’s child sponsorship program. She had been waiting over six months for a sponsor when I “met” her, and when I looked into her dark, soulful eyes, her gaze penetrated my heart and I knew she was The One.
Isaura lives in the Dominican Republic and her parents are laborers; most adults who are able to find employment make the equivalent of $120/month. My sponsorship (through local project staff) affords her opportunity she would not otherwise have access to: birthday celebrations, dental care, educational field trips, health education, Bible teaching–things taken for granted for my own children!
I’ve been aware of Compassion International forever. When Shannon (Rocks in My Dryer) and Sophie (BooMama) blogged about their Africa trips, I began seriously considering sponsorship; I trust them, and their words lended credibility to the mission. But it was Shaun Groves who convinced me to act; two of his blog posts answered lingering questions that haunted me. Click to read his posts in full, but highlights might interest you:
He answers questions posed by readers here (Does all of my $32 go to my sponsored child every month? Am I the only one sponsoring my child or does my money go into a fund or something that takes care of lots of kids? How on earth does 80% of $32 make the difference you say it does? How? You can’t be shooting straight. So I’ve heard you say Compassion International works through local
churches and pastors. Ok, well, what’s in it for them? Are they making some cash off the deal or what? and more…).
Here, he explores in detail the difference between Compassion International and World Vision (Compassion always works through the local church; Compassion International child sponsorships are actual whereas World Vision’s are symbolic; World Vision is a relief organization whereas Compassion is in the work of child development.)
This is where I wish I had thousands of readers; this is where I’d love to be able to play Jedi mind tricks and compel you to action.
For about a dollar a day will you say “yes”? Will you join me and so many others who are “releasing children from poverty in Jesus’ name”? Have you already been considering sponsorship? Maybe you’re reading this today because it’s time for you to move!
Look at my paycheck! These hand and foot tracings accompanied the first letter I received from Isaura a few weeks ago! Working with her
local project coordinator, she told me about her siblings, her pet kitties and that her favorite color is yellow…and she likes cherries. How random is that?? She wanted me to know she likes cherries!!
Here are some suggestions for supporting Compassion International and its good works; you can be a life-changer if you do one or all:
- Click this link to find children in greatest need, who’ve been waiting the longest for a sponsor. When a pair of eyes penetrate your heart, you’ll know your baby-girl or baby-boy (even if the child is a teen!).
- Stumble, Kirtsy or Digg, etc. this post.
- If you can’t commit to a monthly donation, would you consider a one-time contribution?
- Email your non-blogging friends and family with a link to this post; ask them to read it and to consider sponsoring a CI child.
- If you’re a blogger who sponsors a child, tell your story in a post (and please, let me know if you do or already have–I’ll link it here!)
I know these are bold requests; but it’s a simple way to join a global work, that seeks to incarnate the gospel for “the least of these“.
It’s not about me, it’s about them, and I’m privileged to speak on their behalf :).
More stories! They’re blessin’ my heart, internets. Blessin’ my heart!
- Dawn’s post for Guadalupe
- Antique Mommy’s post for Monserrat
- Julie’s story at Elisharose
- Cathy’s gonna have a story soon!
- …yours?
It’s always good to bring attention to Compassion International. Here’s the link to my story: http://myhomesweethomeonline.net/2008/02/16/meet-guadalupe/
I’ll stumble you.
Ya know how God kind of taps you on the shoulder when He is trying to impress a point? And when we don’t reposnd, he taps again, and then again? Well, you’ve just been another of those taps for me! It is time for me to sponsor a child. I’ve spent more than $32 on lunch just this week alone. Thanks for the tap!
Rob and I, along with our oldest daughter,visited our Compassion daughter In India. It was one of the most profound moments of my life. We have sponsored kids for 16 years. It never gets old. Watching these kids grow and knowing that we are literally saving them from a life of poverty is an amazing reward.
A small story, but my story just the same. I’m not a singer in a rock n roll band, just a mom.
We had talked about it for years. Like you, Shannon’s adventures were the impetus I needed to just do it. I blogged about it here:
And I’d be happy to be singer in a rock n roll band if someone wants to take me on.
Does it thrill y’all as much as it does me to read EVERYONE’S story? Thank you for sharing your thoughts and compassion children.
And BOOYAH, Cathy T!!!! PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE send me a copy of your baby girl or boy when you meet her or him :).
Thank you for this post! There are so many kids out there that need sponsers! My husband and I sponsor a little boy in India named Suresh. He shares a birthday with my daughter! I would love it someday if we could travel there and meet him, but we love exchanging letters with him, too.
Have been a Compassion sponsor for that last 17 years and I have personally through cards and letters, and personally in the flesh, seen it change the lives of children and also change my life as well.
Here’s a post I wrote about an amazing young man I “met” through Compassion.
Compassion works
so…I popped over to Rocks and Boomama just to read a little — and couldn’t stop. I read all their posts about their trip with compassion.
Good thing I didn’t have any make up on — I wept.
What are we talking here, maybe giving up a daily coffee? I feel so small.
A great supporter of World Vision is AIDtoCHILDREN.com.
AIDtoCHILDREN.com is a dual-purpose site for building an English vocabulary and raising money for under privileged children in the most impoverished places around the world.
Check it out at http://www.aidtochildren.com