Good gracious–I just realized I missed my three-year blogging anniversary! Though I didn’t share my URL with a soul for about six months, I always wrote as if I had an audience.
Help me celebrate? Share your favorite quote or happy thought or memory or scripture reference or favorite blog post of yours or mine…or whatever you feel like sharing in comments.
If you’re a lurker–a reader who never comments–would you pretty-please come out of the woodworks for this one? And if you’re a sometimes commentor (but haven’t in a while), would you be sure to say "hi"? If you’re an all-the-time commentor, THANK YOU DOESN’T BEGIN TO EXPRESS MY GRATITUDE FOR YOUR CONTINUED PATRONAGE AT CHEZ PENSIEVE.
Revised: Well, now, internets…THIS was FUN to come home to!!! I’m officially in the afternoon grind with my (not-so) babies, but THANK YOU for helping celebrate in style!!! Keep those cards & letters comin’…that’s some yes-ma’am-serious air blowin’ up my skirt!!! 🙂
P.S. if you happen to read the comment thread…the makings of a whiz-bang post is on the way…can you guess which comment??
xoxoxox Cyber hugs & candy kisses (& autographs if you insist) to my favorite readers!!! (Ummm, that would be…YOU!!!)
Hi, Robin! “Sometimes commenter” here! Am I first to say “Happy Blogiversary!”?
I’m still digging the orange glasses.
You Go Girl!!!! WOO HOO!!!!!!! 3 years of sharing, caring, throwing up, sending up, and just plain ole being YOU!!! I am SO glad to have met you and now call you my friend!!!
well, happy blogiversary! good for you for remembering. I never do.
Happy Blogiversary Girlie!! Not sure what my favorite quote, quip or verse would be ’cause I love ’em all!
Best thing was finding out we used to be practically neighbors! Wish we were still that close to each other!!!!
Congratulations, wow three years! That is so amazing. You are out here serving and following your bliss and that is inspiring! You go girl, here it to another three years! I’m a newbie here but happy to be a follower from here on out!
Happy Anniversary, Robin! I’ve told you (probably lots of times) that I love, love, love your blog. You are creative and inspiring and you make me want to be a better writer! Have an awesome anniversary day!
Hello and Happy Blogoversary!
I know you more from Twitter then from here.
A favorite Verse: Rom 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God,…
A favorite quote: “Stay at home, my heart, and rest…homekeeping hearts are happiest. ~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Favorite jokes: Blonde/Moron/Poleck jokes – they’re basically the same.
Q: What does a blonde say when you ask her if her blinker is working?
A: Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No.
3 years? I think that is 36 in Blog Years, right? I am just an insolent teenager at 14 Blog Years old, and so I am amazed at the path my elders are blazing! Awesome!!
Happy happy!! I missed my own 1 year Bloggiversary last week, and STILL haven’t done anything about it!
Happy 3rd.
Wishing you many more.
happy blogiversary!
Happy Blogiversary!! A quote that I can’t seem to shake from my head at the moment is “if you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got” – it does make sense!
I’m a lurker! Thanks for inviting me to the party anyway.
I’m the one standing in the back, enjoying the conversations around me, occasionally joining in, always on the lookout for someone who might feel left out.
I love the variety of your posts. Keeps things from getting wopsided.
I especially liked the ‘sin bites’ poem.
Here’s to many more blog-versaries!
Happy! Happy!
When’s the party? I’ve got the perfect fashion accessory to wear over at my place! I have it on good authority they’re “HAWT!”
Congrats on 3 years! I enjoy your blog!
just saying hi! i found your blog since i started following you on twitter. i think.
I guess I’m in between the lurkers and regulars. I read all the time, I just sometimes find myself not commenting.
Happy Blogging Anniversary!!!
No quote, but I will say that I love the friendship this blogging has allowed us to have. If we lived close to each other, I have a feeling that our husbands would have to get to know each other very well. :o)
Happy Bloggiversary!!!
Happy Anniversary Robin!
I’m one of your lurkers. Although I never comment I absolutely LOVE your blog!
Thanks for sharing.
Congratulations you sweet girl! Three years–oh my! I hope I make it that long. 😉
OF COURSE my favorite posts of yours are those having to do with Kiawah. Especially this one:
So how are you celebrating?
happy blogiversiary! Just wanted to say hi!
Happy Blogiversary!! Three years is awesome!
Happy 3rd! I just looked and found out my first is coming up, but I bet I’ll forget.
My favorite quote (no attribution; I may or may not have made it up myself) is “Panic is always a viable alternative.” Or it used to be. I haven’t used that one in a while. I guess I’ve panicked less as I’ve grown older.
Looking forward to knowing you better as we both blog more!
Here’s a fun verse:
Prov 26:11 Like a dog that returns to its vomit Is a fool who repeats his folly.
One time, we were having dinner with this incredible family (in their gorgeous home) when the dog walked into the kitchen and…good times,good times
Congrats Robin!:)
One of my favorites was when you tried on your wedding dress:).
Also the sweet things you post about your children:)
Happy Blogoversary!!! I look forward to reading along with you for many more years to come 🙂
Happy Bloggiversary, girlfriend!
Love the site! Happy bloggy-versary!
Happy Blogiversary! I’m a relatively new reader here, and I may or may not have commented before – can’t remember! – but congrats on three years of blogging, and best wishes for the next three-plus-many-more!
Happy 3 years! You’re rockin’ it!
Happy Blogiversary, Hon! Many more! 🙂
I’m a newbie to your rockin’ blog! Looking forward to coming year’s posts!
Happy 3rd Blogiversary!
New reader, but will still be here next year on your 4th!
Congrats on 3 years!!!
retweeted before I even came by-
HAPPY DAY!!! That is awesome (says I that is coming up on my 1 year in a few weeks.) Can’t wait to hear the final comment count!
lurker here…Happy Blogiversary:)
congrats on 3 years!! i just had my own 3 yr blogiversary in february. it flies by, doesn’t it??
btw, i’m here via a tweet by @darlaf on twitter. 😉
I’m a new commenter. Happy Blogoversary to you! 🙂
Happy Anniversary so glad you have you in blog world!!!
Happy Blogiversary, Robin!!!! I don’t know how you do it, but you do it WELL 😉
Happy 3. I had my 3 last June. And I so wanted a blog redesign. It wasn’t in the stars.
Hope you enjoy your party! Watch out for that air up your skirt. LOL
Though I haven’t been following you too long I’m so glad you have found you. I really enjoyed your post “Twinkling.”
Can’t wait to follow Inspired Bliss! Thanks for all your hard work.
Happy Bloggiversary. Many happy returns of the day.
Oh, at first I thought you meant our favorite quote, etc., from your blog.
I’ll never forget that our friendship began as a rivalry over George Clooney (who is really my celebrity soul mate, not yours).
Happy Bloggiversary!
Happy Blogiversary!!!!
I’m a first time commenter and was, actually, directed to your site by a retweet by HeadlessMom. I will definitely be a frequenter, love your posts.
Hope you had a great 3rd year Blogiversary!
Congratulations on your blogiversary! I’m a lurker, I read and rarely comment but I love reading your posts.
I;m here via twitter! Happy Day to you!
Well, since this is one of my all time favorite blogs EVAH, it is quite hard for me to choose just one post! I love a lot of your stuff from the old days, when you were on the “blue blog”. But, I must say, you did a very nice job on your “Trifecta” tribute to your lovely children. Keep up the good work. I’d sure miss my daily fix of Pensieve if you stopped!
Happy Anniversary Robin, from a long time reader, first time commenter.
Happy Blog-i-versary
Happy Blog-i-versary
(I’m a lurker… been brought out of the woodwork)
Better late to the party than never, I always say. It makes for a grand entrance….
Happy blogiversary to you. It was fabulous to meet you in person, I hope we get a chance to hang out again. =)
Happy Anniversary girlfriend! =)
Happy Blogiversary! I’m new as a reader too, and I’m pretty sure I’ve never commented. But I love your stuff!
Happy Bloggiversary!!! Three years and going strong!
My favorite saying right now is: Plurk you later. hahaha
My favorite post of yours is the 3 post trifecta about your children. Heartwarming.
and here is a joke for you (2nd grade humor).
What do you call a boy with no arms or legs who falls into a hole? Phil
Rolls through the leaves? Russel
Swims? Bob
Waterskis? Skip
Happy blogoversary, my friend! I’m too brain dead to think of something witty to say but I will say that my love for you is stronger than my hatred of Ike and that is saying something.
Yay for you! Keep writing!
Happy to know ya! You are the BOMB! My all american blogging idol!
Best wishes. Here’s to another 3 years, plus a few!
Happy blogiversary Robin!
Happy happy blogiversary! 🙂
I’m crushin’ on and lovin’ every stinkin’ one of you.
The question is: Is this a one-night stand or will YOU still love me tomorrow?
happy Blogiversary! *smooch*
Happy Blogiversary Robin!
The very first post of yours I ever read, and my favorite to this day, was on your original site. You admitted to a time when you didn’t “like” one of your kids.
I will never forget the anguish I felt with you as I read the post, and the relief and joy you shared at the end, celebrating a new stage in your relationship, where you once again found the unique wonder and beauty in your child.
Classic Pensieve.
Three years – wooo hoooo!!!!! Congrats!!! 🙂
You sure do know how to throw a party 😉 Even if it’s fashionably late! Congratulations on lasting 3 years. I have no idea when I should make my blogiversary be. But since I have written in a few weeks, maybe I should just start over 😀
Oh, and thanks very much for checking on me. It was nice to know I’ve been missed.
Lisa B.
Three years! Good job! I just started reading a month ago (or so).
Happy Bloggyversary Robin!!! I haven’t visited or commented much lately, life has sort of gotten in the way of my blogging, but I’m glad I get to at least follow you on Twitter. And now with IB, I can’t wait to get that ball rolling!
Here’s to another 3 years.
Happy birthday!!!!!! I didn’t bring you anything, but I can put the kettle on now I am here to give out tea and coffee for anyone who wants.
Shoot, I never miss a party…especially if there’s food. LOL…thanks for the invite and HAPPY 3rd BlOGIVERSARY!
Would I fail to join in on a Sanguine’s party?? Not a chance! I love celebrations and you young lady rock!
Happy blogoversary!
I hold onto Jer. 29:11 I know the plans I have for you , plans to make you prosper, to give you a future and a hope.
Hello, Many congratulations on your third blogging anniversary! That is quite a milestone. I wish you many more happy and healthy blog anniversaries. Cindi
Happy Blogversary girlie! Did you know that in blog years you’re actually 21? It’s not true. I just made that up to amuse myself.
Congratulations! I read your posts all the time, but I don’t comment very often.
I’m here reading…and commenting (sometimes) and wanted to congratulate you on your 3 years!!
Happy Anniversary!
Hey there! I’ve commented once or twice. . . Read daily, or at least as often as you pop up in my reader (which is everytime you have new entry!! :)) I’ve enjoyed your poetry, photos, ponderings, (ha illiteration, isn’t it grand?) and generally enjoy Pensieve in general. Congratulations on your 3 year anniversary!
Happy Blogiversary! Totally Love your work!
This is my favorite verse…
“Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, “The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.” The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD.” Lam 3:21-26 NIV
Congrats on your 3 year anniversary!
At least it wasn’t your wedding anniversary that you forgot. Which I have done – twice.
Looking forward o hearing your thoughts!
So . . . how many comments? Am I number 100? Did I put you over the top? Congratulations, my friend! Your blog rocks and that’s awesome that you’ve surpassed three years of bloggy goodness.
Blessings & many more years of bloggity fun!
Dianne 😀
Happy Blogiversary! I’m still in my first year and I want to thank you for being one of my blog role models. I read ya everyday and love every word. Congrats, again!
Wow – Sorry I’m so late to the party. 😉 It’s been a long day here. And I still can’t think any better than I did earlier. 😛
Having said that, I can’t think clearly enough to pick out a favorite blog post or anything of that nature, so I’ll tell you that my favorite bible passage is Psalm 18. It’s way to long to paste here, so you’ll have to go look it up. 🙂
Happy Blogiversary!
Congratulations! I just started reading your blog a month or two ago but I love it! I can SO relate to your take on life.
My favorite post of yours is “Twinkling” I still don’t look at my kids in quite the same way as I did before reading that post. For that, I thank you!
OK, you can count me as number 85 (I think!). You’ve got connections, girl! Happy third blogoversary! (((Hugs)))
A very happy Bloggiversary to you!!
Well Geez! Im out for a couple of days and you are all famous or something! No excuse! Where is my inspiration picture!!!!! Famous people do not impress me in the slightest! Now get with it woman!
Oh yeah congratulations on your bloggyversary!
First time commenting – new(can you believe it?) to blog reading – my fingers tingle on the mouse as they approach your page! Thank you for writing!
Happy Blogiversary..I’m coming up to the two year mark myself. I’m not sure I can pinpoint a favourite post of yours. I love reading about your children and of course some of the Fun Monday remember the vintage clothes! There are so many of your posts that I really enjoyed and hopefully there will be many more in the future.
congratulations, happy blogging!
blessings, Penny Raine
Happy Bloggy-versary!!
I love your blog because it has a bit of everything: great photos, funny moments, encouraging others to stretch their poetic side, spiritual pondering and every day life. I’m looking forward to reading more during the next year!
Another ‘sometimes commenter’ here to say happy 3rd bloggy anniversary!
Yay you! Congratulations!!
Happy Blogversary, wow three years! I love your blog as I’ve said before even though I don’t always agree with you, you always stop and make me think.
Some favourite quotes that I think are quite you 🙂
“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.”
Dr Suess
“She might be pointing to a doorway, or a person, or the sky. But such things were so common to my eyes, so undistinguished, that they would register as “nothing” I walked n a gray world of nothing.”
Jerry Spinelli
(you remind me a little of Stargirl because you sure don’t walk in a world of grey.)
“Man is born to trouble, as the sparks fly up”
Job (not really one for the bible but I’ve always liked that one)
What does one get for a third blog-iversary? Is there a blog-iquette guide for this? and where can I get one?
Thanks for the smiles and laughs.
Happy Blogiversary! I think I’ve commented here once before…
Ezekiel 44:18 says “…they must not wear anything that makes them perspire.”
I think that includes shoes, don’t you?
CONGRATS!!! Helping you get to 100 comments!!!!
Happy Anniversary! I’ve only seen been by a few times, but like what I see.
I’m new to the blogging world myself and am just now beginning to pick up steam.
Take care and God bless!
Hoping I’m number 100! Happy Anniversary, Robin!
I think I get to be 101!! I was waiting to be 100 and darn it, just missed it. Happy Anniversary!! I’ll share my prayers of thankgsiving that my diagnotic mammogram came back negative. WHOOT!! Praise be to God!!
Congratulations on THREE YEARS!!! That’s just wonderful! I can’t remember if I have commented or not, but I just love your blog. May you have many, many more blogiversaries to come!
HOW CAN I THANK Y’ALL? FOR a “words of encouragement” y’all are seriously giving me a GOOD WORD!
I’m touched…and appreciate EVERY VISIT!
🙂 🙂 🙂
Ah man! I’m commenter 103! CONGRATS! And thanks for making yourself public!!
nope, i was 104, and now i’m 105 too!
Hey, Robin! I love your blog and often visit but have never commented. I often mean to but by the time I come up with something clever and cute to write, I’ve moved on to something else. I’m just a bit scatterbrained at times. Just a bit. Sometimes. Anyway, congratulations on your blogiversary!
Hey, Robin! I love your blog and often visit but have never commented. I often mean to but by the time I come up with something clever and cute to write, I’ve moved on to something else. I’m just a bit scatterbrained at times. Just a bit. Sometimes. Anyway, congratulations on your blogiversary!
Hey, Robin! I love your blog and often visit but have never commented. I often mean to but by the time I come up with something clever and cute to write, I’ve moved on to something else. I’m just a bit scatterbrained at times. Just a bit. Sometimes. Anyway, congratulations on your blogiversary!
My best memory? Why, I got to meet you via our respective blogs, of course!
Sometimes, I think back and can’t remember what it was like to NOT be part of this community. It really is an amazing thing.
I’ll selfishly go on record wishing you many more years of bloghood. I can’t imagine all this not being here.
Holy cow! Over 100 comments!!! Let me see… “If you live in fear you’re not living at all.” It’s a quote I made up myself. Nice, huh?! Being a Christian you know that the opposite of FAITH is FEAR and where perfect love is fear must GO!!! Whenever you feel fear, whether it’s a fear of failure or fear for your life, know that God’s perfect love can calm down that torrent and give you peace!!!
Congrats on THREE years!
happy bloggy anniversary! coming out of the wordwork for this festivity. . . congrats!
It’s been a loooong time since I’ve commented here, and I can’t believe I missed your anniversary party. CONGRATS!!!