A not-so-funny thing happened while my husband and I were at his business conference in Atlanta this week:  we got a call that his youngest brother’s wife, pregnant with their first baby, was going to have an emergency C-section seven weeks before her due date.

Leaving the conference early, we flew to South Carolina with our wheels barely touching ground to be with them.  When we arrived, after making sure our baby sister-in-love was fine, we got to meet the newest addition to our family.  Weighing in at a bitty four pounds, four ounces, he’s just perfect.


He’s the tenth grandchild in our family, which makes him special; he’s also the only one to arrive in such spectacular fashion.

When he wrapped his teensy fingers around my pinky, he had ME wrapped around HIS little finger.  S i g h….


Just hours old, it’s obvious he’s brilliant.  Auntie Robin can sense these things.

I told Daddy Michael I counted, and David did, in fact, have ten toes–six on one foot and four on the other.  I think he was so dazed and confused, he missed the humor.

In typical PENSIEVE form, I HAD to photograph his feet.  Baby feet are the sweetest in the world.  I can’t wait until I actually get to h o l d my baby nephew; that will be the BEST early Christmas gift ever!


To all my Twitter peeps who were praying for his safe arrival, thank you!  It was cool to know so many of you cared enough to do so :).


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